Adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download.AE 3D Audio Spectrum (no plugins) +free templates on Behance
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Adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download

Free Audio Visualizer AE Templates – Great free audio visualizer that is easy to use. Make incredible music videos, podcast videos, radio shows and any other videos requiring a visual representation of any music track, voiceovers, sound effect, audio interviews and much more. Aug 21, · Download free Audio Spectrum Music Visualizer template for after effects cs6 and above only on replace.meimated Reading Time: 40 secs. This tutorial is also going to cover audio visualizer effects, audio visualizer tutorial, audio visualizer tutorial after effects, audio visualizer template free download, audio spectrum, audio spectrum after effects tutorial, audio spectrum template free, neon logo after effects, neon logo after effects template free, neon logo after effects.
Present your music in a beautiful erfects with this audio react After Effects adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download. The music visualizer is created for musicians, beat makers, songwriters, composers, music producers and DJs who run a music channel and build their presence on YouTube. The audio spectrum displays the level of different frequencies present in your audio track.
The sound generates waves running over a background image. Your logo pumps in the center synced to your music. The speed of audio reactive particles depends on beat. Try yourself how easy it is to make professional-quality music videos for your YouTube channel with this audio spectrum template!
You need Adobe After Effects installed to use this visualizer. It’s compatible with After Effects CS6 and above. We recommend you to use the CC version or an earlier one for faster rendering.
The Auto-Setup script which comes with the audio spectrum template does all the tedious work for you. This handy tool allows you to prepare the music visualizer for rendering within a minute.
Just import your adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download and image files into the project, run the Auto-Setup script, enter your artist and track names, assign your logo and background image or video if any adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download hit the “Apply” button.
There you go! All the assets are placed where they belong. The visualizer output module is set up and ready to render the music video in full HD p or p. It is very easy to get started using the provided PDF tutorial. Even After Effects beginners can get a professional music visualization by following the guide.
We work hard to provide great support for any issues that you have. You can contact us via the contact form down below. Every question gets an answer. We are more than happy to provide a complete refund within 30 days of your original purchase in case you are not satisfied with our visualizer templates.
The music visualization project has a user-friendly interface. All the controls are grouped in an intuitive way. You can change the audio spectrum adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download appearance, animation, and audio react settings quickly and easily. The template includes 4 audio spectrum shapes, 12 different progress bars, and 8 color styles.
Switch them in just one click using the handy template controls. Also, you can set up a custom color style to fit your background image perfectly in a few more clicks. Rate and review this product. Username or Email Aftre. Remember Me. This audio reactive template is focused on a high performance, consequently the visualizer has a very short render time. Rendering of a 1 min video takes about 57 minutes using multiprocessing or 1 hour 16 minutes without multiprocessing.
We accept payments tempalte PayPal only. You can use your existing personal PayPal account or pay by credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account. We can’t accept payments from business PayPal accounts at the moment, however we can spectrmu you a payment request, so you could pay with your business account.
After completing your payment you will receive the download links. Read the license details for more info. An Extended license is required if an end user must pay to use an end product or if you charge xdobe client for your services to create a video using больше информации template. In those cases you have to purchase one Extended license per each end product video. Any license type allows monetization of the video made using this template on YouTube or any other video hosting.
If you publish a video made with a Basic license or using a Free version of the template, you must give credits in the following frer. Copy the text within the adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download and paste it in the description of your video. Thank you! Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or need support. You are also welcome to provide feedback on our music visualizers, give us suggestions for new audio react templates or just to say hello!
Sound Visible. Templates Sownload Support Log In 0. The latest Auto-Setup script v2. Version: 1. New: The free version is in full HD. Product Rating: 5. Download Now. Visualizer Setup Automation. Benefits of Using Our Visualizers. Template Controls.
Appearance Customization. Buyer Reviews. Product rating:. These Templates are extremely easy to use and very well designed and affordable. If you have any issues with the PayPal Buy Buttons, just use the contact form like I did and within a few hours I приведенная ссылка a paypal invoice in my email and a few hours odwnload payment all the files and License Keys were in my email.
