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How to Use Clipping Masks in Affinity Photo | Design Bundles – Affinity Designer

To show how clipping masks work with text we will be using a summer font called Lemon Fresh. First, we are going to show you how to use a clipping mask with images in Affinity Photo. Once you have opened Affinity Photo, close out of the Document setup.
We are going to open the first image then drag and drop the second one over it. We are using the included PNG file to show you how clipping masks work. You can also use the PSD file. Next, drag and drop the second image into the document. For our clipping mask we need to create a shape as the base.
You can use the PenTool or the Shapes Tool. We are going to draw a rectangle from the Shapes Tool menu on the left side panel. Shift the Love Sunflower image to the side for now.
Make sure the Background layer is selected then click on the Shapes Tool to open the options. Select the Rectangle Tool. Now, draw out a rectangle that covers the white area of the frame. The rectangle will be placed on its own layer above the Background layer. You wish to connect the nodes b and e. As of right now, I can’t seem to find functionality of the program where it attaches two unrelated lines that AREN’T endpoints of each line.
I think the Pen module Affinity designed assumes you are always wanting to produce an endpoint to endpoint shape. I would love to see the ability of the pen to create complex shapes that are much less dependent on endpoint snapping. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Joining shapes in Affinity Designer Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Modified 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 54k times. Improve this question. Ryan We can easily change this value later if needed. When you drag a selection in Affinity Designer, only objects that are completely within the selection area will be selected. If you want to select all objects without having to drag over all of them completely, you have the following options:.
To make the illustration more interesting, we are going to vary the beginning and end of some of the lines a bit. To do this, we select the Node tool A , and move the nodes a bit inwards.
We will then create a clipping mask. It is important to keep consistency in the angle, color and size of this pattern throughout the illustration. Make some tweaks if you need to adapt the pattern to your drawing in a harmonious way.
For the shadow below the windows, I drew a curve to be the placeholder, and applied the color CFA so that it looks darker. With the Pen tool, add the rudder. Its color is B2E3EF. And for the stroke, use a 6-pixel width and set the color to Note: We may want to create the same shadow effect for the car wheels. Use the Rectangle tool and a color of A00 , create a clipping mask, and insert it in the wheel shape, placing it halfway.
Yes, the label names are inconsistent, but the Affinity team will likely update them in the near future, and one of the labels will become the default for both operating systems. However, you can still work around this by converting the Compound shape the result of a non-destructive operation that is a group of two objects to one Curve one whole vector object.
Back window We are still missing the back window, which we will create with the Pen tool, and the decoration for the car. For the two colored stripes, we need the Square tool and then clip-mask these two rectangles into the main bodywork.
I added an extra squared shape behind the back fender, which will look like the end of the exhaust pipe. The color is Duplicate the window object. Select both the window object the one you just duplicated and the orange stripe in the Layers panel.
Note: Now that the car is finished, group all of its layers together. It will be much easier to keep working if you do so! You can do the same or change these values to your liking. Drag to draw the crescent shape. Move its center of rotation to the bottom of the bounding box, and give it a degree angle. The center of rotation can be made visible in the Contextual toolbar section for the Move and Node tool. It looks like a little crosshair icon.
When you click on it, the crosshair for moving the rotation center of an object will show. Make it a bit smaller. Copy the two shapes and flip them horizontally.
To create the indentations on the leaves, transform the object to curves, add a node with the Node tool, and pull inwards. This way, all of the shapes will transform into just one. Duplicate the tree shape several times, changing the sizes and tweaking to make the trees slightly different from one another. Making them exactly the same would result in a less interesting image.
Now we will add some detail by overlapping several rounded rectangles over the sun circle and subtracting them click Alt for a non-destructive action, if you prefer. While you work, and as the number of objects layers grows, which will also make your illustration more and more complex, keep in mind the stacking order of your layers.
The sooner you start naming the layers and placing them in the right order, the better. Of course, if you have some questions or need help, leave a comment below!
These tools will allow you to create not only flat illustrations, but many other kinds of artwork as well. Remember the few important tips, such as locking the layers that could get in your way or using half-transparency , stacking the layers in the right order, and naming them, so that even the most complex of illustrations are easy to organize and work with.
Practice often, and try to organize things so that your workflow improves — this will lead to better artwork and better time management as well. A free trial is available.
I’ve been looking for an alternative to Adobe illustrator for years now, and Affinity Designer is the one. The interface is much faster to open and lighter in feel, and it offers pretty much all the features one could want from a vector editor. You can jump between vector and raster quite easily too. Affinity Designer is very inexpensive, but you wouldn’t know it from using it. This is a full-on, best-in-class vector graphics application for designing logos, icons, UI, mock-ups and more.
While Affinity Designer is very similar to Adobe Illustrator, it does behave quite differently in some ways, and will take a little longer to adjust coming from Illustrator. That being said, it’s still very easy to use. I am very satisfied with the performance the look, style and usability of Affinity Designer I am also using the Affinity Photo and Publisher.
It has all the features and tools as Adobe Illustrator and then some more. I absolutely love it! Nothing that I can think of at the moment, all is rainbows and smiles after few years of using it.
Not really a finished app I have been trying to integrate Affinity Designer into a professional workflow for a number of years now but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just too painful and there is nothing to indicate that this will improve.
Back when I first purchased this app the developers were promising a roadmap of future improvements which would bring it closer to some of the industry-standard vector apps out there. It’s been two years now and not a single thing on that list has been implemented. The few updates which have come down the line have focused on things like the app icon.
