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Howard the Duck is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik. Howard the Duck first appeared in Adventure into Fear 19 cover-dated Dec. Howard’s adventures are generally social satireswhile a few are parodies of genre fiction with a metafictional awareness of the medium. The book is existentialistand its main joke, according to Gerber, is that there is no joke: ” It’s not supposed to be an existential experience.

Howard the Duck was portrayed by Book tracker collectors edition free Gale and voiced by Chip Zien in the critically and commercially unsuccessful self-titled film. Gerber wrote 27 issues of the series for the most part ditching the horror parodiesillustrated by a variety of artists, beginning with Frank Brunner.

Coyote gets run over by a steamroller, the result is book tracker collectors edition free pancake-flat coyote who can be expected to snap back to three dimensions within moments; if Howard gets run over by a steamroller, the result is blood on asphalt. I would see something in my mind, and that is what you would draw! I’ve never had that experience with another artist before book tracker collectors edition free since.

Sporting the slogan “Get Down, America! Presidential campaign of[7] [8] and led to Howard the Duck allegedly receiving thousands of write-in votes in the actual election. Marvel attempted a spin-off with a short-lived Howard the Duck newspaper comic strip from toat first written by Gerber and drawn by Colan and Mayerik, [10] later written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by Alan Kupperberg. Gerber gained a degree of creative autonomy when he became the comic series’ editor in addition to his usual writing duties.

With issue 16, unable to meet the deadline for his regular script, Gerber substituted an entire issue of text pieces and illustrations satirizing book tracker collectors edition free own difficulties as a writer. The Walt Disney Company contacted Marvel in over concerns that the visual design of Howard infringed on their trademark for Donald Duck. Marvel agreed to a redesign of the character by Book tracker collectors edition free artists. A key feature of the redesign was that the character would wear pants.

InGerber was removed from the newspaper strip and the comic-book series due to chronic problems with deadlines. The final episode of the newspaper strip was published on October 29, Issue 31 May of the comic-book series announced on its letters page that страница would be the final issue of Howard the Duck as a color comic.

Marvel then relaunched the series that year as a bimonthly magazine, with scripts by Mantlo, art by Colan and Michael Golden and unrelated backup features by others. The magazine was canceled after nine issues. On August 29,after learning of Marvel’s efforts to license Howard for use in film and broadcast media, Steve Gerber filed a нажмите чтобы перейти infringement lawsuit against Marvel corporate parent Cadence Industries and other parties, alleging that he was the sole owner of the character.

On November 5,Judge David Kenyon approved the motion and dismissed the case. The only new story featuring the character between and appeared in Bizarre Book tracker collectors edition free 34 Scripted by Steven Grantbook tracker collectors edition free featured a suicidal Howard being put through a parody of It’s a Wonderful Life. The original comic book series reappeared with issue 32 January It featured a story that had been written by Grant four years earlier.

Howard co-creator Val Mayerik co-plotted the story and provided the art. It was released alongside an adaptation of the Howard the Duck feature film, which was published in Marvel Super Special 41 November and a three-issue comic-book series. The character was again living with Beverly Switzler, now working as a rent-a- ninja. How they got back together was never explained. Beverly was посмотреть больше involved in the story, in which She-Hulk takes Howard on a trip through several dimensions with a theoretical physicist from Empire State University.

He had the idea to create an unofficial crossover book tracker collectors edition free the two issues, where the characters would meet momentarily in the shadows, but which would not affect book tracker collectors edition free story.

Soon after, Gerber discovered that Howard was scheduled to appear in Ghost Rider vol. Gerber was not pleased with this development, and changed the “unofficial crossover” somewhat. As Savage Dragon book tracker collectors edition free Destroyer Duck escape the warehouse, they reveal that they rescued the “real” Howard and Beverly, while Spider-Man left with two of the clones. Howard has his feathers dyed green, and is renamed “Leonard the Duck”, and Beverly has her hair dyed black and is renamed “Rhonda Martini”.

Featuring several familiar Howard the Duck characters, the series, like the original one, parodied a wide range of other comics and pop culture figures, but with considerably stronger language and sexual content than what would have been allowable 25 years earlier. The series has Doctor Bong causing Howard to go through multiple changes of form, principally into a mouse as a parody of Mickey Mousein retaliation for the Disney-mandated redesign book tracker collectors edition free, and entering a chain of events parodying comics such as WitchbladePreacher and several others, with Howard ultimately having a conversation with God in Hell.

Howard had cameo appearances in She-Hulk vol. Inhe returned in Howard the Duck vol. This series was rated for ages 9 and up, though one issue was published with a Marvel Zombies tie-in cover with a parental advisory claim. In NovemberMarvel announced an ongoing series starting in March featuring Howard as a private investigator on Earth.

The creative team consisted of writer Chip Вот ссылка and artist Joe Quinones. This led to a reboot produced by the same creative team starting with Howard the Duck vol. Howard’s first appearance in comics is when he is abruptly abducted from his home planet by an unseen force and randomly dropped into the Florida Everglades by the demon-lord Thog the Book tracker collectors edition free.

He meets the Man-Thingwho had been attacked by Korrek of Katharta, and the three of them are confronted by warriors of the Congress of Realities. They then travel to the realm of Therea and destroy Thog the Nether-Spawn. Howard then accidentally falls off the inter-dimensional stepping stones that the group were traveling on [24] and materializes in Cleveland, Ohio, where he battles Garko the Man-Frog.

Howard also briefly encounters and kills a vampiric cow named Bessie the Hellcow. Howard makes friends with an artists’ model named Beverly Switzler and a bizarre series of encounters follow. He battles Pro-Ratathe cosmic accountant, then meets Spider-Man at the ссылка на подробности of the battle. Howard and Beverly hit the road, seeking shelter in a gothic mansion where they battle a girl named Patsy and her giant, animated-to-life gingerbread man.

The Beaver falls to his death in a battle with Howard. Unfortunately, the bus’ passengers are all believers in various weird cults, and try to interest Howard in them. His seatmates are Winda Wester and the Kidney Lady, a woman who believes that the soul of a person lives in their kidneys and attempts to stop anything she sees as “anti-kidney health.