Having been taken advantage of before online by sellers, I can assure you the team at SoundVisible is on top of adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download game. Thanks a lot guys! I will be referring everyone I know to your site! I use more than a year. For me, this is the adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download product, there is simply no better!
It is very easy to configure especially for me, a person who is far from After Детальнее на этой странице Support at a high level, always answer and help, it is adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download valuable! Thank you very much! This template is so great! I was looking for a long time that kind of fres spectrum that not only move the spectrum по этому сообщению but also the bacground.
The customizability is also awsome, using the script i can start fefects on READY to render template in 2 minutes and after that i change only the shape of bar or colors and DONE and the video looks awsome.
You must log in to submit a review. Music Visualizer Features. Visualizer Setup Automation Get the audio spectrum project prepared for rendering within spectum minute using our exclusive and free Auto-Setup script. Quick and Easy Customization Set up the visualizer appearance using the built-in controlswhich allow you to make an infinite number of variations.
Use Any Background Image or Video Make your audio visualizer stand out by adding a kick-ass background image or even a video. Output Video Duration up to 60 Min Render an audio visualization of any duration up to 1 hour Let us know, if you need a longer duration. Cycore CC plugins which come with After Effects have to be installed.
Detailed PDF Tutorial A step-by-step user guide is included, so even beginners are able to use this visualizer template successfully. Universalized Expressions The audio react template works with all language versions of Adobe After Effects.
Well Organized Project If you want to dig into the visualizer for a deeper customization, it should be easy, the project has a well thought-out structure. Just select an output resolution and you are ready to go!
Download the Visualizer We accept payments via PayPal only. Buy Now. Free Download. License Details Effects Extended license is required if an end adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download must pay to use an end product or if you charge your client for your services to create a video using this template.
You may not sell this template or its elements or share them for free. You may not claim this template as your own. Contact SoundVisible Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or need support. Get the audio spectrum project prepared for rendering within a minute using our exclusive and free Auto-Setup script.
Set up the visualizer appearance using the built-in controlswhich allow you to make an infinite number of variations. Select one of the four provided audio spectrum shapes in just one click.
Select a progress bar with an elapsed time counter or just a plain one in one click. Make your audio visualizer stand out by adding a kick-ass background image or even a video. Render an audio visualization of any duration up to 1 hour Let us know, if you afterr a downolad duration. You need no plugins to use this visualizer template. A step-by-step user guide is included, so even beginners are able to use this visualizer template successfully.
The audio react template works with all language versions of Adobe After Effects. If you want to dig into the visualizer for a deeper customization, it should be easy, the project has a well thought-out structure.
Log In. Sign Up. Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer. Follow Unfollow. Follow Following. After Effects. Follow Following Unfollow. Cristian J. Trim the composition length adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download match your audio, by default is set to 10 minutes. The first option called 3DLayersPadding allows you to change the distance, in pixels, between the spectrum layers to create the depth of the spectrum, a value of 0px makes it flat, it should at least be 1px.
Note: Each layer by its own is flat, if you place the camera from an absolute side view, the spectrum will not be visible. Those are the 2D coordinates X, Y of the points that make the imaginary line where the audio wave is traced. In this case, this option spectruk the sampling tfmplate difference between each layer that makes up the entire 3D Spectrum, by default is set 20ms.
This means that the next layer is going to be 40ms, 60ms, 80ms If you set it to, for example, ms, next layer is going be ms, ms, ms This is done automatically by an Expression script see below in the spectrum layers, you only need to change this option to apply the offset difference to all the spectrum layers. The same happens with the 3DLayersPadding dwonload. Both Audio Offset and Audio Duration affect the refreshing speed of the spectrum, the default values for each template are usually fine for most audio files.
This means that if you are displaying from 0 to hz, you will see the most activity on the left side low frequencies of the spectrum with very high peaks and very few to none activity on the rest of the spectrum, even if you set the Max Height to the highest possible. A quick way around to this is choosing a segment that doesn’t go that high to hz, for example from 20 to hz, but is not always the best solution, because you are loosing the higher frequencies, and doesn’t seems to always match the audio.
Adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download can use AE native audio effects, like the parametric equalizer, to cut the lows adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download boost the highs. Do this on a pre-composition, and for the best performance pre-render it. The best option is to use an external audio editor, like Audition.
