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Up and Running with Advance Steel | Autodesk University – Description
Our commitment to net zero, for instance has been well articulated,. We partner with skills development organisations to impart essential business skills and support. We have also implemented an internal GBV policy, aimed at providing support to victims. You were appointed CEO in July — and have been at the helm during the pandemic. COVID impacted all of us including businesses, big and small, society and government globally.
Unfortunately there is no playbook to deal with it. It is new to all of us, including the medical fraternity. We are learning every day. COVID has afforded us the opportunity to reimagine where, how and when we work. In addition to mastering these physical challenges, women also display empathy and caring, bringing a different perspective. Organisations are actually in good hands when women are leading. For me it is not about leading from the front, but leading from behind.
Empower your teams by giving direction and the rest will follow. It is important that we lead by example especially in these pandemic times.
It was absolutely essential to listen to our people. At all times our offices are accessible to those who need to access our networks or wifi, and we developed a remote working charter of ten promises which is about valuing and supporting one.
This investment served us well when COVID struck — in Southern Africa, this resulted in the entire firm transitioning seamlessly to working from home, with short notice. This has accelerated the conversation about the future of the workplace and what that will look like. A lot of our clients are, as are we, having conversations around hybrid models of working.
Currently, a hybrid model is being exercised to manage the different waves and lockdown levels. Aligning with the objectives of our new world. New skills initiative, our staff all have access to our Digital Fitness app, which provides them with access to digital learning resources aimed at building their knowledge and skills, in their own time.
Building on the DFA, our digital transformation journey, called Our Tomorrow, has seen our people having access to powerful new digital tools aimed at taking them and PwC into the future. What is your assessment of the role of leadership during these difficult times? The role of leadership during these difficult times is defined by the following attributes of leadership: selfless, agile, adaptable, inclusive, emotional intelligence, decisive, courageous, fearless, innovative, humble, visionary, resilient, caring, collaborative, transparent, authentic, trustworthy, truthful, creativity, passion.
It takes leaders with a combination of all of the above to be able to lead successfully during difficult times. How are you ensuring you leave a legacy of excellence? I believe in lifting as I rise.
No one should be left behind. Operating in silos dilutes power; my leadership style is collaboration with a focus on passing on wisdom. I use any opportunity to share my story — which includes successes and failures. A quality culture is something that as a firm we have been consistently driving and I take every opportunity to communicate this to our people to ensure it is part of our DNA.
What drives you? My purpose and values drive me. Do you have any advice for young women aspiring to leadership roles? I believe that the future is female, therefore there are many opportunities for young women aspiring to leadership roles. You need to show up and accumulate experience in order to be confident in your leadership role. Exercise ethical leadership to manage your reputation, show up and have confidence.
The road to success is not easy. Learn from it. Make time for yourself and your dreams, and then go out and pursue them. If you fall, roll, stand up,. What exciting plans do you have for the next year? As a firm, we have recently refreshed our Africa strategy, which is also aligned to our global strategy called The New Equation. Globally we saw how fundamental changes shaping our world include technological disruption, climate change, fractured geopolitics, and the continuing effects of the COVID pandemic.
People all over the world agree on two interconnected needs that they will face in the coming years. The first is to build trust, which has never been more important, nor more difficult. Organisations increasingly need to earn trust across a wide range of topics that are important to their stakeholders. Success depends on fundamental shifts in the way executives think, organisational culture, systems and ambition.
The second is to deliver sustained outcomes in an environment where competition and the risk of disruption are more intense than ever and societal expectations have never been greater. Businesses need to change faster and more thoroughly to attract capital, talent and customers. Too often, however, narrowly conceived transformation initiatives do not deliver the outcomes they promise.
A new approach is needed. Now, every organisation will approach these challenges in the way that is most suitable to their unique circumstances, and in a way that makes sense to them. By bringing our unique combination of capabilities together, and matching it with serious investment and our commitment to quality, we can help clients unlock value for shareholders,.
Our growth strategy is aligned to our purpose, because we believe that we cannot be an island of prosperity in a poverty stricken environment. Business must do well by doing good. We therefore anticipate making significant investments and creating more than jobs. The strategy also presents a lot of opportunities to our people in the areas of international development, cybersecurity, value creation, digital transformation and ESG.