Book tracker collectors edition free he meets Daimon Hellstrom, and is briefly possessed by Hellstrom’s demonic soul, becoming the new Son of Satan. Later, while on the S. Damneda cruise ship returning from scenic Bagmom, Howard and Beverly are taken captive by Lester Verde. Verde had known Beverly in college and had a продолжить on her and had assumed the identity адрес страницы the supervillain Doctor Bong[38] who illegally marries Beverly against her will and transforms Howard into a human.

After escaping back to New York and being restored to his natural form, Howard is hired as a dishwasher by Beverly’s uncle, Lee Switzler. Korrek pilots the ship the Epoch Weasel and drops Howard back off at Cleveland before he and their allies fly ссылка. Howard is later kidnapped by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime.

Winda is abandoned by Paul and Iris and Paul is shot and left in a coma. Writer Bill Mantlo, beginning with issue 30, returned the series to its former status quo, bringing Beverly back into the book tracker collectors edition free and having her divorce Doctor Bong. Howard’s creator Steve Gerber, who left the series after issue 27, originally intended for Beverly and Bong’s marriage to be lasting and for Beverly to be written out book tracker collectors edition free the series from that point on.

Book tracker collectors edition free and Beverly’s friend Paul, who had ended up in a coma after he had previously been book tracker collectors edition free by the Ringmaster, awakens from his coma is released from the hospital.

Beverly’s uncle Lee brings everyone адрес to Cleveland and employs Howard as a cab driver, while Paul, back to being a somnambulist after his release from the hospital, becomes Winda’s boyfriend.

Howard dons a suit of “Iron Duck” armor made by Claude Starkowitz, a man who has delusions of being related to Tony Stark and dreams of being the personal armorer to Iron Manand battles Doctor Bong in the final issue of the original 70s Howard the Duck series issue On a later occasion, She-Hulk accidentally pulls Howard though a cosmic wormhole along with theoretical physicist Brent Wilcox and they are able to prevent other universes from crowding out Earth During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.

During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly book tracker collectors edition free the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them. The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze ‘s hellfire gun.

Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin’s mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Book tracker collectors edition free, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.

While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropywho wrap him in swaddling clothes. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realitieswhich shattered during Heroes Reborninside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard’s mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.

Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard’s conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland. Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong’s.

Beverly is hired by Bong’s Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men. Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat.

Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka “Osama the Duck” in Arabic.

Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S. One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the douchebladewhich starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing узнать больше здесь to be the wielder of the doucheblade.

The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchbladeand, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy’s house. Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abelthe latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity.

There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard’s return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John ConstantineWesley Doddsthe EndlessSpider Jerusalemand Gerber’s own Nevada called Utahall characters from DC Comics ‘ Vertigo imprint.

The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him. Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse.

It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology.

During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein’s Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing’s volatile empathy to create a weapon. They promote S. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S.

Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S. Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S. Spidey attacks the S. Howard states that he believes S. Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen.

The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan , and Battlestar , who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians , but suffer grave losses as the team’s members are either killed or zombified during the battle. After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth’s resistance team, the Suffragists.

They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees. After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld. After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster.

Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace. However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities.

Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker , Spider-Man’s aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies. After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove.

With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city.

Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos.

Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal. Howard has no superhuman powers, but he is skilled in the martial art known as Quak-Fu, enough to defeat, or at least to hold his own against, far larger opponents. He has shown some degree of mystic talent in the past, to the point that Stephen Strange taught some spells to Howard and even offered to train him, but Howard declined.

On one occasion, Howard used a suit of powered armor known as the “Iron Duck” armor designed by Claude Starkowitz. Besides its property as body armor, the suit was equipped with foot-mounted leaping coils, a chest-mounted searchlight, and flamethrowers in both arms. Howard the Duck is a three-foot-tall anthropomorphic duck. He generally wears a tie and shirt and is almost always found smoking a cigar. Originally, like many cartoon ducks, he wore no pants; Disney threatened legal action due to Howard’s resemblance to Donald Duck , [89] and Marvel redesigned that aspect of the character by writing into the script that Howard was the target of anti-nudity protests, and was forced to do business with “Wally Sidney”, a failed cartoonist who made his fortune through a chain of conservative clothing retailers known as “Sidney World”.

Howard tries on various outfits, including ones akin to Donald Duck’s sailor uniform and Uncle Scrooge ‘s coat and top hat , before settling on his new attire of a business suit complete with trousers. Although Howard sulks that he has lost, Beverly reassures him that she does not want him to be a victim of a mob, and loves him no matter what he wears. Howard has an irritable and cynical attitude towards the often bizarre events around him; he feels there is nothing special about him except that he is a duck, and though he has no goals other than seeking comfort and to be left alone, he is often dragged into dangerous adventures simply because he is visibly unusual.

His series’ tagline, “Trapped in a world he never made”, played off the genre trappings of s science fiction.

His near-constant companion and occasional girlfriend is former art model and Cleveland native Beverly Switzler. Like Howard, Beverly wants an ordinary life but is frequently singled out for her appearance, though as a beautiful woman rather than a duck. Howard has worked with Spider-Man and the Man-Thing on various occasions. Howard found himself on Earth due to a shift in the “Cosmic Axis” from a world similar to Earth, but where there are “more ducks” and “apes don’t talk.

In , Gerber dismissed this idea, calling it “very pedestrian” and ‘comic-booky’ — in the worst sense of the term. Gerber later depicted his character Destroyer Duck as existing in such a world. His antagonists who usually appear in a single story each are often parodies of science fiction , fantasy , or horror characters, as well as frequent parodies of political figures and organizations.

The chief recurring villain, Lester Verde, better known as Doctor Bong — modeled on Doctor Doom and writers Bob Greene and Lester Bangs — is a former tabloid reporter who has the power to “reorder reality” by smashing himself on the bell -shaped helmet on his head and his main goal is to marry Beverly.

Beverly eventually agreed to marry him to save Howard from Bong’s evil experimentation, but the two were divorced shortly thereafter. Doctor Bong would reappear in issues of She-Hulk and Deadpool in the mids. Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”.

Another important villain was the organization S. Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions. In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse. This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories.

In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk.

An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe. In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler.

Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down. He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”.

In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue. Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip. When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night.

A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed. These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg. Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines. In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki. Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published.

In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired.

Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can.

One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back. Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series. The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience. He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever. After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly.

