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Download pocket for windows 10.Save to Pocket


Click here to log into your account or create an account if you don’t already have one. Then you can download the installation program for PocketBible for Windows Desktop. After the download is finished, run the program and follow the on-screen instructions. PocketBible for Windows Desktop is Bible software designed to make your Bible study easier, more convenient and more productive on your Windows 7 or earlier computer though it runs fine on Windows 10 if you prefer читать далее over PocketBible for Windows Storewhich was designed download pocket for windows 10 that platform.

This edition of PocketBible allows you to open and compare multiple Bibles on the screen, perform complex searches, take notes, ссылка Bible verses, microsoft office publisher free download 2010 free download set bookmarks.

Copy and paste text into your word processor на этой странице any other app. And expand your library from our large selection of add-on Bibles and reference books.

Whether you’re a “mouse” or a “keyboard” person, PocketBible features a variety of “no-nonsense” ways to navigate through your Bibles and books. PocketBible acts like a concordance to help you find anything in the Bible by word or phrase. You can also search reference books and your own notes in the same way.

PocketBible gives you powerful tools for recording your thoughts and keeping track of what you learn. The Cloud Library app that is installed alongside PocketBible gives you easy access to your entire PocketBible library.

PocketBible is USB flash drive compatible. Install the program and any Bibles and books you purchase to a USB flash drive and you can take PocketBible with you wherever you go. PocketBible is uniquely designed to run from a flash drive so you can take the program to any computer, stick the flash drive in and have access to your entire library with all your notes, highlights, download pocket for windows 10 bookmarks.

Enjoy extensive help as you use the program. Tap the ‘? Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReaderMyBibleMemorize! Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

We announce new products via email. If download pocket for windows 10 ask to be removed from any of our mailings, you will not receive these notifications. If your email address changes, make sure you change it here, too. From time to time we post things on our blogon MeWeand on Facebook. DailyReaderMemorize! No Account?

Home Products Help Desk About. Home PocketBible for Windows. Spend more time studying and less time fiddling with your Bible software. PocketBible presents your library to you in an organized, intuitive way. You’ll see your Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries and devotionals all on one screen, along with a panel showing your notes, highlights, bookmarks, and search results. Windows are always tiled so nothing is hidden.

To get started with PocketBible, just start typing! With a Bible window active, you can simply type a verse reference and the program takes you there. Or type “find john the baptist” to quickly find everywhere John the Baptist is mentioned. Context-sensitive menus take download pocket for windows 10 guesswork out of using PocketBible. Right-click anywhere in a Bible or book to get a menu of all valid actions. Simply type a word or phrase to instantly find everywhere it occurs in your entire library.

Options include the ability to limit searches to specific ranges download pocket for windows 10 Bible verses, search only your highlighted verses, or search your notes. View your Bibles side-by-side for helpful comparisons of different translations. Personalize your Bibles and books with notes, bookmarks and color highlights. Change the appearance of open Bibles and books to suit your preferences. Quickly download and manage books installed on your computer with the included Cloud Library app.

Description PocketBible for Windows Desktop is Bible download pocket for windows 10 designed to make your Download pocket for windows 10 study easier, more convenient and more productive on your Windows 7 or earlier computer though it runs fine on Windows 10 if you prefer download pocket for windows 10 over PocketBible for Windows Storewhich was designed for that platform.

Features Fast and Easy Navigation of your Bibles and Books Whether you’re a “mouse” or a “keyboard” person, PocketBible features a variety of “no-nonsense” ways to navigate through your Bibles and books. Type find and a word to find everywhere that word occurs. Type lookup and a word to look up its definition. Type copy and a Bible reference to copy that verse to the clipboard.

And more! Context menus – Right-click on a verse to see download pocket for windows 10 the things you can do with that verse. Customizable toolbar Powerful Searching PocketBible acts like a concordance to help you find anything in the Bible by word or phrase.

Instant Find – Right-click on any word or phrase you нажмите чтобы перейти on the screen and choose “Find” to see everywhere that word or phrase occurs. Boolean Searches – Find a passage even if you only remember a few words.

Phrase Searches – Find any phrase “John the Baptist” or combine phrases with words using Boolean operators. Narrow your searches by specifying highlight colors or bookmark categories you’ve created. Organized workspace – PocketBible assigns types of books to specific download pocket for windows 10 i. Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Devotionals and other. You can have up to 16 books of one type open in each window. Open books are indicated with tabs so you can ссылка move between titles.

PocketBible keeps your windows “tiled” at all times so you will never have one book partially obscured by another book. Spend your time studying, not managing your Bible software. Download pocket for windows 10 Bibles – view multiple Bible translations side by side. Keep reference material open and download pocket for windows 10 with your Bibles.

Instant cross-references – Hover over any Bible reference included in the text to view the download pocket for windows 10 of that verse. Quick lookup – right-click on any word to do a quick search of the current book or look up a definition. Word study – add one of our Bible translations with Strong’s numbers and simply hover over any Strong’s number with your mouse to view a transliteration and definition of the original language word.

You can use Strong’s numbers in your searches. Track daily Bible reading – track your progress through Bible reading plans and daily devotionals. Instantly reschedule if you fall behind. Copy Passage to Word Processor – Easily copy verses or passages to your word processor or other program using the right-click menu or keyboard commands.

Personalize PocketBible with Notes, Bookmarks and Highlights PocketBible gives you powerful tools for recording your thoughts читать полностью keeping track of what you learn.

Annotations Add your own notes to any verse, or any passage in a reference book. Use straight text or HTML commands to format or add pictures, tables, etc. Bible references in your notes are automatically linked to the Bible text. Instantly view a list of all your notes. Search your notes for any word or phrase. Bookmarks Add a bookmark to any passage to make it easier to find later.

Categorize bookmarks using any number of user-defined categories. Include bookmark categories in any search. Instantly view a list of all your bookmarks. Highlights Use color highlights, underline or strike-through to mark any text. Instantly view a list of all verses you have marked. Optionally use marks to focus your searches.

View the entire list of books and Download pocket for windows 10 you own and see which have been installed. Easily select books to download or remove.

See which books have been updated since you last downloaded them. Identify and remove duplicate installations. Customize your PocketBible Workspace Adjust PocketBible settings to make reading and studying easier, just the way you like it. Format appearance on a book-by-book level Words of Christ in red – turn on or off where available for the translation. Translator footnotes and cross-references – where available, turn on or off or expand in the text.

Fonts and colors – changes fonts, colors text color, background color, active text and active backgroundand other styles book by book. Personalize your Personalization window – changes fonts, colors text color, background colorand other options for the window that displays your bookmarks, notes, highlights and searches.

Download size: 8. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Sell My Info! You are not logged in. Your IP Address: Social Media. Job Openings Home.

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