Again quality is non-negotiable in everything we do. Overall, we see ourselves as a community of problem solvers who do not just provide those solutions, but also look for them.
Do you have a message for people out there struggling to survive? Feeling fearful, anxious, depressed and uncertain is normal. While the current situation is challenging, there are definitely opportunities that as a collective, we need to embrace.
There is an opportunity for us to emerge from this crisis as better people. We can connect better through technology, therefore there is no need to isolate yourself. Learn to do things differently e. This is the perfect time to develop ourselves by learning new skills. To those running businesses, please be innovative and try to diversify your business. Please describe your journey to joining PwC.
Growing up in a township, I was very aware of the challenges of poverty and lack of opportunities. As a result, I was very focused on education as a catalyst for the change I wanted to see. Being a CA was my dream from a very young age, so when I was successful in my application for a PwC bursary, I was determined to make the most of the opportunity this provided. This is why I was particularly intrigued to understand why that was; and there was no better place to find out than from within.
I enjoyed my time in the banking and capital markets industry, and I loved the experience, exposure and support I got, all the way through to partnership. Since your admission to the partnership in , your client work has focused on banking and capital markets, and other industry group audits.
Please describe your current role and responsibilities. Given my journey, I understand the barriers to entry, and the obstacles that pose a personal challenge to succeeding in the financial services industry. I feel a responsibility to directly and positively impact the journey of the generations that follow. There were both positive and negative impacts on my team. On the positive side,. It is possible to work differently, and that realisation has been accelerated and embraced.
The biggest challenge was that boundaries were tested; we all had longer days but more than anything — we lost the personal touch to an extent. This made it more challenging to emphasise our culture and values when everyone was working remotely. I think by now everyone is familiar with the themes relating to gender equality arising from the pandemic. The evidence emerging globally from the latter is that the damage from COVID and government response and recovery policies, are disproportionately being felt by women.
In order to undo the damage caused by COVID to women in work — even by — progress towards gender equality needs to be twice as fast as its historical rate. As Head of Diversity and Inclusion for PwC, what have been some of your major accomplishments — and how do you think we can speed up the transformation journey in SA?
With this role, there is no personal accomplishment. I would emphasise that what we have achieved has been a team effort, supported by our values and advocated for by our leadership team.
We have increased the number of female partners within the organisation, as well as the leadership positions occupied by females. We recently rolled out what we call the Inclusion Badge — this is a platform that will enhance inclusive leadership and therefore inclusion within the firm, with a targeted and progressive lens.
Diversity and Inclusion remain a top priority for us. What is particularly close to my heart is ensuring that the firm has inclusive policies and targeted programmes that focus on new graduates entering our business, so they have a positive working experience.
Referring to the transformation aspect, there are multifaceted challenges and obstacles that directly impact transformation in South Africa. Most industries, including ours, have a mature understanding of these challenges and have implemented appropriate strategies to address them.
Consistent application and continuous improvements to these existing strategies is the only way to ensure that transformation happens at a faster pace. What inspires you about what you do? I am inspired by the trailblazer leaders who have come before me; they inspire me to progress that which they have started.
Working with young people and having access to agents of change also keeps me inspired and wanting to do more, be more and impact more. How would you describe your purpose? I see my purpose as being very aligned to where I began my personal journey. As a young black township girl, who has successfully scaled many obstacles, I feel privileged to be where I am. My purpose is to remove as many of those barriers, for as many women as I can, in order to see more young women lead in the corporate space.
How have you resolved the pain points in your career? Mentorship and resilience have been critical to me accomplishing what I set my mind to. Having mentors from diverse backgrounds has helped shape my critical thinking, self-awareness and ability to impact and influence. I have accepted that oftentimes, pain points are catalysts for growth.
Being resilient and able to learn from these is important for me. What advice do you have for aspirant accountants? Work hard and celebrate each milestone. Understand that growth in this profession is a journey. Be self-reflective. Remember that each successfully navigated challenge increases your resilience. This is a critical time for business, educators, government and other stakeholders to work together in a more agile, resilient and inclusive manner and to commit to ameaningful and sustained investment in societal purpose.
