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Last reviewed on July 20, 6 Comments. Follow the instructions on this page to repair your Office , Office or Office installations to fix errors in Outlook. Because Office Diagnostics was mostly useless, it was removed from Office In all versions of Windows, you can also type add remove programs in the Search field to find Add or Remove Programs.

Once Add or Remove Programs is open, locate your Office or Outlook standalone installation in the list of installed programs and select it. Then click the Change button. In Windows 7, it’s at the top of the list. In Windows XP, it will be to the right of the Office entry. Choose Repair then click Continue to begin the process. It should take just a few minutes to complete the repair process. Office diagnostics will repair some problems but is mostly useless for serious problems, however, you can use it as it does no harm and may fix your problem.

Doing a repair is generally better although it takes longer and you may need the Office installation source handy. Locate your Microsoft Office install in the list of installed programs. Select it, then choose Change. If you are using Windows 7, the Change button is above the list of installed programs as seen in the screenshots for Outlook on the previous page.

Expand the Help menu and choose Office Diagnostics to start the Diagnostics wizard. The Office Diagnostics wizard opens. Click Continue to begin. The next screen shows you everything the diagnostic routine checks. Click Run Diagnostics to begin. Next, you’ll choose whether to restore missing shortcuts and discard customizations.

Click Start and the process will begin. Locate the Office or Outlook installation in the list of installed programs and click Change. This video tutorial shows how to repair an Office installation.

The process is similar for Office and Office She also created video training CDs and online training classes for Microsoft Outlook. I’m LOST. I am trying to repair my Office 10, specifically Outlook, but when I click repair it is unable to complete do to missing files, such as Office. How can I repair it now. Hi Diane. DLL file and consequently cannot access either outgoing or incoming mail servers. Thank you The search box comes up, but it does not list any contact so that I could simply click on the desired existing contacts.

Also, no contact information is listed in the “Windows Contact” program i. How can I export en mass the information in my Outlook Contacts folder to my Windows contact folder, and would this help the above issue?

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Microsoft office home and business 2010 repair tool free download.Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010

Resolve Outlook password issues. In general, a computer restart can fix many minor problems with your device. Note: This will repair the entire Office suite even if it’s just one application you want to repair such as Word or Downlkad.


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