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Because we recently spent time with the Jordan team during testing at Italy’s Monza circuit. F1 Career Challenge Win And if the new physics engine can cope with 22 cars on the track at once unlike the 99 versionthen FI I could well dlwnload a strong contender for pole position in the genre.❿

F1 2001 pc game free download.EA Sports F1 2001 (PC) System Requirements


Tune-up options give you the chance to control nearly every aspect of your racer: tire compounds, rebound, ride height, spring rate, camber, gearing, and more. For the hands-on simulation lover, it doesn’t get much better.

For gamers not interested in the minute details, it is possible to do well without hitting the garage every couple of miles, but tinkering is half the fun. The weather effects are vastly improved in this iteration, with dynamic changes sprinkled liberally on many of the tracks.

Rain comes and goes, much as it does in real life, requiring a change in driving style as well as pit modifications to deal with each situation. While the change from a static screen to a 3D animated pit crew doesn’t enhance or affect gameplay, it does increase realism with a pleasing aesthetic upgrade. Another improvement is the figuring of gas weight into each car’s handling dynamics, and the combined effect of all the enhancements makes the experience very potent.

The new training mode is a huge help for gamers not familiar with F1-style racing. It improves on the previous year’s edition by offering detailed diagrams and instructions and letting you see the recommended line on turns to better understand what you’re doing right or wrong on the track. Thankfully, unlike the PlayStation 2 version, completing the training course isn’t mandatory to get to the real action.

The graphics show a notable improvement with enhanced detail in the models and improved effects on the track. Particularly nice are the particle effects, as cars kick up dirt, dust, and gravel.

Weather conditions are impressive, especially in periods of low visibility as you do your best to stay on course. Naturally, increased graphics capability ramps up system requirements — to maintain a solid frame rate you’ll need at least a 1GHz processor when all effects are turned on.

F1 is a small step ahead of F1 , but a step nonetheless. Die-hard fans will be hard pressed to find a better F1 game on the market, while newcomers can experience the thrill of going MPH on closed circuit tracks with engines screaming and tires squealing — just remember to strap in and buckle up.

Graphics: Superb visuals require a strong system to get the full effects with all options toggled on. Details of cars, tracks, weather, and environments are impressive.

Who the hell came up with those? The babbling idiot on the other end of your earpiece supplies you with useless pieces of information such as: “This is the last lap, don’t stop now.

F is undoubtedly the finest PC F1 game to date. It may lack the depth and utter realism of GP3, but crank up the difficulty level far enough, and it isn’t that far behind, while the stunning graphics and excellent changeable weather effects make GP3 look about as attractive as a puddle of birthing fluid. The true beauty of it is that you can make it anything you want it to be, be it arcade, simulation or a mixture of the two, and it willingly obliges in every case. The problem with most sims is that they’re always going to appeal to a niche market.

F has broken that mould. Let’s hope others follow its lead. Browse games Game Portals. F1 Install Game. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the free file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game. View all 51 F1 Screenshots. Game review Downloads Screenshots Playstation 2. GameFabrique XBox, PC , Playstation 2.


F1 2001 pc game free download.EA Sports F1 2001

Because we recently spent time with the Jordan team during testing at Italy’s Monza circuit. For gamers not interested in the minute details, it is possible to do well without hitting the garage every couple of miles, but tinkering is half the fun. Assists or not, it’s definitely a seat-of-the-arse experience. Which of course means you can test yourself against young upstart Montoya and old fart Hakkinen, or drive the ever-improving Jaguar or the always-losing Benetton. The true beauty of it is that you can make it anything you want it to be, be it arcade, simulation or a mixture of the two, and it willingly obliges in every case. Install Game.❿

F1 2001 pc game free download


Which of course means you can test yourself against young upstart Montoya and old fart Hakkinen, or drive the ever-improving Jaguar or the always-losing Benetton.

Crap rhyming aside though, the AI has been hugely improved and bares an uncanny resemblance to its real-life counterparts, and you can configure your opponents’ aggression depending on your ability. Stick them on low and they’ll back off without too much of a fight, while higher aggression levels fall just short of opponents chasing you round the pit lane with a pneumatic drill aimed at your head.

There are however still some bugs that need ironing out, most notably the ridiculous floating car effect when you race from the behind-car viewpoint, and some occasionally dodgy physics which can see your car launch into the air at the merest shunt.

Then there’s the pit communications. Who the hell came up with those? The babbling idiot on the other end of your earpiece supplies you with useless pieces of information such as: “This is the last lap, don’t stop now.

F is undoubtedly the finest PC F1 game to date. It may lack the depth and utter realism of GP3, but crank up the difficulty level far enough, and it isn’t that far behind, while the stunning graphics and excellent changeable weather effects make GP3 look about as attractive as a puddle of birthing fluid.

The true beauty of it is that you can make it anything you want it to be, be it arcade, simulation or a mixture of the two, and it willingly obliges in every case.

The problem with most sims is that they’re always going to appeal to a niche market. F has broken that mould. JAMES 2 points. I reinstall the game and only apply the patch 1 and no-cd 1.

James 2 points. I can not activate the Force feedback. The in-game menu for the FF are blank. I applied the 2 patches on the german version installed in english. Any idea? Can someone share a player. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you’d like.

If you have trouble to run F1 Windows , read the abandonware guide first! We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us! Gamers who’ve squeezed every nuance of gameplay from F1 have legitimate questions as to whether F1 contains enough new material to warrant a full price purchase. Obviously, new fans will want the latest title, but how about those looking for something new?

The short answer is that if you enjoyed F1 , you’ll certainly like F1 — just don’t expect huge changes in an already solid game. Gamers not impressed with the previous release, though, won’t find enough here to change their minds. Comparisons to other titles aside, the racing in F1 is superb. Although the technical side of the game can be an issue, the racing simulation is raw and gritty once you’re on the track.

Cars handle extremely realistically, perhaps even more so than F1 , and the constant battle is between not only you and other drivers, but you and your machine as well. You have to find your line, weave through traffic, know when to slow down, and when to go full throttle. Tune-up options give you the chance to control nearly every aspect of your racer: tire compounds, rebound, ride height, spring rate, camber, gearing, and more.

For the hands-on simulation lover, it doesn’t get much better. For gamers not interested in the minute details, it is possible to do well without hitting the garage every couple of miles, but tinkering is half the fun.

The weather effects are vastly improved in this iteration, with dynamic changes sprinkled liberally on many of the tracks.

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