I would spend half an hour reading more with my children, and the other half an hour watching cartoons again with my children — in my household, we believe in superheroes. Please share any exciting plans you may have for the future While we have accomplished significant milestones in ensuring that inclusion and diversity enjoy the prominence that they deserve at PwC, there is still much to be done.
I look forward to building on the strong foundation that we have already established, in line with our purpose of building trust in society and solving important problems. Do you have a message for our readership? The role of business in society has changed dramatically. This is a critical time for business, educators, government and other stakeholders to work together in a more agile, resilient and inclusive manner and to commit to a meaningful and sustained investment in societal purpose.
We all have a role to play in this. And, when you stumble, keep faith. I regularly visit the home and spend time with the children. I also support the home financially and every Christmas we make Santa shoeboxes for the kids and host a Christmas party for the home. We provide extra maths and English lessons to the children. I know all of them by name and they know me and most Sundays after church I take them lunch and I provide them with a monthly allowance.
I also give them medication when they are not feeling well. Implats is committed to gender mainstreaming, defined as the intentional advancement of women in the workplace and the establishment of plans and policies. Gender diversity is a business priority, ranging from setting targets to holding leaders accountable for results.
The main focus is in addressing all areas where women are underrepresented and to close the gender gaps in retaining, hiring, promotions and pay. We started employing women underground in and targeted employment of women at entry level with the aim to develop and promote from within. Our skills development programmes aim to create a pipeline of young diverse talent, with specific focus on increasing women representation and succession planning to ensure advancement within the various career paths.
Our training programmes reflect a significant increase in intake of women at tertiary education level and in-house training opportunities with the aim of presenting more opportunities for women in core and critical occupations.
Mentoring is also a great way to build confidence in junior employees and programmes are implemented to up-skill women on identified training programmes and succession planning. The presence of women promotes gender equity in the industry, and they contribute to the available workforce that directly feeds the economy, so their inclusion has a noticeable socioeconomic impact.
Implats is committed to gender mainstreaming. Our policies and procedures are aimed at contributing to sound employee relations, attracting and retaining talent and ensuring the continuous development of our employees, while offering opportunities for career progression with a particular emphasis on women.
We have taken decisive steps to improve our approach to. The focus is addressing all areas where women are under-represented and to close the gender gaps by retaining, hiring and promotions. We made good progress in our financial year in promoting equitable representation at all levels at our South African operations. A key objective in the mining industry is to have sufficient representation of women at all levels.
We support this intervention and continue to collaborate with the Minerals Council, the government and organised labour, to promote gender diversity and inclusion at all levels in the workplace. Besides our external-facing social media platforms, we have implemented an employee engagement app which is enhancing our ability to reach all our employees with information that is critical for an informed, unified, motivated and performancedriven workforce.
It is helping to ensure that employees who were previously not connected to the business are empowered with information on business strategies, goals and targets so that we are collectively working towards one common purpose.
Implats is committed to playing its role in the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, supporting the government and working with other stakeholders to build thriving communities. Our initiatives aimed at achieving ESG excellence are aligned with and build on our ongoing commitment to the UN Global Compact and its 10 principles, to which we have been a signatory since Implats has identified and prioritised 11 sustainable development goals where we believe we can have the most meaningful impact.
Through our core activities and collaborative efforts to build capacity in our communities, we are making a valuable contribution to meeting national and global developmental objectives.
Our future leaders will develop the insights and skills to further entrench the Implats Way, to lead with an innovative mindset, to examine strategic thinking and tools for execution, and to develop the important skills of a leader as a coach.
Implats has six mining operations and the toll refining business, Impala Refining Services. Implats employs more than 50 people, including contractors, across its operations.
At the end of its financial year, Implats had available PGM mineral resources of million 6E ounces and mineral reserves of If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.
As a director and patron of Women in Mining South Africa WiMSA , Thabile is a strong proponent for the advancement of women in mining and has been recognised globally for her work in this area. She was one of. This initiative is very close to my heart as women should support and empower other women who are less fortunate than themselves.
On a biannual basis we collect food, clothes, toys, books and other essentials which we donate to the home. With confidence, determination, the right support and mentorship, you can achieve the impossible. How have you implemented gender driven development in the workplace?
