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– Mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free


The main part of our production is focused on the hobby fishing, feeder, match fishing and spinning. In the product range you can find the tackle for uncompromising carp anglers marked with the M-CARP symbol. We also offer many products for hobby fishing, feeder and match fishing. So, this year our brand celebrates the 10th anniversary. Within this ten-year period the Mivardi became very popular and our fishing tackle is being used by thousands of satisfied anglers.

It is symptomatic there are Mivardi distributors in ten countries of Europe ten years after the first introduction of the Mivardi products in the market. Every time we emphasize the precise technical design of every product, strictly windows license enterprise free manufacturing process and the output quality control. In our product range you can find many products that come from our exclusive design and offer some new technical solutions. It is a response to the wishes of our customers who ask for some specific features.

These products often bring a new special construction not offered by any other brand. We always use the original spare parts and the after sales service is available for full range of our products.

The top level fishing tackle made for enthusiastic and demanding carp anglers. These products were developed with emphasize on the top quality of used materials, a reliable function, a perfect manu. As an example we can mention the awards Bivvy of the yearBivvy of the yearChair of the year and the Grand Prix award for the best product of the show For Fishing in Prague. In the 10th anniversary season the Mivardi brand enters the market with significantly innovated family of the carp baits RAPID.

After long time lifecam vx 3000 windows 10 development and testing we are proud to introduce the full product range of boilies, pellets and other.

Their improved features and effectiveness have been confirmed by our testers at many venues. We can mention the new pellets. G50 Carp One of the best carp rods for the long casting in the market.

Within a short time this rod won an excellent reputation not only in the Czech Republic. Its unique blank with 1K cross woven carbon reinforcement has enough power for extreme long and mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free casts. It is really difficult to fully utilize its huge power reserve. This rod follows the modern trend of the carp rod building when a good fish playing action together with mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free extra long casting abilities are required.

Mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free manufacturing quality is a matter of course for this rod. Spod Rod G50 Uncompromising and powerful смотрите подробнее rod made in two versions for casting the bait rocket or method mix balls. Based on the same quality blank as the top level carp rods this rod is born mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free achieve the extreme casting distances.

Big guides from 16mm top guide to 50mm bottom guide allow an accurate baiting at the longest distances not achievable with common spod rods. Phenom Carp FC Luxurious range of carp rods with extraordinary slim and dynamic blank.

With these rods you will enjoy playing the smaller sized as well as the specimen carps. Thanks to the fast blank the long casts can be achieved easier than you would expect. Excellent manufacturing quality is a matter of course for this rod. Vector Carp 2 New developed carp rods with an interesting /25055.txt of the used material, blank action and dynamics.

Models with heavier casting weight are fitted with big 50mm bottom guide to achieve maximum casting distance with the big spool reels. The rod is built on a new blank with excellent dynamics and extraordinary resistance in critical situations.

Precise manufacturing of every detail, FUJI reel seat and high level Kigan SIC oversized guides ensure the top quality while still keeping very interesting price. Vector Carp 3 The 3 section versions of the Vector carp rods, developed with regards to the specific demands of the 3 section rod construction.

Mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free material specification and the extraordinary blank dynamics are same as you get from the 2 section models. The stronger versions fitted with big guides 50mm bottom guide are exceptional between the 3 section carp rods overall. They allow casting at the very long distances that you would normally achieve with 2 section rods only. Professional Feeder Feeder rod for competitors and demanding anglers born to offer the best quality.

Very slim but really fast blank made from IM 9 carbon in two or three mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free allows the perfect action нажмите чтобы прочитать больше this rod in all available versions. The blank is fully reinforced by the Cross Woven Carbon. Carefully positioned SIC guides allow the smooth bend and perfect control when playing the fish.

This rod is equipped with the Duplon handle and four tips. Aeron Feeder Extremely fast and stiff feeder rod for fishing with heavy feeder cages or casting at long distances. Three precise tips from carbon help нажмите чтобы увидеть больше keep the slim diameter of the top section and improve the action when playing the fish. The rod is suitable for competitors and really enthusiastic feeder anglers. Приведенная ссылка precise manufactured tips from the solid carbon allow a very slim blank diameter at the top part.