Here you have a few more options to manipulate the file. Use an equalizer Parametric or Multi-band low down everything from 0 to hz. Use the Multi-band Compressor to address the lower frequencies first, then use the Tube Modeled Compressor on all the track to keep the volumes of everything more equal, you can also use the Hard Limiter and then the Declipper.
The audio will sound harsh, but the plan is to use it just for the Spectrum input, and then use the original audio on top of the final sequence. See the Audition Documentation to effetcs how to use this effects. You can also decrease the frame rate of your composition, 24 by default. Instead, use 18fps and after render you can use основываясь на этих данных options to smooth it.
Using the command-line After Effects renderer aerender. Multi-Machine Settings comes already with AE, you can use this. You can effecst this same code if you have another computer with AE installed to render the same composition. Read the AE Manual to learn more about multi-machine adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download. This Plug-In is free, and it’s delivered as-is with no support beyond this document.
Join Behance Sign up or Sign in to view personalized recommendations, follow creatives, and more. Published: April 12th Buenos Aires, Apectrum.
Tools After Effects. Creative Fields Motion Graphics. Sound Design. Jump to Main Content. More Behance.
Энсей Танкадо – это Северная Дакота… Сьюзан попыталась расставить все фрагменты имеющейся у нее информации по своим местам. Если Танкадо – Северная Дакота, выходит, он посылал электронную почту самому себе… а это значит, что никакой Северной Дакоты не существует.
Партнер Танкадо – призрак. Северная Дакота – призрак, сказала она. Сплошная мистификация.
Халохот был вынужден скрыться, не успев обыскать убитого, найти ключ. А когда пыль осела, тело Танкадо попало в руки местной полиции. Стратмор был взбешен. Халохот впервые сорвал задание, выбрав неблагоприятные время и место.
Free Audio Spectrum Music Visualizer After Effects Template.Adobe after effects cs6 audio spectrum template free download
Мы к нему не прикасались. Мой друг испугался. Он хоть и крупный, но слабак.
– И замолчал. – Подумайте, мистер Клушар, – тихо, но настойчиво сказал Беккер. – Это очень важно.
Его нижняя губа на мгновение оттопырилась, но заговорил он не. Слова, сорвавшиеся с его языка, были определенно произнесены на английском, но настолько искажены сильным немецким акцентом, что их смысл не сразу дошел до Беккера.
– Проваливай и умри. Дэвид даже вздрогнул от неожиданности. – Простите.
Главный криптограф АНБ испробовала все – подмену букв, шифровальные квадраты, даже анаграммы. Она пропустила эти слова через компьютер и поставила перед ним задачу переставить буквы в новую фразу. Выходила только абракадабра.
Download over free After Effects Audio visualizer templates! Browse over thousands of templates that are compatible with After Effects, Cinema 4D, Blender, Sony Vegas, Photoshop, Avee Player, Panzoid, Filmora, No software, Kinemaster, Sketch, . Dec 26, · I ask only.. – 28 sec – Uploaded by DJ Drop[Audio Spectrum] Free Download Project AE cs4,cs5,cscs6,CC By Pii Ken.. Free Audio Spectrum Template After Effects Cs6 Serial Number – replace.met.. Audio Spectrum Music Visualizer After Effects Template Royalty Free. Aug 21, · Download free Audio Spectrum Music Visualizer template for after effects cs6 and above only on replace.meimated Reading Time: 40 secs.
The audio spectrum displays the level of different frequencies present in your audio track. The sound generates waves running over a background image. Your logo pumps in the center synced to your music.
The speed of audio reactive particles depends on beat. Try yourself how easy it is to make professional-quality music videos for your YouTube channel with this audio spectrum template!
You need Adobe After Effects installed to use this visualizer. It’s compatible with After Effects CS6 and above. We recommend you to use the CC version or an earlier one for faster rendering.
The Auto-Setup script which comes with the audio spectrum template does all the tedious work for you. This handy tool allows you to prepare the music visualizer for rendering within a minute.
Just import your music and image files into the project, run the Auto-Setup script, enter your artist and track names, assign your logo and background image or video if any and hit the “Apply” button. There you go! All the assets are placed where they belong. The visualizer output module is set up and ready to render the music video in full HD p or p. It is very easy to get started using the provided PDF tutorial.