We have taken decisive steps over the past two years to improve our approach to creating an environment conducive to gender equality and to address barriers to the employment, retention and the advancement of women. Our diversity and employment equity strategy and action plans at our South African operations align with the Mining Charter III targets and with our plans and policies aimed at fostering our desired organisational culture.
Our operational transformation steering committees play a key role in driving the strategic plans. All our operations are implementing five-year employment equity plans to How has gender empowerment strengthened your organisation? Our commitment to employee diversity is driven not only by strong compliance.
For Implats, gender diversity is a business imperative. The GEI measures gender equality across five pillars: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policies, and pro-women brand.
What technological innovations are you using in your organisation to keep in line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4IR? The Implats MyImplats mobile app provides the CEO and his executive team with up-to-date, consolidated external market information and internal performance information through a single interface, delivered via a mobile device. We are also implementing face recognition technology to cater for the health and safety of our employees at the operations.
How are you using social media to create more business? Our Company-managed social media. What is your position on doing business in Africa? Africa as a continent faces many challenges, including its marginalisation from the global economy, insufficient development finance, healthcare and poor infrastructure. Leadership challenges are also a challenge. There are, however, compelling sector investment opportunities in Africa, such as oil and gas, and an abundance of minerals, making Africa a lucrative place to conduct business.
What skills do you think leaders of the future are going to need? Future leaders need the requisite skills and qualities to lead organisations in a world disrupted by technology.
They need to inspire, develop talent and drive innovation in their organisations. Future leaders need to be able to lead and motivate diverse teams with various generation gaps that result in complexities in the workplace.
They also need to be agile and learn to base company decisions on facts and data as opposed to mostly relying on employee experience. Which female leaders inspire you the most, and why? I am inspired by numerous female leaders, including my mom, due to her grit and her abilities to overcome challenges despite adversities. Another female leader that inspires and motivates me the most, who I admire and respect so much, is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.
She has demonstrated sheer determination and led with compassion during challenging world events, such as the Covid pandemic. She is agile, embraces diversity and has applied a modern approach to leadership, a trait that many leaders have not yet embraced. Sumarie Greybe Sumarie Greybe has built a career as one of the leading short-term insurance actuaries in South Africa. She headed short-term insurance consulting at her own firm, Quindiem Consulting, for over 15 years.
Born and bred in Pretoria, South Africa, Sumarie together with co-founders Alex Thomson and Ernest North successfully raised funding and started to work full-time on Naked Insurance in , which officially launched in April She believed insurance needed to adapt to current times, technology, and social standards, and offer the transparency and trust that consumers expect from a Financial Services Provider. We want to create an insurance offering that people love because the customer experience is convenient, the exchange of value is fair and transparent, and the company is doing the right things for customers and the wider community.
But it goes further. Unlike traditional insurers, we charge our clients a flat fee, and donate money left in the pot allocated for claims to causes in our Naked Difference programme at the end of the year. Be passionate about solving it and coming up with a solution.
Adjust and improve based on customer feedback and testing. Find value even in negative feedback, and if necessary, rethink and try again. The fact that the other two founders of Naked and I share the same goals. It makes the journey of building a new business much more enjoyable. Great leaders trust, strengthen and empower their teams. They give people the opportunity and autonomy to grow. They see the value people can offer and give them the space to deliver on it.
Another key trait is reliability — leaders must live up to their promises. I believe that we can change how insurance works in South Africa, reinventing it so that it serves the interests of consumers. Insurance is such an important part of our lives, and making it better will make a positive difference to society.
This is an opportunity for me to use my skills to make a meaningful impact. Since we started Naked, I have been reading extensively to brush up my marketing and start-up skills. The launch of Naked Insurance was a highlight for me, as is every customer milestone that we pass.
What we are really proud of is that our business growth is driven largely by customer referrals—we are. One of my proudest moments was when we made our first Naked Difference payment to six causes in October This year, we will be able to pay out even more to causes. I believe in keeping my mind and body healthy. I practice meditation and have found the Waking Up with Sam Harris podcasts to be helpful. I stay fit by swimming and running regularly with two daughters who make sure I keep up with them.
I find stories of ordinary people doing incredible things and achieving success incredibly inspiring. It affirms that it is possible for anyone to achieve their dreams and goals. In terms of who, I am reluctant to highlight specific people because so many people played and still play a role in my life and influenced its outcomes. My grandmother and mother are both strong, independent women who were influential in my life, and my dad showed me that hard work and a positive attitude make anything possible.