Stan Lee , Shooter and Gerber himself criticized the post-Gerber stories for their lack of substance and clever humor. Within three years of Gerber’s departure, Marvel had ceased publishing new Howard the Duck material.

Lucasfilm’s big-budget Howard the Duck movie disappointed critics, audiences and the character’s fans alike. Although Marvel has occasionally released new Howard comic books, some written by Gerber, and sometimes features the character in other media, Howard’s popularity has never again approached what it was in the s. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marvel Comics character. This article is about the character and comic book series. For the film adaptation, see Howard the Duck film.

For the video game, see Howard the Duck video game. Comics character. Howard the Duck as depicted on a variant cover of Howard the Duck 1 November, This section’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Marvel Zombies 5. This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Howard the Duck meets his creator”. Supergraphics 25 : 4—7. June Comics Bulletin. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved February 3, Grand Comics Database. London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. ISBN December saw the debut of the cigar-smoking Howard the Duck. In this story by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik, various beings from different realities had begun turning up in the Man-Thing’s Florida swamp, including this bad-tempered talking duck.

United States: TwoMorrows Publishing 10 : Stan Lee April Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. Lambiek Comiclopedia. May 29, Archived from the original on October 24, Retrieved February 2, In he took over the Howard the Duck weekly comic with Marv Wolfman.

Archived from the original on 2 November Retrieved 13 August Howard the Duck Magazine. The Comics Journal.

Stamford, Connecticut: Fantagraphics Books 41 : 7. August Archived from the original on May 29, Retrieved June 2, Comics Interview. Fictioneer Books. Archived from the original on October 13, Archived from the original on November 23, Retrieved Bleeding Cool. Marvel’s anthropomorphic duck, Howard, was given his own series, the first issue of which featured a guest appearance by Spider-Man to help ease new readers into the satirical title.

M w , Sharp, Liam p , Sharp, Liam i. February 6, Archived from the original on September 12, Retrieved June 4, Marvel Zombies Destroy! Marvel Comics. Patsy Walker A. Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on October 10, Diamond Previews Online. Archived from the original on March 4, Retrieved April 6, The title character was no super-hero; he was just a cantankerous little guy named Howard who was, in the words of his creator, “the living embodiment of all that is querulous, opinionated, and uncool”…and happened to hail from an alternate Earth populated by “funny” cartoon animals.

Archived from the original on November 30, I suppose that would be Albert Camus’s The Stranger , which I encountered my first or second year of college. This will sound appallingly narcissistic, but that book explained me to myself, in a way that nothing I’d ever read had done before. It was my introduction to existentialism, and, in a sense, it was directly responsible for the creation of Howard the Duck.

Archived from the original on August 15, The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Archived from the original on October 26, Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved August 2, Archived from the original on July 30, Archived from the original on November 22, Archived from the original on August 19, Retrieved August 16, Flickering Myth. Archived from the original on April 27, Retrieved April 28, Screen Rant.

Archived from the original on December 14, Retrieved August 13, Archived from the original on May 14, Retrieved March 3, Archived from the original on August 2, Retrieved August 1, December 23, Archived from the original on Retrieved September 18, Archived from the original on July 18, Retrieved July 18, Please use a unique password as a spammer could hack your account if you have a common password.

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Howard also briefly encounters and kills a vampiric cow named Bessie the Hellcow. Howard makes friends with an artists’ model named Beverly Switzler and a bizarre series of encounters follow.

He battles Pro-Rata , the cosmic accountant, then meets Spider-Man at the end of the battle. Howard and Beverly hit the road, seeking shelter in a gothic mansion where they battle a girl named Patsy and her giant, animated-to-life gingerbread man. The Beaver falls to his death in a battle with Howard. Unfortunately, the bus’ passengers are all believers in various weird cults, and try to interest Howard in them.

His seatmates are Winda Wester and the Kidney Lady, a woman who believes that the soul of a person lives in their kidneys and attempts to stop anything she sees as “anti-kidney health.

There he meets Daimon Hellstrom, and is briefly possessed by Hellstrom’s demonic soul, becoming the new Son of Satan. Later, while on the S. Damned , a cruise ship returning from scenic Bagmom, Howard and Beverly are taken captive by Lester Verde.

Verde had known Beverly in college and had a crush on her and had assumed the identity of the supervillain Doctor Bong , [38] who illegally marries Beverly against her will and transforms Howard into a human. After escaping back to New York and being restored to his natural form, Howard is hired as a dishwasher by Beverly’s uncle, Lee Switzler.

Korrek pilots the ship the Epoch Weasel and drops Howard back off at Cleveland before he and their allies fly away. Howard is later kidnapped by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. Winda is abandoned by Paul and Iris and Paul is shot and left in a coma. Writer Bill Mantlo, beginning with issue 30, returned the series to its former status quo, bringing Beverly back into the picture and having her divorce Doctor Bong. Howard’s creator Steve Gerber, who left the series after issue 27, originally intended for Beverly and Bong’s marriage to be lasting and for Beverly to be written out of the series from that point on.

Howard and Beverly’s friend Paul, who had ended up in a coma after he had previously been shot by the Ringmaster, awakens from his coma and is released from the hospital. Beverly’s uncle Lee brings everyone back to Cleveland and employs Howard as a cab driver, while Paul, back to being a somnambulist after his release from the hospital, becomes Winda’s boyfriend.

Howard dons a suit of “Iron Duck” armor made by Claude Starkowitz, a man who has delusions of being related to Tony Stark and dreams of being the personal armorer to Iron Man , and battles Doctor Bong in the final issue of the original 70s Howard the Duck series issue On a later occasion, She-Hulk accidentally pulls Howard though a cosmic wormhole along with theoretical physicist Brent Wilcox and they are able to prevent other universes from crowding out Earth During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.

During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly meeting the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them.

The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze ‘s hellfire gun. Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin’s mind.

Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.

While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy , who wrap him in swaddling clothes. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities , which shattered during Heroes Reborn , inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard’s mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.

Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard’s conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland. Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong’s. Beverly is hired by Bong’s Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men.

Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat. Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka “Osama the Duck” in Arabic. Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S. One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before.

Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade , which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade. The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade , and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy’s house.

Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel , the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard’s return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine , Wesley Dodds , the Endless , Spider Jerusalem , and Gerber’s own Nevada called Utah , all characters from DC Comics ‘ Vertigo imprint.