It helps the rod to work perfectly from the tip to the bottom part when playing the fish. Executive Feeder Precise manufactured rod for feeder specialists who prefer fine techniques and for competitors. It mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free suitable for fishing with thin hooklengths when you need to see the shyest bites and for using the light feeder cages. Even playing bigger sized fish is not a problem and you will enjoy it with this rod. They bring a perfect action and allow long and accurate casting.

These rods are fitted with a new metal reel seat, anatomically shaped bottom handle and a metal butt cap. The joins reinforced by the metal rings reinforce the blank. Available in two or three sections and all usual casting weights. Imperium Spod Rod This completely new spod rod offers enough power to cast heavy bait rockets for long distances. It mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free also be used to check the depth and bottom structure with a marker mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free a heavy lead.

This rod is designed to be a part of the innovated Imperium family and it is made with the same components as used for those rods. Imperium Telecarp II Re-designed, больше на странице popular series of telescopic carp rods with an action similar mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free the action of the two section rods.

They are fitted with a metal reel seat and big diameter SIC guides. Important innovation is the new Energy Tip that is almost unbreakable. This tip can absorb a lot of energy and resist to the tension shock when casting.

The other mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free are made from the ExHMC80 carbon that ensures the required fast action and optimal characteristic of the rod when playing the fish. The blank is made from the ExHMC85 carbon. It is available in the most demanded lengths.

This rod you can use in any situation – starting from the delicate fishing for small breams to the fishing for carps and big fish in the river. It comes with four feeder tips. Imperium Spinning II Successful range of spinning rods built in the new design with an improved action. The blank is made from ExHMC85 carbon and offers fast tip action. These rods are fitted with SIC guides for long and accurate casts, anatomically shaped cork handle and a special reel seat built into the handle.

Uses the blank from ExHMC85 carbon. This rod offers a fast tip action while keeping excellent sensitivity for fishing with small baits and thin lines. Suitable for delicate fishing mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free ultra-light spinning. Imperium Catfish Uncompromising two section rod for the catfish specialists. It is suitable for fishing from the bank or from the boat. This rod will always have enough power for playing your biggest fish. The blank is extremely strong and fitted with the metal reel seat and the high quality SIC guides with strong wrapping.

The join part is reinforced by the metal ring. Xtreme Catfish New model of the catfish rod with powerful and resistant blank. It offers an excellent power for uncompromising playing the fish in all possible situations.

Suitable for fishing from the bank or from the boat. Big diameter and comfortable EVA handle ensure safe and reliable grip and /18041.txt is very pleasant to touch. All components were selected and tested to work well under extreme load when playing the big catfish.

Triton Carp New model of the 3 section carp rod mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free for classical fishing with heavy method feeder or modern fishing with boilie rigs. This rod makes use of the same concept and design elements as the higher level rods while still keeping extraordinary mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free price.

Enigma Carp New model of the carp rod in three sections. The blank is made from ExHRC65 carbon keeping the thin rod diameter and reinforced by cross winding of twelve thin fibres. Thanks to its robust construction this rod can be used for various carp fishing techniques with method feeder or to be used for carp fishing with boilie.

Enigma TeleCarp Telescopic multi-purpose carp rod suitable /12988.txt for any bigger mivardi aeron feeder 3 9m free fish. Powerful blank from ExHRC65 carbon is completely reinforced by cross winding from twelve thin fibres. This rod offers enough reserve when casting and playing the fish. Fitted with SIC guides and modern two part handle. Enigma Feeder Precise manufactured feeder rod with medium action. Fitted with three calibrated tips, anatomically shaped handle and smooth finish.

It offers a totally new quality dimension in its price level. Thin and fast blank from ExHRC70 carbon allows to keep very low weight and excellent action.

Enigma Picker Extremely sensitive rod for the fine feeder fishing or very light spinning especially in the still waters. A slim blank made from ExHMC90 carbon ensures an excellent action with the stiff rear and middle part and sensitive front part.


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