Throughout my career, I have had numerous individuals that have supported me in incredible ways and have given me lots of opportunities at each step of the way. Do what you say — I believe it is important to be reliable and deliver on what you say you will do.
Have an inquisitive mind — get your hands dirty in all elements of the business. Remember that you are only as good as your team. It is simply not possible to do everything successfully on your own. Creative marketing guru and edgy entrepreneur, Kopano Ruth Pheladi Moshoana, is the founder of the digital business known as KPRM Marketing Solutions, and owner and co-founder of Sorted VA — a virtual assistance agency, providing solutions geared towards helping small business owners save time and money, through ad-hoc duties, email management, events support and management.
Kopano is quite passionate about impacting at scale through entrepreneurship. Who are you inspired by and why? I am inspired by my older brother, Nkosi, because of his selfless nature and amazing mind.
He has been such a great source of guidance to me, in life and in business too. It has been such a gradual and exciting journey, honestly. I then decided to start my own Agency the year thereafter. It was, surprisingly, an easy path to pursue as I know that this was my true purpose in life.
However, the day-to-day challenges can often be challenging, but my vision keeps me going. At KPRM Marketing, we specialise in establishing, maintaining and growing the online presence of your business brand, among other specialities. We offer a wide range. It is important to have a teachable spirit — having a passion to learn everyday is key. What are the most rewarding parts of your job? The most rewarding part of my job is getting to help others prosper, by representing them in the best way possible, offering high quality services.
Every business deserves intentional brand building to win! What have been some major obstacles in your career, and how did you conquer them? Trying to stand out from the pool of other upcoming digital agencies; the online space is overly saturated with what we do, but I always embrace our unique mission, which is uplifting Africa through Digital transformation.
This is exactly what keeps us motivated through the turbulent, trying times in this field. What advice do you have for young women who aspire to work in your field?
Just start! The internet avails us the opportunity to learn how to use all things digital to help ourselves and others, and there is a plethora of educational content that you can. If you know how to utilise your God-given skills correctly, then you will always stand out.
Honestly speaking, I am not much of an avid reader, but rather a keen learner of all things, and acquiring general knowledge. I resonated with it so much because I truly believe that it is within the midst of struggle that we actually build character.
My hobbies include some good old meditating, sitting down and journaling, and listening to music. I believe, and can attest to the fact that true success, in life, is built through collaboration with others. Top to bottom: Folorunsho Alakija; Ngina Kenyatta; Hajia Bola Shagaya; Wendy Appelbaum; Wendy Ackerman Looking at the list of the richest women in Africa, what is striking is that acquiring billionaire status does not happen overnight.
Everyone featured here has spent a lifetime investing in, and growing, their entrepreneurial empires. Silver hair and gold in the bank! She is the owner of several groups of companies including Dayspring Property Development Company Limited, a real estate company which owns properties around the globe, as well as Rose of Sharon Prints and Promotions.
She started. Nearly 40 years later she is CEO of Bolmus Group International with interests in oil, real estate, banking, and photography. Hajia founded Practoil Limited, and in became its managing director. Today Practoil is one of the largest importer and distributors of base oil in Nigeria today.
The company extends its food and retail services across South Africa, southern Africa and even Australia, and has employed an estimated 49, people over the years. Overall, Wendy is also a director of Sphere Holdings Pty Ltd, which is a black empowerment company addressing financial services in mining sectors.
Along with her husband Raymond Ackerman, Wendy has been a tremendous force in building up one of South. Currently in self-imposed exile in Dubai she is embroiled in legal battles while watching her empire implode. We adjust our wide range of benefit options every year, while keeping it simple and user-friendly. We aim to make quality healthcare accessible to all South Africans and offer a wide range of plans that are simple to understand and easy to use. Bonitas is there for its members, which was demonstrated more than ever during the COVID pandemic where several strategies — including free virtual consultations — were introduced to assist our members in terms of care, information, testing and vaccines.
Bonitas celebrates 40 years as a private healthcare scheme in South Africa, evolving and expanding its capabilities in response to the needs of a growing membership base. We have a total of beneficiaries and are pleased that we are one of only two medical schemes in South Africa that saw membership growth in the past year.
