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When you connect a printer to your PC or add a new printer to your home network, you can usually start printing right away. Windows 10 supports most printers, so you probably won’t have to install special printer software.

Additional printer drivers and support might be available if you update Windows Note: If your PC is running Windows 10 S, some printers might not work with it, or they might have limited functionality.

For more info, see Device support on Windows 10 S. If your printer is on and connected to the network, Windows should find it easily.

Available printers can include all printers on a network, such as Bluetooth and wireless printers or printers that are plugged into another computer and shared on the network. You might need permission to install some printers. Select Add a printer or scanner. Wait for it to find nearby printers, then choose the one you want to use, and select Add device.

If your printer isn’t in the list, select The printer that I want isn’t listed , and then follow the instructions to add it manually using one of the options. If you use wireless access points, extenders or multiple wireless routers with separate SSIDs, you’ll need to ensure that you’re connected to the same network as the printer for your PC to find and install it. In most cases, all you have to do to set up a printer is to connect it to your PC.

Find out how you can Share your network printer. Find out How to set a default printer in Windows Find out how you can Fix printer connection and printing problems in Windows If your printer appears “offline,” find out how you can Change a printer’s status to “online. If you’re having problems with your printer after updating to the latest version of Windows 10, see Fix printer problems after updating Windows For driver issues, see the “Step 3: Update drivers” section of this page.

Install a printer in Windows 10 Windows 10 More To install or add a network, wireless, or Bluetooth printer. Notes: If you use wireless access points, extenders or multiple wireless routers with separate SSIDs, you’ll need to ensure that you’re connected to the same network as the printer for your PC to find and install it.

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