The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him. Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse. It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology.

Considering her dangerous, Gabriel sends the cherub Thrasher to resurrect Sigmund Freud, whose cigar blasts out half of Thrasher’s brains being immortal, this just makes him act drunk. Iprah destroys Freud, but Howard blasts her with the cigar, separating her from Deuteronomy. Puffing on the cigar, Howard disintegrates and arrives in Hell. Sometime later, Howard attempts to register under the Superhero Registration Act during the superhero Civil War , but learns his socially disrupted life has created so many bureaucratic headaches that the government’s official policy is that Howard does not exist.

This lack of government oversight delights him: “For the rest of my life, no more parking tickets, or taxes, or jury duty. Heck, I couldn’t even vote if I wanted to! After he defeats the supervillain M. Howard the Duck is briefly seen as part of the superpowered army gathered to battle invading Skrull forces. During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein’s Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens.

They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing’s volatile empathy to create a weapon. They promote S. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S.

Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S. Spidey attacks the S. Howard states that he believes S. Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen.

The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan , and Battlestar , who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians , but suffer grave losses as the team’s members are either killed or zombified during the battle. After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth’s resistance team, the Suffragists.

They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees. After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld.

After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster. Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace.

However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities. Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker , Spider-Man’s aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies.

After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove.

With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city. Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos.

Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal. Howard has no superhuman powers, but he is skilled in the martial art known as Quak-Fu, enough to defeat, or at least to hold his own against, far larger opponents.

He has shown some degree of mystic talent in the past, to the point that Stephen Strange taught some spells to Howard and even offered to train him, but Howard declined.

On one occasion, Howard used a suit of powered armor known as the “Iron Duck” armor designed by Claude Starkowitz. Besides its property as body armor, the suit was equipped with foot-mounted leaping coils, a chest-mounted searchlight, and flamethrowers in both arms. Howard the Duck is a three-foot-tall anthropomorphic duck. He generally wears a tie and shirt and is almost always found smoking a cigar.

Originally, like many cartoon ducks, he wore no pants; Disney threatened legal action due to Howard’s resemblance to Donald Duck , [89] and Marvel redesigned that aspect of the character by writing into the script that Howard was the target of anti-nudity protests, and was forced to do business with “Wally Sidney”, a failed cartoonist who made his fortune through a chain of conservative clothing retailers known as “Sidney World”.

Howard tries on various outfits, including ones akin to Donald Duck’s sailor uniform and Uncle Scrooge ‘s coat and top hat , before settling on his new attire of a business suit complete with trousers. Although Howard sulks that he has lost, Beverly reassures him that she does not want him to be a victim of a mob, and loves him no matter what he wears.

Howard has an irritable and cynical attitude towards the often bizarre events around him; he feels there is nothing special about him except that he is a duck, and though he has no goals other than seeking comfort and to be left alone, he is often dragged into dangerous adventures simply because he is visibly unusual. His series’ tagline, “Trapped in a world he never made”, played off the genre trappings of s science fiction.

His near-constant companion and occasional girlfriend is former art model and Cleveland native Beverly Switzler. Like Howard, Beverly wants an ordinary life but is frequently singled out for her appearance, though as a beautiful woman rather than a duck. Howard has worked with Spider-Man and the Man-Thing on various occasions. Howard found himself on Earth due to a shift in the “Cosmic Axis” from a world similar to Earth, but where there are “more ducks” and “apes don’t talk.

In , Gerber dismissed this idea, calling it “very pedestrian” and ‘comic-booky’ — in the worst sense of the term. Gerber later depicted his character Destroyer Duck as existing in such a world. His antagonists who usually appear in a single story each are often parodies of science fiction , fantasy , or horror characters, as well as frequent parodies of political figures and organizations. The chief recurring villain, Lester Verde, better known as Doctor Bong — modeled on Doctor Doom and writers Bob Greene and Lester Bangs — is a former tabloid reporter who has the power to “reorder reality” by smashing himself on the bell -shaped helmet on his head and his main goal is to marry Beverly.

Beverly eventually agreed to marry him to save Howard from Bong’s evil experimentation, but the two were divorced shortly thereafter. Doctor Bong would reappear in issues of She-Hulk and Deadpool in the mids. Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”.

Another important villain was the organization S. Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions. In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse.

This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories.

In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk. An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe. In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler.

Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down. He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”. In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue.

Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip. When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night. A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed.

These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg. Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines. In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki.

Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published. In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired. Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can. One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back. Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series.

The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience. He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever. After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly.

Stan Lee , Shooter and Gerber himself criticized the post-Gerber stories for their lack of substance and clever humor. Within three years of Gerber’s departure, Marvel had ceased publishing new Howard the Duck material. Lucasfilm’s big-budget Howard the Duck movie disappointed critics, audiences and the character’s fans alike. Although Marvel has occasionally released new Howard comic books, some written by Gerber, and sometimes features the character in other media, Howard’s popularity has never again approached what it was in the s.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marvel Comics character. This article is about the character and comic book series. For the film adaptation, see Howard the Duck film. For the video game, see Howard the Duck video game. Comics character. Howard the Duck as depicted on a variant cover of Howard the Duck 1 November, This section’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise.

April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Marvel Zombies 5. This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations.

Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. Howard the Duck meets his creator”. Supergraphics 25 : 4—7. June Comics Bulletin. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved February 3, Grand Comics Database.

London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. ISBN December saw the debut of the cigar-smoking Howard the Duck. In this story by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik, various beings from different realities had begun turning up in the Man-Thing’s Florida swamp, including this bad-tempered talking duck. United States: TwoMorrows Publishing 10 : Stan Lee April Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. Lambiek Comiclopedia.

May 29, Archived from the original on October 24, Retrieved February 2, In he took over the Howard the Duck weekly comic with Marv Wolfman. Afro-American gospel: authentic gospel? You are at the right place! Your Gospel Team is a gospel choir, the first one in Switzerland, specialized in the animation of the weddings, concerts, The machine is in good working order.

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French mother tong and proficient in english for business we are the one skilled solution at This event is unique in our department. On this occasion, professional and Reunion Island Ideal for sporty, adventurous bon vivants. Spider-Man later interrupts a S. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S.

Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S. Spidey attacks the S. Howard states that he believes S. Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen. The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan , and Battlestar , who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians , but suffer grave losses as the team’s members are either killed or zombified during the battle.