We are proud to say that, despite the poor economic performance in South Africa, Bonitas, which belongs to the members, is fiscally healthy with a total of R7. We have a rich heritage and solid understanding of the South African private healthcare industry.
We know the rising cost of healthcare is the top concern for our members. Therefore, our team of experts is constantly looking for innovative ways to reduce costs and increase benefits. We make strategic investments in technology, for example, to ensure lifestyle diseases are identified before they become chronic. Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, newlywed, a young couple with children, retiree or minimum wage earner, we have benefits which will match your needs.
We know that we all need peace of mind when it comes to healthcare which is why Bonitas has a plan for you. This is how we fulfil our aim of providing affordable, quality healthcare for all South Africans. To support the process of empowering and developing women within Bonitas, we have a Learning and Development Policy to promote continuous learning and development. Furthermore, Bonitas has a Talent and Succession Management Policy and Framework in place to provide guidance in terms of talent identification and development.
Foster relationships Embrace every opportunity Continuous learning Balance yourself Influence with impact. Bonitas has a lean senior management team given the structure of the Scheme and the current outsourcing model. However, over the past few years, gender empowerment has strengthened the senior management team by creating a balance and by offering unique management and interpersonal skills.
Since women typically excel in emotional intelligence and empathy, these leadership styles often strengthen the employee work ethic, employee development, respect amongst employees, critical thinking skills and collaboration.
As a women leader within Bonitas, I strive to gain as much experience and influence within my current team structure. In doing this, it is important to promote a healthy worklife balance and exemplify integrity. There are many ready-in tools, especially ‘Reverse Animation’ is a great tool. Thank you very much. Hello everyone, i get this error whenever i try to use flatten components I just installed the bonus tool but there are missing some option, like in modeling slide components is missing and also draw split and draw reduce.
It was working for me for a while. But then just stopped suddenly. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer. I wanna too support for Maya , because i ‘m a beta tester of Maya, so we have already. Would be great to have bonus tools for it already, but i don’t believe they will do it. I have a lot of fatal error when I change the options of this tool I want to see my shaders library vray, arnold, maya shaders : no icons.
Any way to see them? This crash bug has been fixed in the latest version of BT. This fix should work in both Maya and Maya Otherwise icons can been created and viewed for any mb, ma or fbx file.
LayoutTools Browser Doesn’t Work!!! With a lot of fatal error due to the Browser and I can’t see any icons in it.. This has been addressed in the latest version. The fix should work in both Maya and Maya Go into the Plug-in Manager and load the xgenToolkit. The auto unwrap UV’s tool should work fine afterwards.
Disabled it? Crashes every time I change icon size in the layout window tried on different computers. Images displayed in icons are not scaled so appear cropped. Works fine in , but I also want it to work in , which is also installed on my Mac, but the “universal installer” provided ignores it, and does not install bonus tools to the older installed version of Maya.
Please we need the version of this plugin! I think the bonus tools should be part of each Maya releases. Item Detail. Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools Autodesk, Inc. Digitally signed app. Mac OS Win64 Linux. Read Help Document. About This Version Version Screenshots and Videos. Customer Reviews. Ken Huling June 03, Timothy Handy July 14, This is Autodesk.. Please update for MAYA Thank you in advance. Richardson Cussney October 08, You have to set the interface in animation mode to see the Bonus Tools menu :.
Please fix. Andrey Gaman September 07, Same problem here. I had the same problem. Ugonier Gotix July 09, Load once and disappear. Haven’t been able to load it back again after re installing.
As luck would have in I need this urgently to create a Shrinkwrapped part of some Catia files which at the moment are only meshes. Every time I’ve tried to use Mesh Enabler for a part that really isn’t that big, the program crashes. I keep seeing that the bug has been fixed but I’m still having this problem.
I can’t seem to get the download link to appear. I am signed in and i click the subscription app button but nothing happens besides more dialogue. Would really like to use this app. To become a subscriber, please contact your reseller to help you. I am in the same boat. I have logged in, gone to subscription page, and no download. Has anyone figured this out? What a cool tool that addresses a need in my class Where is the link? I click Subscription App but it doesn’t let me download.
