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The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers: Digital Photography Review – Photoshop plugins for improving your workflow

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Step 4 Press the Enter Key or the checkmark in the toolbar to apply the crop. If you change the crop area and apply it, it will still end up at 8in by 10in at ppi Even when you crop in really tight, it will still be the same final size. In the drop down, choose, New Crop Preset Photoshop will name it for you, or you can add your own name if you prefer. Changing the Orientation of the crop tool Notice that our cropping has all been in portrait orientation so far. Clearing the Crop tool If you want to go back to freeform cropping Unconstrained click the clear button and it will remove all the settings for you.

Non Destructive Cropping When you apply the crop tool, by default it deletes the areas that have been cropped. Rule of Thirds and compositional guides Overlays When you are cropping for composition, there are some tools to help you visualize your crops in Photoshop.

Golden Spiral shown here Here is the rule of thirds, this is the most common type of composition aid. Important details can even fall on the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines.

Even more things you can do. Great article, exactly what I needed with different sized images for website thumbnails. Would of been great if you would of showed crop for facebook, not everybody uses instagram.

Is this possible with Photoshop? Many thanks. Is there a simpler method? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Its fast and free! Grab a free Layer Blending Modes e-book, free tutorials, presets and more. No Spam Join. Popular tutorials. How to Remove Reflections from Glasses in Photoshop. How to resize and prepare pictures for posting on Instagram in Photoshop Crop an image to an exact size in Photoshop, easy to follow Photoshop cropping tutorial and tips.

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How to make Double Exposure with custom brushes in Photoshop. Lightroom Classic for Digital Photographers Buy. Our Courses. You can use the pen tool to clean up the path if needed.

We are making paths because they are Vectors. This means that you can make them as large or as small as you like and they will always have sharp edges. They are solution independent, unlike pixels. Ill show you how to use the shape in the following steps and some great tips on using Libraries in Step 9. Now we will look at making an icon from a sketch. Here is an icon I quickly sketched with a pencil on a piece of bristol paper.

I got it into Photoshop by snapping a picture on my phone. You can also use a scanner if you have one. If you have a clean drawing, you can skip this step. Apply a small amount of blur to the drawing to smudge all the areas together. Squeeze in the triangles in levels to make the icon more dense and a clear outline.

Just like we did with the thumb icon, use the magic wand to select the white area I used the lasso tool to clean up the dark areas on the paper, you can see on the video. Just like before, make a work path in the Paths panel. This time give it a tolerance of 8. You might need to use the Pen tool to finesse the path a little bit. Here is a tutorial on using the Pen tool. I also created a gray background. In the top toolbar you will see an assortment of Shapes that come with Photoshop.

There are many more, lets get them. You will also notice our thumb and custom icon are in there too. When you make a Shape, this is where they go.

Make several more icons using the same steps as above. Notice our icon from our drawing is there. Make sure each one is in a group.

Now we are going to make a CC Library of the icons. Not on CC? You should save the images as PSD and back up to Dropbox or onto a drive.

Right now we have all the icons on a page. Because we put each icon into a group, its easy to add to the library. Drag each group into the Library and you will see your icon set have been added to the library, No need to save, because the Library is synced in the cloud and these icons will be available on any computer that you sign into with your Creative Cloud account.

If you double Click an icon from the Library, it will open as a new document. Notice that its nicely trimmed. This plugin converts your layers to CSS3 format. Among its features are multiple layer selection, support for text layers, the ability to work with shadows, glows, blending, gradient overlays, and border radius.

Some of the best plugins for Photoshop are dedicated to photo filters and effects. Offering a great variety of photo effects, texture libraries, and spectacular transformations for your images, here are the best free Photoshop plugins for creative work.

This plugin gives you three photo filters for generating textures and borders. Using Texture Anarchy, you can create seamless textures ranging from procedural textures to ornamental borders. If you need long shadows in a project, you can use this free Photoshop plugin developed especially for this effect.

Long Shadow Generator allows you to set shadow length, opacity, color, style, and angle. Font Awesome gives you access to a set of icons and logos directly from Photoshop.