After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth’s resistance team, the Suffragists.

They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees. After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld. After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster. Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn.

One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace.

However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities.

Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker , Spider-Man’s aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies. After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove.

With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city. Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos. Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal.

Howard has no superhuman powers, but he is skilled in the martial art known as Quak-Fu, enough to defeat, or at least to hold his own against, far larger opponents.

He has shown some degree of mystic talent in the past, to the point that Stephen Strange taught some spells to Howard and even offered to train him, but Howard declined. On one occasion, Howard used a suit of powered armor known as the “Iron Duck” armor designed by Claude Starkowitz. Besides its property as body armor, the suit was equipped with foot-mounted leaping coils, a chest-mounted searchlight, and flamethrowers in both arms. Howard the Duck is a three-foot-tall anthropomorphic duck.

He generally wears a tie and shirt and is almost always found smoking a cigar. Originally, like many cartoon ducks, he wore no pants; Disney threatened legal action due to Howard’s resemblance to Donald Duck , [89] and Marvel redesigned that aspect of the character by writing into the script that Howard was the target of anti-nudity protests, and was forced to do business with “Wally Sidney”, a failed cartoonist who made his fortune through a chain of conservative clothing retailers known as “Sidney World”.

Howard tries on various outfits, including ones akin to Donald Duck’s sailor uniform and Uncle Scrooge ‘s coat and top hat , before settling on his new attire of a business suit complete with trousers. Although Howard sulks that he has lost, Beverly reassures him that she does not want him to be a victim of a mob, and loves him no matter what he wears.

Howard has an irritable and cynical attitude towards the often bizarre events around him; he feels there is nothing special about him except that he is a duck, and though he has no goals other than seeking comfort and to be left alone, he is often dragged into dangerous adventures simply because he is visibly unusual.

His series’ tagline, “Trapped in a world he never made”, played off the genre trappings of s science fiction. His near-constant companion and occasional girlfriend is former art model and Cleveland native Beverly Switzler. Like Howard, Beverly wants an ordinary life but is frequently singled out for her appearance, though as a beautiful woman rather than a duck. Howard has worked with Spider-Man and the Man-Thing on various occasions.

Howard found himself on Earth due to a shift in the “Cosmic Axis” from a world similar to Earth, but where there are “more ducks” and “apes don’t talk. In , Gerber dismissed this idea, calling it “very pedestrian” and ‘comic-booky’ — in the worst sense of the term.

Gerber later depicted his character Destroyer Duck as existing in such a world. His antagonists who usually appear in a single story each are often parodies of science fiction , fantasy , or horror characters, as well as frequent parodies of political figures and organizations.

The chief recurring villain, Lester Verde, better known as Doctor Bong — modeled on Doctor Doom and writers Bob Greene and Lester Bangs — is a former tabloid reporter who has the power to “reorder reality” by smashing himself on the bell -shaped helmet on his head and his main goal is to marry Beverly. Beverly eventually agreed to marry him to save Howard from Bong’s evil experimentation, but the two were divorced shortly thereafter.

Doctor Bong would reappear in issues of She-Hulk and Deadpool in the mids. Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”. Another important villain was the organization S.

Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions. In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse.

This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories. In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk. An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe.

In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler.

Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down. He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”.

In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue. Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip.

When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night. A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed. These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg.

Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines. In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki.

Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published. In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired. Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can. One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back.

Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series. The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience. He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever. After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly.

Stan Lee , Shooter and Gerber himself criticized the post-Gerber stories for their lack of substance and clever humor. Within three years of Gerber’s departure, Marvel had ceased publishing new Howard the Duck material.

Lucasfilm’s big-budget Howard the Duck movie disappointed critics, audiences and the character’s fans alike. Although Marvel has occasionally released new Howard comic books, some written by Gerber, and sometimes features the character in other media, Howard’s popularity has never again approached what it was in the s.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marvel Comics character. This article is about the character and comic book series. For the film adaptation, see Howard the Duck film.

For the video game, see Howard the Duck video game.


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Приближающаяся медсестра прямо-таки кипела от возмущения. – Роса? – Беккер сжал руку Клушара. Старик застонал. – Он называл ее… – Речь его стала невнятной и едва перейти. Медсестра была уже совсем близко и что-то кричала Беккеру по-испански, но он ничего не слышал.

So like Post Your Hobby Talk here about all types of Toys new and old! Is Hot Wheels taking off at This is unbelievable!!!! Going for it: Topps Revolution Box Case. Opened 12 Boxes of Blue Sky Early Bird Gets The Worm. Discuss daily fantasy sports and fantasy leagues. Tips, tricks, and gloating is allowed. NCAA Brackets.

Looking for two replacements Any sport that outgrows this section will get its own sub-forum. General Rules and Guidelines Wanted Johnny Kerr auto Selling Prizm Premier Lots of Modern Comics for Sale.

For sale marvel FS: Pokemon Vmax Climax, Fs: Sealed Vhs, Fanny pack, Crap eBay Photobucket, Sportlots, etc. Auction The National This section may contain threads that are NSFW. Please no threads about race, religion, politics, or sexual orientation.

Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them. The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze ‘s hellfire gun. Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin’s mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.

While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy , who wrap him in swaddling clothes. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities , which shattered during Heroes Reborn , inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard’s mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.

Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard’s conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland.

Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong’s. Beverly is hired by Bong’s Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men.

Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat. Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka “Osama the Duck” in Arabic. Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S.

One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade , which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade.

The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade , and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy’s house. Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel , the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard’s return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine , Wesley Dodds , the Endless , Spider Jerusalem , and Gerber’s own Nevada called Utah , all characters from DC Comics ‘ Vertigo imprint.

The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him. Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse. It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology.

Considering her dangerous, Gabriel sends the cherub Thrasher to resurrect Sigmund Freud, whose cigar blasts out half of Thrasher’s brains being immortal, this just makes him act drunk. Iprah destroys Freud, but Howard blasts her with the cigar, separating her from Deuteronomy. Puffing on the cigar, Howard disintegrates and arrives in Hell.

Sometime later, Howard attempts to register under the Superhero Registration Act during the superhero Civil War , but learns his socially disrupted life has created so many bureaucratic headaches that the government’s official policy is that Howard does not exist. This lack of government oversight delights him: “For the rest of my life, no more parking tickets, or taxes, or jury duty. Heck, I couldn’t even vote if I wanted to!

