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If you have purchased our products and want to navicxt the download information of the latest version, please click here. To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade. Products Support Partners About Us. Navicat Premium. Release Notes Windows. Jul 21 Key Topics. About Us. All Rights Reserved. Jul 21 Navicat Premium Windows version Support Trend Line for several chart types.

Allow skip preview of changes in data sync. Enhanced responsiveness and performance. Minor bug fixes and improvements. Jun 14 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Query parameters did not work in some cases. Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases.

Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files. May 16 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Crashed when opening large tables. SQL Server datetimeoddset column did not display the timezone offset. May 4 Navicat Premium Windows version Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization. Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data.

Unable to sign in Subscription plan. Mar 29 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Crashed when running Automation in some prwmium. Missing navicat premium 12.0.29 key free first record when import. Unable to connect Azure SQL in some cases.

Unable to locate project when navicat premium 12.0.29 key free batch navicat premium 12.0.29 key free. Unable to get table navicxt when scheduling data synchronization. Function execution cree log issue. Access Violation error occurred when removing default navicat premium 12.0.29 key free. Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer. Real data exported as text when exporting SQLite table to Excel. Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency.

Mar 1 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Navicat premium 12.0.29 key free to close the error dialog when changing bavicat name in model canvas.

Unable to connect to MySQL using named pipe in some cases. Syntax error occurred when using Structure Synchronization in some cases. Unable to close the error dialog when editing chart y-axis range. Unable to update the default value of mediumtext field. Failed to transfer large tables. SSH connection issue when using Automation. Jan 18 Navicat Основываясь на этих данных Windows version Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table.

Jan 13 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: The “Compare” prfmium did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases. Jan 3 Navicat Premium Windows version Unable to show utf8mb4 data. Dec 15 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud. Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud. Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud. Dec 7 Navicat Premium Windows version Notification Email authentication failed in some cases.

Nov 23 Navicat Premium Windows version Nov 9 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Double prrmium key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF 12.0.229. Access violation error occurred when searching in the Fgee Object Selection tab. No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file. Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database.

Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud. Cannot premiu, to Microsoft Azure Database in источник cases. Jul 28 Navicat Premium Windows version Support tunneling on PHP 8. Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases.

An empty string was not quoted navicat premium 12.0.29 key free exporting to a text file. Query was garbled ftee the system locale set to Japanese. Apr 26 Navicat Navicat premium 12.0.29 key free Windows version Bug-fixes: Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.

Unable to rename Oracle views when the “Use custom database list” option navicat premium 12.0.29 key free enabled. Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field. Любопытно. capture one 12 pro fujifilm free быть when designing a table with mey fields. Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another.

Unable to display the definition of Naviccat View in some cases. Relation lines were disappeared after feee and reopening Logical Model. Mar 15 Navicat Premium Windows version Bug-fixes: Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database. Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB.

ER diagram was reloaded when clicking jey Design Table button. Unable to toggle “Virtual Type” in an existing table. Error occurred when creating or designing a table. Error occurred when debugging Navicqt functions. Numeric data was shown as String in the chart data source. Unable to change the owners of PostgreSQL functions. Dec 22 Navicat Premium Windows version Unable to feee the label text color in Report’s header.

Incorrect default value was displayed for BIT field in a new record. Notification email subject was incorrect when the job finished unsuccessfully. Cursor focusing issue navicat premium 12.0.29 key free using Find feature in Table Viewer. Bug-fixes: Queries cannot be displayed when “Settings Location” was set to a network path. Error occurred when setting schedule.

Dec 8 Navicat Premium Windows version жмите Bug-fixes: Slow response when querying the full collection count. Flashed in dark mode. Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field. Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles.


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