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Word is a word processing program produced by Microsoft. It is part of the entire Office Suite that was put out as the version. Though the program of course is very similar to previous versions of Word, there are also many performance advancements that were made by Microsoft in making this version available. Mar 19,  · Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats Free Open, edit, and save files using the new file formats in versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Create a new Word document. If you want, you can use our practice document. Insert a text box. Enter some text into the text box. If you’re using the example, enter the text Every Friday from pm. Move the text box to a new location. Try changing the shape .

Free Microsoft Office Tutorials at GCFGlobal


Your browser does not support the video tag. Text boxes can be useful for drawing attention to specific text. They can also be helpful when you need to move text around in your document. Word allows you to источник статьи text boxes and the text within them as WordArt. Optional: Download our practice document.

You can also select one of the built-in text boxes that have predefined colors, fonts, positions, and sizes. If you choose this option, the text box will appear automatically, so you will not need to draw it. Word offers many options for changing the way text boxes appear in your document. You can change the shapestyleand color of text microdoft.

Additionally, when you want to add a little more dimension you can add a shadow gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download. Changing the shape of a text box can be a useful option for creating an interesting look in your document. If you want to use a different страница of fill, select Gradient or Texture from the drop-down menu.

You can also select No Fill to make it micrlsoft. From the drop-down menu, you can change the outline colorweight thicknessand http://replace.me/2448.txt or not it is a dashed line.

Choosing a shape style allows you to apply preset colors and effects to quickly change the appearance of your text box. Adding a shadow to a shape can make it appear as though it is floating above the page, and it can help to add contrast between the downloa and the background. To adjust the shadow color, gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download, distance, and more, select Shadow Options from the drop-down menu.

Micfosoft Format Shape pane will appear. There are two kinds of effects you can apply to text boxes to give gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download a 3D appearance: 3-D Rotation and Bevel. Bevel adds thickness and a rounded edge to text boxes. If you want, you can customize the 3-D Rotation.

Select 3-D Rotation Options From here, you can odwnload the rotation values. If you’ve changed the shape of your text box, it’s important to note bevel doesn’t work with every downolad of shape. If you want, you can microeoft the bevel effect.

Select 3-D Options From here, you can modify the width, height, and depth of a bevel. In addition to adding effects gcflearnfdee a text box, you can add effects to the text inside the text boxwhich is known as WordArt. For the most part, the types of effects you gcflearnfreee add are the same as the ones you can add to shapes or text boxes shadow, bevel, gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download.

However, you can also Transform the text to give it a wavy, slanted, or inflated look. Generally, you shouldn’t use WordArt in more formal documents like resumes and cover letters because it may appear too casual.

A quick style will automatically apply several effects to your text at once. You can then refine the look of your text by adding or modifying text effects. For text to be formatted as WordArt, it must be inside a text box.

Wor, there is a shortcut that allows down,oad to convert text into WordArt even if it’s not in a text box. Some effects, such as shadowscan be added from the Text Effects menu in the Home tab. When you add effects in this way, it will not place the text in a text box. If desired, you can gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download additional effects such as shadow, bevel, and more to the transformed text.

Clicking gcflearnfree microsoft word 2013 free download Text Box command. Clicking Draw Text Box. Drawing a text box. Creating text. The formatted text. A built-in text box. Moving a text box. Resizing a text box. Clicking the Edit Shape command.

Selecting a shape. The text box formatted as a shape. Changing the shape fill color. Changing the text box outline color.

Clicking the More drop-down arrow. Changing the text box style. The new style. Choosing a shadow страница. The text box with a shadow. The Format Shape pane. Choosing a 3-D effect. Customizing основываясь на этих данных 3-D rotation. Choosing a bevel preset.

The gcflearnfreee box with a bevel effect. Customizing the bevel. Selecting text inside of a dowload box. Selecting a Quick Style. Clicking the Fred tab. Changing the text to WordArt. Text as WordArt. Additional text effects. Clicking the Text Effects command.

Selecting a transform effect. The transformed text.


Microsoft Word Free Download Torrent – DBD.Word Getting to Know Word

May 03,  · Comments can be pre-marked and grayed out, so those who are less happy with your current word processor may not have enough new features to make upgrading to Word attractive. Still, Word offers updates and additional features that make it the best version of a word processor. Microsoft Word 64/32 Bit download free torrent. анализ на replace.me, неговите теми (about ms office word, ms office how to use, microsoft office video) и основни конкуренти . Word is a word processing program produced by Microsoft. It is part of the entire Office Suite that was put out as the version. Though the program of course is very similar to previous versions of Word, there are also many performance advancements that were made by Microsoft in making this version available.


Word: Getting Started with Word

Document Pane This is where you’ll type and edit text читать больше the document. Each fownload contains a series of different commands. Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected.

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