After he defeats the supervillain M. Howard the Duck is briefly seen as part of the superpowered army gathered to battle invading Skrull forces. During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein’s Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing’s volatile empathy to create a weapon.

They promote S. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S. Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together.

The Supreme S. Spidey attacks the S. Howard states that he believes S. Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen.

The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan , and Battlestar , who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians , but suffer grave losses as the team’s members are either killed or zombified during the battle.

After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth’s resistance team, the Suffragists. They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees. After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld.

After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster. Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat.

With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace. However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities. Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker , Spider-Man’s aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies.

After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove. With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city.

Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos.

Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal. Howard has no superhuman powers, but he is skilled in the martial art known as Quak-Fu, enough to defeat, or at least to hold his own against, far larger opponents.

He has shown some degree of mystic talent in the past, to the point that Stephen Strange taught some spells to Howard and even offered to train him, but Howard declined. On one occasion, Howard used a suit of powered armor known as the “Iron Duck” armor designed by Claude Starkowitz. Besides its property as body armor, the suit was equipped with foot-mounted leaping coils, a chest-mounted searchlight, and flamethrowers in both arms.

Howard the Duck is a three-foot-tall anthropomorphic duck. He generally wears a tie and shirt and is almost always found smoking a cigar. Originally, like many cartoon ducks, he wore no pants; Disney threatened legal action due to Howard’s resemblance to Donald Duck , [89] and Marvel redesigned that aspect of the character by writing into the script that Howard was the target of anti-nudity protests, and was forced to do business with “Wally Sidney”, a failed cartoonist who made his fortune through a chain of conservative clothing retailers known as “Sidney World”.

Howard tries on various outfits, including ones akin to Donald Duck’s sailor uniform and Uncle Scrooge ‘s coat and top hat , before settling on his new attire of a business suit complete with trousers. Although Howard sulks that he has lost, Beverly reassures him that she does not want him to be a victim of a mob, and loves him no matter what he wears.

Howard has an irritable and cynical attitude towards the often bizarre events around him; he feels there is nothing special about him except that he is a duck, and though he has no goals other than seeking comfort and to be left alone, he is often dragged into dangerous adventures simply because he is visibly unusual.

His series’ tagline, “Trapped in a world he never made”, played off the genre trappings of s science fiction. His near-constant companion and occasional girlfriend is former art model and Cleveland native Beverly Switzler. Like Howard, Beverly wants an ordinary life but is frequently singled out for her appearance, though as a beautiful woman rather than a duck.

Howard has worked with Spider-Man and the Man-Thing on various occasions. Howard found himself on Earth due to a shift in the “Cosmic Axis” from a world similar to Earth, but where there are “more ducks” and “apes don’t talk. In , Gerber dismissed this idea, calling it “very pedestrian” and ‘comic-booky’ — in the worst sense of the term. Gerber later depicted his character Destroyer Duck as existing in such a world.

His antagonists who usually appear in a single story each are often parodies of science fiction , fantasy , or horror characters, as well as frequent parodies of political figures and organizations.

The chief recurring villain, Lester Verde, better known as Doctor Bong — modeled on Doctor Doom and writers Bob Greene and Lester Bangs — is a former tabloid reporter who has the power to “reorder reality” by smashing himself on the bell -shaped helmet on his head and his main goal is to marry Beverly. Beverly eventually agreed to marry him to save Howard from Bong’s evil experimentation, but the two were divorced shortly thereafter. Doctor Bong would reappear in issues of She-Hulk and Deadpool in the mids.

Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”. Another important villain was the organization S. Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions.

In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse. This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories.

In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk. An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe. In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler. Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down.

He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”. In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue. Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip.

When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night. A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed.

These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg. Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines.

In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki. Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published. In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired. Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can. One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back.

Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series. The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience. He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever.

After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly. Stan Lee , Shooter and Gerber himself criticized the post-Gerber stories for their lack of substance and clever humor.

Within three years of Gerber’s departure, Marvel had ceased publishing new Howard the Duck material. French mother tong and proficient in english for business we are the one skilled solution at This event is unique in our department. On this occasion, professional and Reunion Island Ideal for sporty, adventurous bon vivants.

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So like Post Your Hobby Talk here about all types of Toys new and old! Is Hot Wheels taking off at This is unbelievable!!!! Going for it: Topps Revolution Box Case. Opened 12 Boxes of Blue Sky Early Bird Gets The Worm. Discuss daily fantasy sports and fantasy leagues.

Tips, tricks, and gloating is allowed. NCAA Brackets. Looking for two replacements Any sport that outgrows this section will get its own sub-forum. General Rules and Guidelines Wanted Johnny Kerr auto Selling Prizm Premier Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”.

Another important villain was the organization S. Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions. In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse.

This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories. In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk.

An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe. In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler. Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down.

He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”. In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue.

Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip. When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night. A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed.

These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg. Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines. In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki.

Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published. In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired. Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can. One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back.

Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series. The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience. He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever. After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly.

Stan Lee , Shooter and Gerber himself criticized the post-Gerber stories for their lack of substance and clever humor. Within three years of Gerber’s departure, Marvel had ceased publishing new Howard the Duck material. Lucasfilm’s big-budget Howard the Duck movie disappointed critics, audiences and the character’s fans alike.

Although Marvel has occasionally released new Howard comic books, some written by Gerber, and sometimes features the character in other media, Howard’s popularity has never again approached what it was in the s.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marvel Comics character. This article is about the character and comic book series. For the film adaptation, see Howard the Duck film. For the video game, see Howard the Duck video game. Comics character. Howard the Duck as depicted on a variant cover of Howard the Duck 1 November, This section’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Marvel Zombies 5. This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Howard the Duck meets his creator”. Supergraphics 25 : 4—7. June Comics Bulletin. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved February 3, Grand Comics Database. London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley.

ISBN December saw the debut of the cigar-smoking Howard the Duck. In this story by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik, various beings from different realities had begun turning up in the Man-Thing’s Florida swamp, including this bad-tempered talking duck. United States: TwoMorrows Publishing 10 : Stan Lee April Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. Lambiek Comiclopedia. May 29, Archived from the original on October 24, Retrieved February 2, In he took over the Howard the Duck weekly comic with Marv Wolfman.

