Microsoft office 2010 primary interop assemblies redistributable windows 10 free download.How to: Install Office primary interop assemblies
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Office primary interop assemblies – Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Learn – To install the PIAs when you install Office

May 22, · Download and install the Primary Interop Assemblies for Microsoft Outlook or reinstall Outlook If you use Microsoft Outlook or above, you should carry out a repair install of Outlook. For further help with this, contact your IT administrator or refer. Jan 03, · Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable. in the text that comes with it, the files that are suppose to be installed are listed. I cant find most of them and specially. Where is it or what did I do wrong. I am using Windows 7 64b and office Aug 14, · To install the PIAs when you install Office. Ensure that you have a version of Framework that is no older than Install Microsoft Office and make sure that Programmability Support feature is selected for the applications you want to extend (this feature is included in the default installation).
Microsoft office 2010 primary interop assemblies redistributable windows 10 free download.Microsoft Office 2010: Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable
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For example, if you’ve registered different versions of the PIAs in the global assembly cache, your project will automatically bind to the version of the assembly that was registered last, even if you specify a different version of the assembly on the COM tab of the Reference Manager dialog box. Some assemblies are added to a project automatically when an assembly that references them is added.
For example, references to the Office. The following table lists the primary interop assemblies that are available for Office , Office and Office When you install and register the Office PIAs in the global assembly cache either with Office or by installing the redistributable package for the PIAs , the binding redirect assemblies are also installed only in the global assembly cache.
These assemblies ensure that the correct version of the primary interop assemblies is loaded at run time. For example, when a solution that references a Office assembly runs on a computer that has the Office version of the same primary interop assembly, the binding redirect assembly instructs the.
NET Framework runtime to load the Office version of the primary interop assembly. For more information, see How to: Enable and disable automatic binding redirection. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Rob Rob 2, 6 6 gold badges 36 36 silver badges 52 52 bronze badges. Officially there is no backward compatibility of the PIA for Office. In fact it works. For compatibility with the different versions of Windows I’m using the.
NET framework 3. The documentation is a shame. Sample code is impossible to find. Try to obtain the background color of a cell in OpenXML! Have fun! But mainly OpenXML is not a solution because none of the formulas is executed. So if a cell’s content is filled by a formula you will not know what value the cell has unless you use real Office automation. I’m using Visual Studio Community Edition. It also didn’t have Office support. However, for VS it can be downloaded from aka.
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Sometimes, the installer may allow you to repair or uninstall the program as well. When a program is installed on the computer, Windows will save its settings and information in the registry, including the uninstall command to uninstall the program.
Please carefully edit the registry, because any mistake there may make your system crash. And no one can promise the manual uninstallation will completely uninstall Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable And an incomplete uninstallation will many useless and invalid items in the registry and affect your computer performance in a bad way.
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Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable is not listed in Programs and Windows 8, Windows and Windows Supported since Visual Studio , you’ll find it back in the Properties window when you select a reference assembly. It defaults to True. Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable is free to download from our software library.
Microsoft office 2010 primary interop assemblies redistributable windows 10 free download. Download pia for windows desktop
Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies. Pointstone Internet Accelerator. Photoshop Interface Assistant. Phreeqc Interactive Alpha. Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra. How to use the remote desktop feature of Windows How to transfer files from a Mac desktop to an external hard drive. Visual Studio uses these copies of the PIAs, instead of the assemblies in the global assembly cache, to resolve type references when you develop and build your project.
When different versions of the PIAs are registered in the global assembly cache, you can face several development issues. The added copies of PIAs will help you to avoid such issues.
For Visual Studio and later, these copies of the PIAs are installed to following shared locations on the development computer:. To perform certain development tasks, the PIAs must be installed and registered in the global assembly cache on the development computer. Typically, the PIAs are installed automatically when you install Office on the development computer.
For more information, see Configure a computer to develop Office solutions. For more information, see Design and create Office solutions. Every Office project template in Visual Studio is designed to work with a single Microsoft Office application. To use features in multiple Microsoft Office applications, or to use features in an application or component that doesn’t have a project in Visual Studio, you must add a reference to the required PIAs. These versions of the assemblies appear on the Framework tab of the Reference Manager dialog box.
For more information, see How to: Target Office applications through primary interop assemblies. If you’ve installed and registered the PIAs in the global assembly cache, these versions of the assemblies appear on the COM tab of the Reference Manager dialog box. Supported since Visual Studio , you’ll find it back in the Properties window when you select a reference assembly. It defaults to True. A good video that covers the underlying technology is available here.
Which is the reason that Microsoft doesn’t publish the PIAs for Office , they expect you to embed the interop types instead. The feature is very desirable, it avoids your customer having to install the PIAs on his machine and for you to include them with your installer.
Solving the issue when neither takes care of it, an entirely too common mishap. In addition, the PIAs for Office are very large, the great advantage of embedding the interop types is that your assembly only contain the types that you actually use. Many megabytes reduced to a few kilobytes.
The workflow is a little different. Instead of adding a reference to the Microsoft. Interop assemblies as available in the Add Reference dialog,. And pick, say, ” Microsoft Excel If you load an old project that previously used PIAs then just remove those reference assemblies and add them back from the COM tab. Do note that a feature is lost, intentionally targeting an old version of Office that you don’t actually have installed on your dev machine is more difficult.
Actually doing this is questionable, Microsoft has a hard time keeping new Office versions completely compatible with old versions. They’ve kept it up for 15 years now but it has been running out of steam. A worst-case scenario is targeting a newer version than you have installed on your machine, that’s liable to make your program crash with very hard to diagnose exceptions like AccessViolationException. Do note that you have to make small modifications to your code to allow it to work.
The synthetic ” XxxxClass ” classes are not embedded, just the ” Xxxx ” interfaces. Simply remove the word ” Class ” from the new statement. The solution is go into the GAC and find the interop assemblies, copy them to a temp directory, then add to your project like any DLL. Also, if you don’t know by now, Windows 8 does have older versions of. NET Framework but they aren’t installed by default. NET 3. Hope it helps!
For the future Please carefully edit the registry, because any mistake there may make your system crash. And no one can promise the manual uninstallation will completely uninstall Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable And an incomplete uninstallation will many useless and invalid items in the registry and affect your computer performance in a bad way. Too many useless files also occupy the free space of your hard disk and slow down your PC speed.
Download this powerful third-party uninstaller below. Your email address will not be published. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.