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There are articles, videos, and sound clips. It comes in many different languages such as Spanish, English, Dutch, and Japanese. It’s so cool. No more thumbing through heavy books. This is one of the greatest software to come from Microsoft. Imagine having a complete encyclopedia on your Windows computer. Now you can have exactly that. Microsoft Encarta for Windows lets me download the complete Microsoft Encarta that was released in onto my computer.
That’s such a wealth of knowledge literally on my hard drive. It includes images, articles, and videos. It is available in different languages too. Just incredible. Microsoft Encarta is a program that acts as a giant online encyclopedia. This program includes everything that a traditional encyclopedia has, along with still images, videos, and audio files. The program is on a CD-ROM, which means that it does not need to be downloaded, only put into a computer. It is extremely easy to use and requires very little skill.
It also allows you to take a virtual tour through foreign countries via photos. One other thing included is a trivia game where you will explore castles and find your answers right in the program.
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