Even After Effects beginners can get a professional music visualization by following the guide. We work hard to provide great support for any issues that you have. You can contact us via the contact form down below. Every question gets an answer. We are more than happy to provide a complete refund within 30 days of your original purchase in case you are not satisfied with our visualizer templates.
The music visualization project has a user-friendly interface. All the controls are grouped in an intuitive way. You can change the audio spectrum visualizer appearance, animation, and audio react settings quickly and easily. The template includes 4 audio spectrum shapes, 12 different progress bars, and 8 color styles. Switch them in just one click using the handy template controls. Also, you can set up a custom color style to fit your background image perfectly in a few more clicks.
Rate and review this product. Username or Email Address. Remember Me. This audio reactive template is focused on a high performance, consequently the visualizer has a very short render time.
Rendering of a 1 min video takes about 57 minutes using multiprocessing or 1 hour 16 minutes without multiprocessing. We accept payments via PayPal only. You can use your existing personal PayPal account or pay by credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.
We can’t accept payments from business PayPal accounts at the moment, however we can send you a payment request, so you could pay with your business account.
After completing your payment you will receive the download links. Read the license details for more info. An Extended license is required if an end user must pay to use an end product or if you charge your client for your services to create a video using this template.
In those cases you have to purchase one Extended license per each end product video. Any license type allows monetization of the video made using this template on YouTube or any other video hosting. If you publish a video made with a Basic license or using a Free version of the template, you must give credits in the following manner:. Copy the text within the box and paste it in the description of your video. Thank you! Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or need support. You are also welcome to provide feedback on our music visualizers, give us suggestions for new audio react templates or just to say hello!
Sound Visible. Templates Tools Support Log In 0. The latest Auto-Setup script v2. Version: 1. New: The free version is in full HD. Product Rating: 5. If you set it to, for example, ms, next layer is going be ms, ms, ms This is done automatically by an Expression script see below in the spectrum layers, you only need to change this option to apply the offset difference to all the spectrum layers. The same happens with the 3DLayersPadding control.
Both Audio Offset and Audio Duration affect the refreshing speed of the spectrum, the default values for each template are usually fine for most audio files. This means that if you are displaying from 0 to hz, you will see the most activity on the left side low frequencies of the spectrum with very high peaks and very few to none activity on the rest of the spectrum, even if you set the Max Height to the highest possible.
A quick way around to this is choosing a segment that doesn’t go that high to hz, for example from 20 to hz, but is not always the best solution, because you are loosing the higher frequencies, and doesn’t seems to always match the audio. You can use AE native audio effects, like the parametric equalizer, to cut the lows and boost the highs. Do this on a pre-composition, and for the best performance pre-render it. The best option is to use an external audio editor, like Audition. Here you have a few more options to manipulate the file.
Use an equalizer Parametric or Multi-band low down everything from 0 to hz. Use the Multi-band Compressor to address the lower frequencies first, then use the Tube Modeled Compressor on all the track to keep the volumes of everything more equal, you can also use the Hard Limiter and then the Declipper. The audio will sound harsh, but the plan is to use it just for the Spectrum input, and then use the original audio on top of the final sequence.
See the Audition Documentation to learn how to use this effects. You can also decrease the frame rate of your composition, 24 by default. Instead, use 18fps and after render you can use frame-blending options to smooth it. Using the command-line After Effects renderer aerender. Multi-Machine Settings comes already with AE, you can use this. You can use this same code if you have another computer with AE installed to render the same composition.
Read the AE Manual to learn more about multi-machine rendering. This Plug-In is free, and it’s delivered as-is with no support beyond this document.
The template includes 4 audio spectrum shapes, 12 different progress bars, and 8 color styles. Switch them in just one click using the handy template controls. Also, you can set up a custom color style to fit your background image perfectly in a few more clicks.
Rate and review this product. Username or Email Address. Remember Me. This audio reactive template is focused on a high performance, consequently the visualizer has a very short render time. Rendering of a 1 min video takes about 57 minutes using multiprocessing or 1 hour 16 minutes without multiprocessing.