The developers have moved on to other projects, and it seems to me that for all intents and purposes, development on this software has been abandoned. I wouldn’t wish to speculate if this software will even be supported in a few years.
So we’re left with an app which lacks some of the most fundamental vector editing tools. With the exception of skew, vectors cannot be distorted in any way including perspective and it even lacks a knife tool. These are tools which are actually provided by many free editors. Furthermore, many tools are very poorly implemented.
Affinity Photo shortcuts | All Mac & Windows shortcuts for Affinity Photo – Types Of Layers
Also, to learn more about how to create this type of illustration, check out the video tutorial that I posted on my YouTube channel. The 1. To create the indentations on the leaves, transform the object to curves, add a node with the Node tool, and pull inwards. In fact, Affinity Designer makes it really easy to amend segments and nodes, so tracing a rough line to start is just fine. As you can see, the segment is now open. Fortunately, this comparison is easy because both programs handle basic editing very well. Step 2 – Make a Base for the Clipping Mask For our clipping mask we need to create a shape as the base.
5 things you should know about Affinity Designer – Affinity Spotlight.
A clipping mask uses one layer to control the visibility of another. Clipping masks are great for confining an image to a shape such as a frame. Text can also be filled with textures, images and so on using clipping masks.
We will be using a frame mockup from the Plus Hub. For our images we chose a vintage sunflower png and watercolor paw prints. To show how clipping продолжить чтение work with text we will be using a summer font called Lemon Fresh.
First, we are going to show you how to use a clipping mask with images in Affinity Photo. Once you have opened Affinity Photo, close out of the Document setup. We are going to open the first image then drag and drop the second one over it. We are using the included PNG file to show you how clipping masks work.
You can also affinity designer merge curves layers free the PSD file. Next, drag and drop the second image into the document.
For our clipping mask we need to create a shape as the base. You can use the PenTool or the Взято отсюда Tool. We are going to draw a rectangle from the Shapes Tool menu on the left side panel. Shift the Love Sunflower image to the side for now. Make sure the Background layer is selected then click on the Shapes Tool to open the options. Select the Rectangle Tool. Now, draw out a rectangle that covers the white area of the frame. The rectangle will be placed on its own layer affinity designer merge curves layers free the Background layer.
Now, before we can edit the shape, it needs to be converted to a curve. Under the Layers Panel on the right side, the rectangle layer will show as a Curve layer.
Just above the Shapes Tool are the editing options for the Pen and Nodes. Click on the small white arrow to open the menu then select the Node Tool. You can now edit each of the nodes on the corners and sides. Select your image, this being our top microsoft visio professional 2010 full crack free layer, and reposition over the rectangle.
We chose to have it extending just affinity designer merge curves layers free bit out of the frame. You can use the graphic below as a guide. A clipping mask перейти a non-destructive action. This means that you can go back and edit it.
You can edit the Curve layer by selecting it under больше на странице Layers Panel. Then, fine tune the position of the nodes using affinity designer merge curves layers free Node Tool.
You can also edit the Love Sunflower layer. Select the layer, then click on the Move Tool left toolbar. If you want more control over sizing, check out our tutorial on resizing images in Affinity Photo. The image can easily be changed out by deleting it and repeating Step 3. Now, let us affinity designer merge curves layers free a look at using привожу ссылку clipping mask with text.
This technique works best with bold fonts where you can clearly see the fill. Select the Artistic Text Tool on the left side panel and type out your text. Format the text as you want. There is no need to fill with color as the clipping mask will sort that out.
As we did before, drag and drop the image you want into the document. Then resize and reposition so it covers the text object. Go ahead and follow перейти на источник same process in Step 3 of creating a clipping mask with photos. You can also edit the text and image independently like we did with the photo clipping mask.
Clipping masks can be used in so many creative ways. For PNG images you can create a shaped background and clip the image to it. Images can be easily added to frames or border areas. With the non-destructive properties, you can use clipping masks in Affinity Photo with great results.
By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. Use Clipping Mask with Photos First, we are going affinity designer merge curves layers free show you how to use a clipping affinity designer merge curves layers free with images in Affinity Photo. Step 2 – Make a Base for the Clipping Mask For our clipping mask we need to create a shape as the base.
Step 3 – Create the Clipping Mask Select your image, this being our top most layer, and reposition over the /21423.txt. Step 4 – Edit the Clipping Mask A clipping mask is a non-destructive action. Use a Clipping Mask with Text Now, let us have a look at using a clipping mask with text. Step 2 – Create a Clipping Mask with the Text As we did before, drag and drop the image you want into the document.
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Affinity Photo vs GIMP: Which is Better (Detailed Comparison)
Affinity Designer. Best in class for creating concept art, print projects, logos, icons, UI designs, mock-ups and more, our powerful design app is already the choice of thousands of professional illustrators, web designers and game developers who love its silky-smooth combination of vector and raster design tools. Nov 13, · With the node tool (hit A) shift-select both curves you want to join together. Then, in the context toolbar at the top there are a bunch of buttons labelled “Action” – they look like this: the fourth button along from the left is “Join Curves” (you’ll see that when you hover over it) and clicking on that will join the two separate lines together. From the Layer menu, select Merge Selected. The selected layers merge down into the lowest layer in the selection. To merge a layer with a pixel layer below: On the Layers panel, -click a layer and select Merge Down. The selected layer merges with the first available pixel layer beneath it. Any non-pixel layer existing between the layers to be merged will not be included Missing: affinity designer.