Archived from the original on 2 November Retrieved 13 August Howard the Duck Magazine. The Comics Journal. Stamford, Connecticut: Fantagraphics Books 41 : 7. August Archived from the original on May 29, Retrieved June 2, Comics Interview. Fictioneer Books. Archived from the original on October 13, Archived from the original on November 23, Retrieved Bleeding Cool. Marvel’s anthropomorphic duck, Howard, was given his own series, the first issue of which featured a guest appearance by Spider-Man to help ease new readers into the satirical title.

M w , Sharp, Liam p , Sharp, Liam i. February 6, Archived from the original on September 12, Retrieved June 4, Marvel Zombies Destroy! Marvel Comics. Patsy Walker A. Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on October 10, Diamond Previews Online. Archived from the original on March 4, Retrieved April 6, The title character was no super-hero; he was just a cantankerous little guy named Howard who was, in the words of his creator, “the living embodiment of all that is querulous, opinionated, and uncool”…and happened to hail from an alternate Earth populated by “funny” cartoon animals.

Archived from the original on November 30, I suppose that would be Albert Camus’s The Stranger , which I encountered my first or second year of college.

This will sound appallingly narcissistic, but that book explained me to myself, in a way that nothing I’d ever read had done before. It was my introduction to existentialism, and, in a sense, it was directly responsible for the creation of Howard the Duck. Archived from the original on August 15, The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Archived from the original on October 26, Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved August 2, Archived from the original on July 30, Archived from the original on November 22, Archived from the original on August 19, Retrieved August 16, Flickering Myth.

Archived from the original on April 27, Retrieved April 28, Screen Rant. Archived from the original on December 14, Retrieved August 13, Archived from the original on May 14, Retrieved March 3, Archived from the original on August 2, Retrieved August 1, December 23, Archived from the original on Retrieved September 18, Archived from the original on July 18, Retrieved July 18, Archived from the original on June 12, Archived from the original on June 4, Archived from the original on July 9, Ultimate Spider-Man.

Season 1. Episode July 15, Disney XD. Archived from the original on October 9, Archived from the original on June 21, The Hollywood Reporter.

Retrieved January 24, Archived from the original on September 24, Archived from the original on October 16, Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on 13 August July 21, Retrieved July 22, Big role for Howard in the game. Archived from the original on — via YouTube. Retrieved January 1, Stripper’s Guide. Archived from the original on March 9, The newspaper strip version began on June 6, at the height of Howard-mania. At first Steve Gerber and Gene Colan, the creative team on the comic book, handled the strip as well.

Colan, however, dropped out after just five months, and his job was taken over by Val Mayerik , who was occasionally spelling Colan on the comic book. Washington Post. Retrieved May 14, Archived from the original on October 17, New York City. October 4, Santa Ana Orange County Register. Retrieved May 13, July 22, The New Yorker. Retrieved May 11, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. San Francisco: Backbeat Books. August 31, Archived from the original on December 25, Howard the Duck.

Steve Gerber Val Mayerik. Defenders Generation X A. Guardians of the Galaxy. Adventure into Fear Savage Tales. Steve Gerber Swamp Thing. White Chris Bachalo. Superior B. Future Gwen Arcade. Roy Thomas Ross Andru.

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Тогда сядьте. Вокруг послышалось шушуканье, старик замолчал и снова стал смотреть прямо перед. Беккер прикрыл глаза и сжался, раздумывая, сколько времени продлится служба.

アクセサリー通販lupis(ルピス)では人気のバンスクリップを販売しています。新商品が毎日入荷!お得な割引クーポンも. 常識を超える「The ICE 27」 “冷感寝具”は もう必要ありません! 夏の快眠温度で、感動の寝落ち! 快適な温度(27~33℃)を長く持続する夏の寝具「The ICE 27(ザ・アイス27)」。. Howard the Duck was created by writer Steve Gerber and penciler Val Mayerik in Adventure into Fear #19 (Dec. ) as a secondary character in that comic’s “Man-Thing” feature. He graduated to his own backup feature in Giant-Size Man-Thing #4–5 (May and Aug. ), confronting such bizarre horror-parody characters as Garko the Man-Frog and Bessie the Hellcow, before . アクセサリー通販lupis(ルピス)では人気のバンスクリップを販売しています。新商品が毎日入荷!お得な割引クーポンも. Electronic devices 9th edition by floyd. Omair Waheed. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. FLOYD BOOK ANSWRE. by Ali Raza. Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. AE05 sol. Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package.


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Gerber wrote 27 issues of the series for the most part ditching the horror parodies , illustrated by a variety of artists, beginning with Frank Brunner. Coyote gets run over by a steamroller, the result is a pancake-flat coyote who can be expected to snap back to three dimensions within moments; if Howard gets run over by a steamroller, the result is blood on asphalt.

I would see something in my mind, and that is what you would draw! I’ve never had that experience with another artist before or since. Sporting the slogan “Get Down, America! Presidential campaign of , [7] [8] and led to Howard the Duck allegedly receiving thousands of write-in votes in the actual election. Marvel attempted a spin-off with a short-lived Howard the Duck newspaper comic strip from to , at first written by Gerber and drawn by Colan and Mayerik, [10] later written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by Alan Kupperberg.

Gerber gained a degree of creative autonomy when he became the comic series’ editor in addition to his usual writing duties. With issue 16, unable to meet the deadline for his regular script, Gerber substituted an entire issue of text pieces and illustrations satirizing his own difficulties as a writer. The Walt Disney Company contacted Marvel in over concerns that the visual design of Howard infringed on their trademark for Donald Duck.

Marvel agreed to a redesign of the character by Disney artists. A key feature of the redesign was that the character would wear pants. In , Gerber was removed from the newspaper strip and the comic-book series due to chronic problems with deadlines. The final episode of the newspaper strip was published on October 29, Issue 31 May of the comic-book series announced on its letters page that it would be the final issue of Howard the Duck as a color comic.

Marvel then relaunched the series that year as a bimonthly magazine, with scripts by Mantlo, art by Colan and Michael Golden and unrelated backup features by others. The magazine was canceled after nine issues. On August 29, , after learning of Marvel’s efforts to license Howard for use in film and broadcast media, Steve Gerber filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Marvel corporate parent Cadence Industries and other parties, alleging that he was the sole owner of the character.

