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Both releases address a insecure temporary file vulnerability vulnerability, see the security report for details. This release includes a major regression fix, which prevented the previous 1.

Among the enhancements, the junitlauncher task now allows including or excluding JUnit 5 download apache ant 1. Both releases fix a regression in the get task and a bug inside the path traversal protection of the unarchiving tasks that was introduced with 1. This release fixes a few race-conditions in LogCapturer and the br-template inside the XSLT download apache ant 1.

In both releases the untarunjar and unzip will no longer extract entries whose names would make the created files be placed outside of the destination directory by default. This is based on a recommendation by the Snyk Security Research Team. Both releases are mostly download apache ant 1. The new task is fully functional but currently lacks a few features like forking a new JVM for tests which will be added in upcoming releases.

A new javaversion condition can be used to detect the version of the JVM running Ant. The log4j listener has been deprecated as log4j 1. Apache Compress Ant Library 1. The new releases revert a change to 1. In addition 1. This means that all its resources are removed or made read only and no further development will be done.

It also means that, if a community grows, the subproject could reactivated. We are keeping our web site in Subversion, as well as the sandbox.

This release adds new assertions that deal with non-file resources better than the existing ones and provides additional access to the log created during tests. The main point of the release is a fix of the speed of the exec task. See bugzilla report Z formats. The task will now post-process the generated files and remove the vulnerability if detected.

The Apache Compress Antlib 1. In addition to a few bugfixes and some new assertions AntUnit 1. The EasyAnt project aims to leverage the popularity and flexibility of both Ant and Ivy in order to provide an easy to use build system.

EasyAnt will provide ready to use ant scripts to build standard java applications or webapps just like usual Maven users are used to. It will still remain adaptable by offering a property based configuration. And even more as you will be able to easily extend existing modules or create your own ones. Apache Ivy 2. Apache IvyDE 2. This is the first release considered as stable since the project as been hosted by the Apache Software Foundation.

For more information see download apache ant 1. This is the first non-beta release of Ivy under Apache and includes some major new features like: download apache ant 1. More information will be available from the Ant site soon. Resource collections group resources, and can be further combined with operators such as union and intersection. This can be extended by custom resources and custom tasks using resources.

NET antlib in preparation will replace the. NET optional tasks which ship in Ant. Support for the version control system Subversion will be only provided as an antlib to be released shortly. NET Ant Library 1. This Ant Library contains support for tools like Download apache ant 1. Unfortunately it never attracted a developer community of its own.

This makes it even less likely that volunteers will start to spend time working on it. Therefore the Ant developers have chosen to retire Antidote. All exceptions thrown by tasks are now wrapped in a buildexception giving the location in the buildfile of the task. For a longer list of fixed bugs and new features see the release notes. This is a minor bugfix release that fixes a problem with the javah task on JDK 1.

Thanks to Java Pro and all its readers. You can read about these awards at the Java Pro website. Ant is one of the most useful build tools I download apache ant 1. Read the full article — or jump directly to the bit about our award :. The final version of Ant 1. If you have any feedback on this release, feel free to join the discussion on the dev and user mailing lists. The Apache board created the Apache Ant top level project. Ant has now migrated from the Jakarta project into an Apache project of its own.

This is primarily an organizational change and will not affect the technical aspects of the project. Ant retains a strong association with the Apache Jakarta project. If you have any feedback on this release, feel free to join the discussion on the ant-dev download apache ant 1. The wrapper script of Apache Ant 1. See the FAQ for details. Ant has been awarded a Productivity Award by Software Development magazine. Read the press release for more information and the full list of winners.

Java 1. The latest Apache Ant source supports the new assert statement in the compiler task via the source attribute. It also contains a compatibility fix needed for some ant tasks on Java 1.

If you have problems running Ant 1. Home Projects. Compress Ant Library 1. In addition some interoperability patches to the tar and zip classes have been applied. Key features of the 1. Apache Compress Antlib 1.

Key features of the 2. There are several other improvements in the area of import. Various improvements to the directory download apache ant 1. Posts Likes Following Archive. Download Office Official Direct Download Links.

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