The free version offers more than 1, images grouped by categories and styles and available in icon or SVG format. Photo Freebies is a set of 12 Photoshop plugins for photo effects and basic image adjustments.

Among its features are photo filters for color adjustments; patterns and gradients; noise, zoom, mirroring, and paint effects; animation tools; blending modes; and more than presets. Richard Rosenman offers exquisite free Photoshop plugins based on fractals and special functions. Among them there are:.

This plugin allows you to add directional lights and light spots to your images. You can set the position and direction of the light, create shadows, and choose colors. Luce also allows you to create random rays and smoke effects. PixelSampler offers photo filters for print materials, web, and multimedia.

Among its features are image enhancement tools, adjustable presets, and darkroom and film style effects. Cybia develops a wide range of Photoshop plugins dedicated to creative photo effects and filters, image enhancement, and workflow efficiency. Among them are many free Photoshop plugins for photographers. You can use them to perform basic adjustments or add spectacular effects in just a few clicks. Cybia plugins are compatible with Adobe Photoshop 6.

Flaming Pear Software develops Photoshop plugins for outstanding photo effects ranging from flooding a landscape to creating dream-like scenery. Alongside their commercial products, Flaming Pear Software has a wide variety of free photo effects that help you improve your images and realize your artistic vision. Cartoon Bubble allows you to add word bubbles to your images. You can choose the color, size, and style of the font as well as the color, shape, and thickness of the bubble and background color.

The plugin provides presets and allows you to save your favorite styles for future use. In addition to commercial products, ImageSkill develops some free Photoshop plugins for photographers. This filter allows you to create textures and patterns in the form of stereograms. You can set the number of texture tiles, depth, anti-aliasing levels, and start position. Stereogram Lab Filter is compatible with Adobe Photoshop 6. Martin Vicanek provides a collection of free Photoshop plugins dedicated to image enhancement and special effects.

The collection includes Color Cube an analysis tool for 3D visualization of all colors in an image , Color Replacer for replacing a specific color , Contrast Mask for enhancing contrast in images with a high dynamic range , Hue Restorer for fixing overexposed images , Pano Warp for panorama stitching , Perspective Transformations for panning and tilting images , Pinocchio for distortion effects , Sliding Tile Puzzle for creating slide puzzles , Vignette Corrector for vignette effects , and Wire Worm for removing wires and other objects that ruin a picture.

This plugin removes chromatic aberration from your pictures. AlphaPlugins RedEyes removes the red eye effect using a semi-automated algorithm. The plugin is compatible with Adobe Photoshop 7. Among its features are generation of normal maps, texture compression, mipmap generation, and cub map formatting. Kill White removes white from an image. Kill White is compatible with Adobe Photoshop 3.

This plugin helps you with retouching panoramas. Lightroom was designed for photographers who want to organize and lightly manipulate their photo collection. You can’t doctor images like you can with Photoshop, but you can lighten up images at the touch of a button, as well as tweak colors and enhance or sharpen digital photos.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic is the renamed version of the traditional desktop Lightroom. Lightroom is a cloud-based photo service that works across desktop, mobile, and web. Try Lightroom for free for seven days to check it out. Lightroom Classic is no longer available as a stand-alone product, but it is included in the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan.

Adobe Photoshop Express is the mobile version of Photoshop, available as a free app for iOS devices and Android devices. It can also be installed on the Windows desktop with Windows 8 and above, via the Microsoft Store. It’s far simpler than Photoshop CC, providing a basic range of image-editing functions, such as contrast and exposure tweaks and blemish removal.

It’s also possible to add text to images. If you’re just getting started with image editing, consider a free Adobe Photoshop alternative. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies.

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Voices That Matter Ser.: The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers… | eBay – Photoshop Resource

Buy The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers (Voices That Matter) 1 by Kelby, Scott (ISBN: ) from Amazon’s Book Store. The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers. Dear Reader: Welcome to the photo, bonus chapter, and video download page, where you can download.


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