How to Download and Install GCC Compiler in C for Windows PC – Other Useful Business Software
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After installing the compiler, we need to set its path to environment path variables because it allows the C program to compile from any directory on your computer.
Download and Install C/GCC Compiler for Windows – Scaler Topics
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Learn More. User Ratings 4. User Reviews Filter Reviews: All. Where is the “make”??? I did and it is totally worthless! I’ve been using this compiler for quite some time and it’s great. However, I am facing problems during installation on a new PC.
This issue has been reported by others already. As this issue is not related at all with the functionality of the package I give them 5 stars expecting to have a solution as soon as possible. Strangely, I live in the UK and the German server was not working properly. Selected the server from France and it downloaded lighting-fast!
Unzipped the file to my selected folder and voila. Hope this helps. The mingw-get-setup. Select the packages you want to install and right-click and choose Mark for Installation. Note: After installation, if you want to remove, upgrade or reinstall certain packages, then you can use MinGW Installation Manager and choose respective option by right-clicking on the package.
Once you mark all packages for installation click on Installation menu and select Apply Changes. In the Schedule of Pending Actions window, click on Apply button. It starts installing marked packages on your local environment. Fix: gcc is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.