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Microsoft Word Tutorial 3 of 15 4. Page Numbers Page numbers are used in all professional reports to improve ease of locating information within the document. To add page numbers to a document: In the Insert tab under Header & Footer, select the Page Number drop down menu and select Top of Page > Plain Number 3File Size: KB. 4 To Display Different Views: 1) Click the View tab 2) Click on the desired view View Options: Read Mode: Displays as much of the content of the document as will fit in the screen. Print Layout View: Shows a document as it appears on a printed page. Web Layout View: Shows a document as it appears in a web browser. Outline View: Shows the structure of a document, which . Lesson 1: Introduction to Word 7 If you can find Microsoft Word by yourself, open the program now; otherwise get help from a friend, or your instructor, or from the lab supervisor You are now presented with the Word Backstage window (Fig. ). Fig. Initial Word Backstage View Ribbons and Groups.
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Incorrect instructions. This option affects printouts only; it does not affect formatting. Format text. Show text boundaries Select this option to display dotted lines around text margins, columns, and paragraphs. Show this number of Recent Documents Enter the number of items, between 1 and 50, to display in the Recent Documents list.
– [PDF] Introduction to Word free tutorial for Beginners
used in older versions of Word. You can still use them in a Word document. The Code group contains commands to record and edit macros, as well as control the level of macro security in Word. The Add-ins group configures add-ins to extend the functionality of Word. The Controls group lets you add form controls to a document. Click Design. skill sets for each of the four apps, Microsoft Office Step by Step is best used as an introduction. For a full discussion of each app, including in-depth coverage of advanced topics, refer to the Step by Step book for each app: Microsoft Word Step by Step, Microsoft PowerPoint Step by Step, and Microsoft Outlook Step by. Feb 18, · YesNo. There hasn’t been an official printed manual for Word for many years, but the Quick Start guide Desiree pointed you to will get you started. Other Microsoft (and third-party) articles cover many other specific Word features, both in Word and in other versions. If you want a paper reference, there is usually a good selection of third.