Spell checker doesn’t check text in the form fields in Word – Office | Microsoft Learn
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My Microsoft Word will not detect any misspelled words. I have – Microsoft Community.Check spelling and grammar in Office

These are Office components and work with the version of Office Word for which they were designed. They are not stand-alone programs. Mastering the Spelling Checker. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. It is called “innovation” or perhaps “marketing. Look online for the screams heard with the introduction of the Ribbon interface.
What is an improvement for one user or corporate buyer is a nightmare for another. I do not know of anything inferior about the spellchecker in Word other than the lack of a link to adding solutions to AutoCorrect in the right-click menu. I used to use that button regularly. Removing it was ridiculous. And yes there are other retrograde steps with the new spell checker. It now takes quite a bit longer to run through the spell checker – I write reports that are around 10 words each.
Great ‘innovation’ or ‘marketing’! You asked: why buy if the new version is the same as the old. If you had an old, sharp saw, would you buy a new blunt saw, or keep using the old one. You only buy something new if it’s better As for the ribbon, that’s an absolute disaster! It’s harder to find things, more eye and mouse movement is required to use it, it requires more mouse clicks, it takes up more of the page, and you can’t bring useful toolbars down onto the page, as you used to be able to.
Yes, I’m one of those screaming about it. I’m like the frog put in hot water – I jumped straight from Word to No gradual introduction to all the lost features. I can see everything that’s now wrong. There’s so much wrong with the new Word that I have reinstalled Word and do most of my work in that.
Unfortunately, others have to work with my documents also, so I have to eventually save in Word format, and do some work in that too. GCWesq lists all the reasons why I dislike the new spell-checking pane. The biggest gripe for me is the amount of eye-travel that’s needed to look from the pane, to the context, then back again. Plus the fact that letters which are underlined in the pane don’t work like traditional keyboard shortcuts with the Alt key, meaning I have to keep using the mouse.
Fortunately, I asked about the shortcuts in another thread , and received a really helpful reply with a macro I have now added the Word template, which invokes the old spell-checker when I press F7. It’s the old familiar dialogue box with all the options that have been stripped out of the new text correction pane, it appears closer to the text in question, complete with a context box, and the keyboard shortcuts work the way I expect.
It’s so much quicker to use than the new version. Microsoft reinstated the start button and a “boot to desktop” option in Windows 8. It would be nice if they could bring back the old spell-checking window even if it’s just as an option in Word. Where is the undo button in spelling. There is ignore, ignore all and change, change all and add buttons but the undo is missing, why???
Please don’t tell me I have to hunt the ribbons and tabs for the undo button for spell check. Please do not tell me I have to add undo and redo to the quick access bar and then use it for the spell check undo because that is so insane stupid. This is crazy HELP! Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. How do I get rid of the Word spellchecker and re-install an earlier version – which worked better, and which automatically placed itself in my eyeline near the text being checked and had an ‘undo’ button?
And is it my imagination or does the Word spellchecker have a smaller vocabulary? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 7. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Charles Kenyon Volunteer Moderator. Short answer: you get and use an earlier version of Word. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply?
Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Yes, that’s what I thought the answer would be – how can MicroSoft introduce a version of a program which is actually inferior to what went before! In reply to peterhore’s post on March 4, In reply to Charles Kenyon’s post on March 4, The loss of the ‘undo” button in the spellchecker is a major step backwards.
If you use the “undo” keyboard shortcut, it stops spellcheck and forces you to resume it. All a massive productivity killer. In reply to Anony2mous’s post on March 14, I’ve never used that button so I guess I didn’t miss it. Anything else? In reply to Charles Kenyon’s post on March 15, The buttons no longer line up as they used to, so you have to jump around with the mouse and your eyes a lot more. It’s not as easy now to see what the spell checker is indicating – the layout is not as user-friendly as it used to be.
Errors are no longer shown in in context in the spell checker box. Ignore Rule has disappeared. The Options link has disappeared. This is never a good thing. Clever, but not good. The description of the error sometimes appears above the box and sometimes below. Where do you look? Descriptions are sometimes less descriptive; eg, if there’s an extra space between words, says exactly that.
In , it just says ‘space between words’. All they had to do was add the word ‘extra’ to the original description. If that wasn’t the exact problem, we can probably work it out. In the document itself, it has often become very difficult to see the item that the spell checker is referring to particularly if it is something small, like a punctuation mark – the error now has a grey background, which often blends in with Word’s other ‘helpful’ greys, whereas the error background used to be black with white text – much clearer.
I know I should be terribly distracted by that awful black, but I have managed to live with it in the past, buoyed by the knowledge that I could actually see it. In reply to GCWesq’s post on March 28, In reply to MatthewButt’s post on August 8, I’m heading straight over to that other thread! In reply to GCWesq’s post on August 8, I’m in heaven This site in other languages x.
Word spell checker – Microsoft Community.WORD SPELL CHECK NOT WORKING – Microsoft Community
However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites. Forum Donate. Choose AutoCorrect options for capitalization, spelling, and symbols. You may be interested in checking out the powerful new Editor feature in Word! Office marks potential spelling errors with a red squiggly line, and potential grammatical errors are marked with a blue squiggly line. Turning off the automatic spelling and grammar checks only applies to your computer, so the lines may still show up when someone else views your document.
May 18, · Spell Check Not Working – All Documents. Step 1: Verify the “check spelling as you type” Feature. Step 2: Verify Another Word Add-in Isn’t Interfering. Step 3: Rename Your Word Template. Step 4: Try Detect and Repair. Step 5: Rename a Windows Registry Folder. Specific Word Isn’t Flagged. Check Your Custom Dictionary. Sep 03, · My Microsoft Word will not detect any misspelled words. I have Windows 8. When I manually grammar/spell check it pops up a dialog box saying I’m good to go. When I definitely am not. I’ve made sure spell check is turned on, its simply not detecting words. While grammar checker is working it too is not detecting errors. This thread is locked. May 02, · The way I understand it, language formatting exists on three levels in Word: (1) as part of document defaults, (2) as part of an individual paragraph style or character style, and (3) as direct formatting applied to a text range (note that a .