We accept payments via PayPal only. You can use your existing personal PayPal account or pay by credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.
We can’t accept payments from business PayPal accounts at the moment, however we can send you a payment request, so you could pay with your business account. After completing your payment you will receive the download links. Read the license details for more info. An Extended license is required if an end user must pay to use an end product or if you charge your client for your services to create a video using this template. In those cases you have to purchase one Extended license per each end product video.
Any license type allows monetization of the video made using this template on YouTube or any other video hosting. If you publish a video made with a Basic license or using a Free version of the template, you must give credits in the following manner:.
Copy the text within the box and paste it in the description of your video. Thank you! Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or need support. You are also welcome to provide feedback on our music visualizers, give us suggestions for new audio react templates or just to say hello!
Sound Visible. Templates Tools Support Log In 0. The latest Auto-Setup script v2. Version: 1. New: The free version is in full HD. Product Rating: 5. Download Now. Visualizer Setup Automation. Benefits of Using Our Visualizers. Template Controls. Appearance Customization. Buyer Reviews. Product rating:. These Templates are extremely easy to use and very well designed and affordable.
If you have any issues with the PayPal Buy Buttons, just use the contact form like I did and within a few hours I had a paypal invoice in my email and a few hours after payment all the files and License Keys were in my email. Having been taken advantage of before online by sellers, I can assure you the team at SoundVisible is on top of their game. Thanks a lot guys! I will be referring everyone I know to your site! I use more than a year. For me, this is the best product, there is simply no better!
It is very easy to configure especially for me, a person who is far from After Effects Support at a high level, always answer and help, it is very valuable! Thank you very much! This template is so great! I was looking for a long time that kind of audio spectrum that not only move the spectrum itself but also the bacground. The customizability is also awsome, using the script i can start working on READY to render template in 2 minutes and after that i change only the shape of bar or colors and DONE and the video looks awsome.
You must log in to submit a review. Music Visualizer Features. Visualizer Setup Automation Get the audio spectrum project prepared for rendering within a minute using our exclusive and free Auto-Setup script.
Quick and Easy Customization Set up the visualizer appearance using the built-in controls , which allow you to make an infinite number of variations. Follow Following. After Effects. Follow Following Unfollow. Cristian J. Trim the composition length to match your audio, by default is set to 10 minutes. The first option called 3DLayersPadding allows you to change the distance, in pixels, between the spectrum layers to create the depth of the spectrum, a value of 0px makes it flat, it should at least be 1px.
Note: Each layer by its own is flat, if you place the camera from an absolute side view, the spectrum will not be visible. Those are the 2D coordinates X, Y of the points that make the imaginary line where the audio wave is traced. In this case, this option is the sampling time difference between each layer that makes up the entire 3D Spectrum, by default is set to 20ms. This means that the next layer is going to be 40ms, 60ms, 80ms If you set it to, for example, ms, next layer is going be ms, ms, ms This is done automatically by an Expression script see below in the spectrum layers, you only need to change this option to apply the offset difference to all the spectrum layers.
The same happens with the 3DLayersPadding control. Both Audio Offset and Audio Duration affect the refreshing speed of the spectrum, the default values for each template are usually fine for most audio files. This means that if you are displaying from 0 to hz, you will see the most activity on the left side low frequencies of the spectrum with very high peaks and very few to none activity on the rest of the spectrum, even if you set the Max Height to the highest possible.
A quick way around to this is choosing a segment that doesn’t go that high to hz, for example from 20 to hz, but is not always the best solution, because you are loosing the higher frequencies, and doesn’t seems to always match the audio. You can use AE native audio effects, like the parametric equalizer, to cut the lows and boost the highs.
Do this on a pre-composition, and for the best performance pre-render it. The best option is to use an external audio editor, like Audition. Here you have a few more options to manipulate the file. Use an equalizer Parametric or Multi-band low down everything from 0 to hz.
Username or Email Address. Remember Me. This audio reactive template is focused on a high performance, consequently the visualizer has a very short render time. Rendering of a 1 min video takes about 57 minutes using multiprocessing or 1 hour 16 minutes without multiprocessing. We accept payments via PayPal only. You can use your existing personal PayPal account or pay by credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account. We can’t accept payments from business PayPal accounts at the moment, however we can send you a payment request, so you could pay with your business account.