Hey Eric, I was having the same problem and customer support was no help. I think their license server was down for a bit for educational licensing because now I can download it. This is exactly what I’ve been needing! Saved me a few times, and couldn’t be simpler! The only thing I guess I could ask for would be tools to automatically reduce the mesh size within the tool – but there are plenty of other programs for that try Meshmixer!
This works very well! The only problem is that I cannot figure out how to import designs that were exported as mm. They import as inches and show up very large. You may have solved this already but just in case: When you are importing the model you can click on options and a window will appear.
Here you can select the units, by default they should be set to “Template Units” and here you could change it to whatever unit you need. I’ve installed the addin, and I’m attempting to do a mesh convert from the file as an. IPT, and after accepting the operation, it just seems to hang. I mean I cannot do a single thing after starting it. A few mouse clicks later, and the ‘busy wheel’ appears, and Inventor SP1 is no longer responding.
I am having the same problem for bigger. Smaller are converted fine. I have waited for hours but nothing happens. Is there a solution besides waiting? I tried to convert a. I have changed the star rating from an original 2 stars to 4 stars now. Rocky fixed the issue and it seems to work fine now. Thanks Rocky. I am fixing this issue and will publish the newer version.
Thanks for your feedback. Thank you Rocky for looking into it. I am using SP1 so I look forward to the new version when it is available. Seems to work fine now after Rocky fixed it up. Thanks Rocky! This next comment doesn’t really have anything to do with how the Mesh Enabler works other than how you import then use the Enabler: Make sure you know what your units are of the.
I opened a customer model and it looked correct until I made a measurement and it was 12″ the real measurement was 0. The customer exported in mm and I imported in inch. So it sees the 12 as the value and the import doesn’t know or care what it is but as soon as I changed my import option to mm the. Once the. Jeremy, I am having the same problem with it importing in inches when it should be in mm. How did you change the option to import in mm?
Evan, What I did is when you go to open your. That should do it. Keep in mind I believe it keeps as a default when you change that and you may have to go back and return it to whatever units you normally save in.
Hope this helps. When it works, works good. Can run the same file twice in a row. One time converts meshes, next it won’t. Mesh Enabler. Autodesk, Inc. Digitally signed app. Subscription App. Description The Mesh Enabler application converts mesh features to solid base features or surface features. Read Help Document. About This Version Version 1. Screenshots and Videos. Customer Reviews. L F April 06, Brandon Mooney December 15, To the folks who see all the “doesn’t work! Deividas Palacionis June 22, Thank you so much, i can confirm it works fine.
Michael Hahn August 24, Thank you so much for this update!! Ludovic Duvanel August 16, Please update the app, very usefull and no alternative found. Thank you a lot in advance ofr developpement.
Elliott Potter August 12, Kirsten Jongman August 12, Brad Greentree July 29, Hi When it is compatible with Inventor Alternative? Jason Blane July 19, Jennifer Remy July 09, Daniel Leinz June 29, Please, Upgrade Scott Mikutsky June 24, Charles Louwagie June 28, Deividas Palacionis June 14, Please, Upgrade for INV to support.
Updating my note: It’s working fine now with ver. Marc Schneider May 28, Luciano Demarchi May 27, No funciona para Inventor , tuve que descar inventor Espero actualizacion. Navjot Cheema May 25, Doesn’t work with , please update it.
Alexandria Avery May 21, Levi Erickson May 14, Need to be updated. Doesnt work with inventor. Kai Jan Klimscha March 31, Not even the mentioned button appears. Compto December 06, Same for me.
Alexander Messer December 28, Kerry Hicks December 30, Rocky Zhang Publisher December 31, Christopher Nguyen January 04, Wayne Newberry January 04, Adil Bu January 09, Wayne Newberry May 14, Manju Odland November 14, Just Tried and it seems to work! Friedrich Kellner November 10, Stefan Chindea June 10, Ian Rose September 06, Make it compatible with Inventor please! Rocky Zhang Publisher April 20, Published the 1.
Thanks for your patience. Todd Mail April 26, Arik Bebes February 19, Alex Cope March 14, Rodolfo Ramos Castelo Branco April 05, Jordi Muller May 30, Jason Lawrence July 22, Aashrit Gautam August 05, Lorenzo Barabino November 12, Thank you, they should definetly write this somewhere.