Netflix windows app sound problem

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Netflix windows app sound problem

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Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. After the most recent Windows 10 update, I had video but no sound in Netflix and had sound for everything else such as YouTube etc. Called Microsoft support and after a lengthy amount of time, they could not help.

Finally found a solution : Go to the Control Panel, then Sound. My default format was set to DVD quality. Set it to the max setting – Studio Quality. You should get your sound back for Netflix. If you can see the Video but are unable to hear any sound while playing a Movie or TV Show on Netflix, you will find below a number of methods to fix the problem of No Sound on Netflix in Windows Before going ahead with the steps to fix the issue of No Sound on Netflix in Windows 10, make sure that the volume is turned up both on your computer and also in the Netflix player.

Take a close look at the HDMI cable and the internet cable in case of wired internet and make sure that both HDMI cable and other connections are properly plugged in. The performance of Netflix on your Windows 10 computer depends on the amount of memory and processing resources that are available on your computer for streaming of Netflix videos. Click here – to use the wp menu builder. Home Guides Why is Netflix volume Why is Netflix volume too low: How to increase volume on the Netflix app.

Vladimir Sereda. Related articles. Guides How to delete a TikTok video. Entertainment How to calculate TikTok gift points to money. Guides How to change input source on Samsung TV.

Business Why some restaurants are tipping customers for pick-up instead of delivery. Guides How to disable the startup sound on Mac. Learn more about our use of cookies and your information. You can change your cookie preferences. Change your cookie preferences. Help Center. Join Netflix Sign In. Back to Help Home. A country must be selected to view content in this article.

Chromebook or Chromebox. Check if other TV shows or movies work. If you get the same problem with other TV shows or movies, skip these steps. If other TV shows or movies play normally, you can tell us about the problem. Follow the instructions, then click Report Problem. Is your volume on and turned up? Make sure the volume is turned up on both the Netflix.

Ensure the volume on your computer is also turned up. There may be volume controls on your keyboard. Close other browser tabs, applications or programs.

If you use security software. Enable Loudness Equalization. From the desktop, right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar. Select Playback Device. Click Properties. Select the Enhancements tab. Check the box for Loudness Equalization. Make sure Disable all enhancements is unchecked.

Try Netflix again. The Enhancements tab may not be available on all computers. If you do not see the Enhancements tab, your audio drivers or sound card may not support this feature. Windows 8. Change your audio settings Windows App Only. Launch the Netflix app. Select a TV show or movie. While your TV show or movie is playing, move your mouse over the screen.

Windows Set audio to Studio Quality Windows 10 Only. From the lower right corner of your taskbar, right-click on the speaker. Click OK to save the setting. What to do next. PlayStation 3. Change your audio settings. If you have to change your audio setting to stereo every time you play a movie or TV show, there may be a setting on your device that is causing it to default to 5.

Contact your device manufacturer for assistance in adjusting this setting to default to stereo audio.



Sound issues with Netflix after upgrade to Windows 10 – Microsoft Community › Streaming › Netflix. Called Microsoft support and after a lengthy amount of time, they could not help. Finally found a solution: Go to the Control Panel, then Sound.


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