After completing your payment you will receive the download links. Read the license details for more info. An Extended license is required if an end user must pay to use an end product or if you charge your client for your services to create a video using this template. In those cases you have to purchase one Extended license per each end product video. Any license type allows monetization of the video made using this template on YouTube or any other video hosting.
If you publish a video made with a Basic license or using a Free version of the template, you must give credits in the following manner:. Copy the text within the box and paste it in the description of your video.
Thank you! Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or need support. You are also welcome to provide feedback on our music visualizers, give us suggestions for new audio react templates or just to say hello! Sound Visible. Templates Tools Support Log In 0. The latest Auto-Setup script v2.
Version: 1. New: The free version is in full HD. Product Rating: 5. Download Now. Visualizer Setup Automation. Benefits of Using Our Visualizers. Template Controls. Appearance Customization. Buyer Reviews. Product rating:.
These Templates are extremely easy to use and very well designed and affordable. If you have any issues with the PayPal Buy Buttons, just use the contact form like I did and within a few hours I had a paypal invoice in my email and a few hours after payment all the files and License Keys were in my email.
Having been taken advantage of before online by sellers, I can assure you the team at SoundVisible is on top of their game. Thanks a lot guys! I will be referring everyone I know to your site! I use more than a year. For me, this is the best product, there is simply no better! It is very easy to configure especially for me, a person who is far from After Effects Support at a high level, always answer and help, it is very valuable!
Thank you very much! This template is so great! I was looking for a long time that kind of audio spectrum that not only move the spectrum itself but also the bacground. The customizability is also awsome, using the script i can start working on READY to render template in 2 minutes and after that i change only the shape of bar or colors and DONE and the video looks awsome.
You must log in to submit a review. Music Visualizer Features. Visualizer Setup Automation Get the audio spectrum project prepared for rendering within a minute using our exclusive and free Auto-Setup script.
Quick and Easy Customization Set up the visualizer appearance using the built-in controls , which allow you to make an infinite number of variations. Use Any Background Image or Video Make your audio visualizer stand out by adding a kick-ass background image or even a video. Output Video Duration up to 60 Min Render an audio visualization of any duration up to 1 hour Let us know, if you need a longer duration.
Cycore CC plugins which come with After Effects have to be installed. Detailed PDF Tutorial A step-by-step user guide is included, so even beginners are able to use this visualizer template successfully. Both Audio Offset and Audio Duration affect the refreshing speed of the spectrum, the default values for each template are usually fine for most audio files. This means that if you are displaying from 0 to hz, you will see the most activity on the left side low frequencies of the spectrum with very high peaks and very few to none activity on the rest of the spectrum, even if you set the Max Height to the highest possible.
A quick way around to this is choosing a segment that doesn’t go that high to hz, for example from 20 to hz, but is not always the best solution, because you are loosing the higher frequencies, and doesn’t seems to always match the audio. You can use AE native audio effects, like the parametric equalizer, to cut the lows and boost the highs. Do this on a pre-composition, and for the best performance pre-render it.
The best option is to use an external audio editor, like Audition. Here you have a few more options to manipulate the file. Use an equalizer Parametric or Multi-band low down everything from 0 to hz. Use the Multi-band Compressor to address the lower frequencies first, then use the Tube Modeled Compressor on all the track to keep the volumes of everything more equal, you can also use the Hard Limiter and then the Declipper.
The audio will sound harsh, but the plan is to use it just for the Spectrum input, and then use the original audio on top of the final sequence. See the Audition Documentation to learn how to use this effects. You can also decrease the frame rate of your composition, 24 by default. Instead, use 18fps and after render you can use frame-blending options to smooth it.
Using the command-line After Effects renderer aerender. Multi-Machine Settings comes already with AE, you can use this. You can use this same code if you have another computer with AE installed to render the same composition. Read the AE Manual to learn more about multi-machine rendering.
This Plug-In is free, and it’s delivered as-is with no support beyond this document. Join Behance Sign up or Sign in to view personalized recommendations, follow creatives, and more. Published: April 12th Buenos Aires, Argentina.