On November 5, , Judge David Kenyon approved the motion and dismissed the case. The only new story featuring the character between and appeared in Bizarre Adventures 34 Scripted by Steven Grant , it featured a suicidal Howard being put through a parody of It’s a Wonderful Life.

The original comic book series reappeared with issue 32 January It featured a story that had been written by Grant four years earlier. Howard co-creator Val Mayerik co-plotted the story and provided the art. It was released alongside an adaptation of the Howard the Duck feature film, which was published in Marvel Super Special 41 November and a three-issue comic-book series. The character was again living with Beverly Switzler, now working as a rent-a- ninja.

How they got back together was never explained. Beverly was not involved in the story, in which She-Hulk takes Howard on a trip through several dimensions with a theoretical physicist from Empire State University. He had the idea to create an unofficial crossover between the two issues, where the characters would meet momentarily in the shadows, but which would not affect either story.

Soon after, Gerber discovered that Howard was scheduled to appear in Ghost Rider vol. Gerber was not pleased with this development, and changed the “unofficial crossover” somewhat. As Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck escape the warehouse, they reveal that they rescued the “real” Howard and Beverly, while Spider-Man left with two of the clones. Howard has his feathers dyed green, and is renamed “Leonard the Duck”, and Beverly has her hair dyed black and is renamed “Rhonda Martini”.

Featuring several familiar Howard the Duck characters, the series, like the original one, parodied a wide range of other comics and pop culture figures, but with considerably stronger language and sexual content than what would have been allowable 25 years earlier. The series has Doctor Bong causing Howard to go through multiple changes of form, principally into a mouse as a parody of Mickey Mouse , in retaliation for the Disney-mandated redesign , and entering a chain of events parodying comics such as Witchblade , Preacher and several others, with Howard ultimately having a conversation with God in Hell.

Howard had cameo appearances in She-Hulk vol. In , he returned in Howard the Duck vol. This series was rated for ages 9 and up, though one issue was published with a Marvel Zombies tie-in cover with a parental advisory claim. In November , Marvel announced an ongoing series starting in March featuring Howard as a private investigator on Earth. The creative team consisted of writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Joe Quinones.

This led to a reboot produced by the same creative team starting with Howard the Duck vol. Howard’s first appearance in comics is when he is abruptly abducted from his home planet by an unseen force and randomly dropped into the Florida Everglades by the demon-lord Thog the Nether-Spawn.

He meets the Man-Thing , who had been attacked by Korrek of Katharta, and the three of them are confronted by warriors of the Congress of Realities. They then travel to the realm of Therea and destroy Thog the Nether-Spawn. Howard then accidentally falls off the inter-dimensional stepping stones that the group were traveling on [24] and materializes in Cleveland, Ohio, where he battles Garko the Man-Frog. Howard also briefly encounters and kills a vampiric cow named Bessie the Hellcow.

Howard makes friends with an artists’ model named Beverly Switzler and a bizarre series of encounters follow. He battles Pro-Rata , the cosmic accountant, then meets Spider-Man at the end of the battle. Howard and Beverly hit the road, seeking shelter in a gothic mansion where they battle a girl named Patsy and her giant, animated-to-life gingerbread man.

The Beaver falls to his death in a battle with Howard. Unfortunately, the bus’ passengers are all believers in various weird cults, and try to interest Howard in them. His seatmates are Winda Wester and the Kidney Lady, a woman who believes that the soul of a person lives in their kidneys and attempts to stop anything she sees as “anti-kidney health. There he meets Daimon Hellstrom, and is briefly possessed by Hellstrom’s demonic soul, becoming the new Son of Satan.

Later, while on the S. Damned , a cruise ship returning from scenic Bagmom, Howard and Beverly are taken captive by Lester Verde. Verde had known Beverly in college and had a crush on her and had assumed the identity of the supervillain Doctor Bong , [38] who illegally marries Beverly against her will and transforms Howard into a human. After escaping back to New York and being restored to his natural form, Howard is hired as a dishwasher by Beverly’s uncle, Lee Switzler.

Korrek pilots the ship the Epoch Weasel and drops Howard back off at Cleveland before he and their allies fly away. Howard is later kidnapped by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. Winda is abandoned by Paul and Iris and Paul is shot and left in a coma. Writer Bill Mantlo, beginning with issue 30, returned the series to its former status quo, bringing Beverly back into the picture and having her divorce Doctor Bong.

Howard’s creator Steve Gerber, who left the series after issue 27, originally intended for Beverly and Bong’s marriage to be lasting and for Beverly to be written out of the series from that point on. Howard and Beverly’s friend Paul, who had ended up in a coma after he had previously been shot by the Ringmaster, awakens from his coma and is released from the hospital.

Beverly’s uncle Lee brings everyone back to Cleveland and employs Howard as a cab driver, while Paul, back to being a somnambulist after his release from the hospital, becomes Winda’s boyfriend. Howard dons a suit of “Iron Duck” armor made by Claude Starkowitz, a man who has delusions of being related to Tony Stark and dreams of being the personal armorer to Iron Man , and battles Doctor Bong in the final issue of the original 70s Howard the Duck series issue On a later occasion, She-Hulk accidentally pulls Howard though a cosmic wormhole along with theoretical physicist Brent Wilcox and they are able to prevent other universes from crowding out Earth During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.

During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly meeting the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them.

The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze ‘s hellfire gun. Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin’s mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.

While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy , who wrap him in swaddling clothes. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities , which shattered during Heroes Reborn , inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard’s mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.

Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard’s conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland. Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong’s.

Beverly is hired by Bong’s Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men. Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat.

Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka “Osama the Duck” in Arabic. Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S. One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade , which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet.

In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade. The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade , and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy’s house.

Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel , the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard’s return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine , Wesley Dodds , the Endless , Spider Jerusalem , and Gerber’s own Nevada called Utah , all characters from DC Comics ‘ Vertigo imprint.

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Он задумал способствовать распространению алгоритма, который АНБ ediion легкостью взломает. – Полный и всеобщий доступ, – объяснял Стратмор.  – «Цифровая крепость» сразу же станет всеобщим стандартом шифрования. – Сразу же? – усомнилась Сьюзан.  – Каким образом.

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