Custom Mastercam Setup Sheets – Custom Mastercam Posts – Download Now- Machining Partner

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 › watch. I’ve been using X+ setup sheets for a while now and love it. They used to be free, but now they are around $ USD/year.


Free Active Reports Setup Sheet – Industrial Forum – – ShopWare Inc.


Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services. Register now to participate in the forums, access the download area, buy Mastercam training materials, post processors and more. This message will be removed once you have signed in. By themachinist , November 2, in Industrial Forum. Recently, I’ve seen ActiveReports setup sheet for sale. Here is a sample setup sheet I developed that I am releasing for free.

Written instructions:. Make sure Setup Sheet program is set to ActiveReports. Go to Reports. On the right hand side click the file cabinet icon next to File name:. Select “sample-setup-sheet.

Click the green check mark. There is one caveat: I have released this under a non-commercial license. You may use it at your business , but you may not sell copies or derivative works.

On a side note make sure you have a customer name in the Customer field otherwise this setup sheet will not load. If anyone else finds any issues, feel free to click the issues tab on github and record the problem. I will take a look at it and fix it. This looks very cool. I just do nto understand how to make it work. Can you please provide information on how to use it.

First of all.. Thank you for the free setup sheet. I have been trying to figure out on why on jobs that have enough ops that carry over to another page, sometimes it will split the op between two pages. I wasn’t able to find a simple solution for that problem.

It’s mainly a cosmetic issue, but I may find a fix in the future. If someone else is able to fix it I will push an update. Okay, I just looked at it and the answer was both simple, plus right there in front of me.

If you look at the properties of the Detail page there is a peroperty named “KeepTogether” which will prevent the object from being split by a page break. I’ve pushed an update to GitHub and closed the issue. Hello, I’ve added written and. I will try to make a full video soon. I got it installed and set up. I have never used used anything like this so when you say “Then you can generate the report by using the Setup Sheet.. Hi Jim, please reference the image above.

I normally right-click in the Toolpath Manager to find the Setup Sheet menu item. I think that you can also click Toolpaths on the top menu, but I’m at home today and don’t have MasterCAM for reference.

I am running x7 and im getting no output of the feed rate or plunge rate. I am getting spindle rpm and est. I think you are likely seeing this issue because the fields may have a different name between X7 and X9. Can anyone who is running X7 please send me the XML file from your report?

My email address is in my signature. First of all, I want to say; thank you so much! We have been using the mill2 sheet, but this is much better. I did a little modification on this, to suit our operators desires. I get the message twice. Also maybe related?

Travel just prints the “Label16”. Forgot to take my personally branded error message out. Could you describe what you have changed or send me your updated report? The error message is related to the Min.

Travel field, which is put together by some rather shoddy c code on the Script tab. I’m guessing there is a problem with the input.

Are you using this as a Setup Sheet or a Tool List? I want to be able to use the note fields from the setup sheet dialog to tell the operators where the G54 is set on the raw stock We almost exclusively use G54, almost. SS dialog. I updated the function that calculates the travel to fix that error, if it still fails it will say that it couldn’t calculate the travel next to the label.

The only case I can think of that would is if you tried to use this report as a Tool List and not a Setup Sheet, or if you change the recordset pattern of the data source.

Thanks for updating this for us we appreciate it! Remember you need to build everything you want to see before doing the screen shots. Doing it during is to me a sloppy way of going about it as you have no level control. I have asked for quick mask abilities why creating the screen shots, but I cannot tell you if or when that will come.

If you press the camera button you can set up the view using the view drop down and level manager and even add comments annotations before you click the button to actually capture the graphics screen. I’ve been trying to find time to make a video explaining it for jlw — i didnt forget just been busy , so look for that in this thread in the near future.

It should list each tool in one section and each operation in another section. Can you take a screen shot? Could you please generate that setup sheet, then find the newest.

You can also email it to me in case there is sensitive info in it : [email protected]. Those tools appear to be the same since their properties are the same but the estimated cycle time for them are different so that implies there are separate entries. Could there be two copies of the same tool in the program that are both being used? The different cycle times appear related to those differences. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.

It’s easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. Together, we are the strongest Mastercam community on the web with over 56, members, and our online store offers a wide selection of training materials for all applications and skill levels. Subscribe to eMastercam News.

Industrial Forum Existing user? Sign in anonymously. Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Facebook. Sign in with Twitter. Welcome to eMastercam Register now to participate in the forums, access the download area, buy Mastercam training materials, post processors and more.

Use your display name or email address to sign in: Sign In Sign Up. Sign in to follow this Followers 6. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Recommended Posts. Posted November 2, Hello Recently, I’ve seen ActiveReports setup sheet for sale.

You can find the files github. Make sure Setup Sheet program is set to ActiveReports 5. Go to Reports 6. On the right hand side click the file cabinet icon next to File name: 7. Click the green check mark There is one caveat: I have released this under a non-commercial license. Regards, Dave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. JoshC This is awesome Dave! Thanks a bunch for sharing it.


Mastercam 2018 custom setup sheet free download

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