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It also provides you with information regarding what slack is available if a project task does slip. On the Schedule table, right-click the Select All button, and then on the shortcut menu, click Entry.
The Entry table appears again. As you complete a project plan, assign resources, and start tracking an actual project, the rest of the tables will become more useful.
Splitting the Window Sometimes it is helpful to use more than one view at a time so that you can see infor- To change the view mation about many tasks in one area and details about the current task in another. This displayed in either half type of arrangement is called a split window. When you split the window, the default of the split window, click is to display the tasks in the current view in the top part of a split window, and the Task in the part of the window Form view in the bottom part.
Task Form view is intended to display detailed information you want to change and about one task at a time. You can add, delete, or edit information within the form just as then click the appropriate button in the Task Views you can in the Entry table or the Task Information dialog box. The Task Form consists of group on the View tab. In addition to the task form, many types of forms are available, each focusing on different details of the project. Changes made in the Task Form view, or any view, are simultaneously updated in all of the other views.
When changes are made to a project, all affected task and resource fields are highlighted. This way, you can see how your change affects the dates of successor tasks. Drag the split bar so that Predecessors is the last visible column in the Entry table. Make sure task 4 is the current task, and then, in the Split View group on the View tab, click the Details check box. The tasks are displayed in the Gantt Chart view on top, and the information for task 4 is displayed in Task Form view on the bottom.
The form currently displays the resource information for the selected task on the left and the predecessor information for the selected task on the right. Details check box. Task Form view. Next button current task. In the form, click the Next button to move to the task form for task 5, and then click the Next button again to display task 6 in the form.
Notice that as you move from task to task in the form, the same task is selected in the Entry table and you are able to view the details for the selected task in the form. Now the form displays the task that comes before the sixth task on the left and task that follows the sixth task on the right, as shown in Figure Figure Task form displaying predecessor and successor information. In the form, click the Previous button three times to move to the task form for task 3.
In the form, click the Duration up arrow to increase the duration of the third task, Build RFP, to 3 days, and then press the Enter key. Notice also that the Finish date for task 3 changed because the duration for that task changed, and that the Start and Finish dates for tasks 4 through 7 also changed. This is because each of these tasks is a successor to the task preced- ing it. When Project is set to Auto Schedule tasks, it highlights all Start and Finish dates affected by changes you make to a task to help you see what effect changing the duration time of one task will have on the total project.
In the Split View group on the View tab, click the Details check box to remove the You can also remove the check mark. The form closes, and you return to Gantt Chart view. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar to save your work. Being able to move quickly from one view to the next is a critical Project skill.
For now, however, you need to know only that many views exist and how to move among them. Zooming the Timescale As your project grows, it gets difficult to see all tasks in the chart views.
In Gantt Chart view, the timescale determines the length of the bar. Therefore, if the timescale is measured in hours, then the bar for a task that lasts 8 hours will be very long. If the timescale is measured in days, however, then the bar will be quite short.
Zooming In and Zooming Out Changing the magnification of a project is called zooming in and zooming out. The easiest way to adjust the Gantt chart timescale to see more or less of the project at one time is to use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons in the Zoom group on the View tab. Clicking the Zoom In button displays smaller units of measure on the Gantt chart timescale such as days instead of weeks , which in turn expands the size of each bar.
You can also use the Zoom Slider to dynamically change the zoom level, or you can click the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons on the status bar. Drag the split bar to the left to position it to the right of the Duration column in the Entry table.
Notice that the major timescale shows months and the minor timescale shows the first day of each week. The Gantt chart zooms in so the bars in the chart are bigger, and the minor timescale changes to display many more days in the month.
Notice also that the Timescale list box in the Zoom group changed from [7] days to [3] days. On the status bar, click the Zoom In button as many times as necessary until the scale does not change anymore, observing how the major and minor time- scales change as you click.
Each time you click the Zoom In button, the timescale shows smaller and smaller units of measure until it cannot zoom any more. The timescale displays days as the major scale and 6-hour inter- vals as the minor scale. In the Zoom group, click the Zoom Selected Tasks button. You see the bar for Build RFP, task 4.
The timescale displays days as the major scale and 2-hour inter- vals as the minor scale. Depending on the resolution of your screen, these values may be different. Zoom button. Zoom Entire Project button. Zoom In button. Zoom Slider.
Zoom Out button. If your screen does not match Figure , use the Zoom buttons to adjust your timescale so you see days in the major scale and hours in the minor scale. On the status bar, click the Zoom Out button as many times as needed until the scale stops changing, again observing the changes in the major and minor scales as you click.
Each time that you click the Zoom Out button, the times- cale displays larger units of measure on the Gantt chart and the size of each bar shrinks. In the Zoom group, click the Timescale arrow and then click Years. The largest timescale available displays 5 years as the major scale and years as the minor scale, as shown in Figure Obviously, you would only use a scale of this mag- nitude for a project that spanned many years.
You can also zoom in and out of the Network Diagram and Calendar views. While neither of these views displays a timescale, the overall effect of zooming is the same.
Zooming in shows fewer tasks or days, allowing you to see the details for what is dis- played more clearly, and zooming out shows more tasks or days with fewer details. In the Task Views group on the View tab, click the Network Diagram button , and then, on the status bar, click the Zoom In button three times. Zooming in on the Network Diagram view increases the size of the boxes, thereby making the text in each box easier to read.
On the status bar, click the Zoom Out button as many times as needed to show dotted lines intersecting on the screen. The dotted lines indicate where page breaks will occur if the network diagram is printed. Your screen should look similar to Figure Zooming out in Network Diagram view decreases the size of the boxes, thereby allowing more boxes to appear on the screen at one time. In the Task Views group on the View tab, click the Calendar button.
You can see six weeks on the screen. You might only see the top half of the last week. On the status bar, click the Zoom In button as many times as necessary so your screen displays only three weeks, as shown in Figure Zooming in on the Calendar view increases the size of the daily squares, thereby allowing you to see more information in each day.
In the Zoom group on the View tab, click the Zoom button arrow , and then click Zoom. The Zoom dialog box opens. Select 3 in the Number of weeks box, type 6, and then click OK. Zooming out on the Select the number in the calendar decreases the size of the boxes, thereby allowing more days to be displayed number of weeks box if it on the screen at one time.
You should see six weeks on your screen again. Zoom in as necessary to display spelled-out months as the major scale and date numbers as the minor scale. Working in the Timescale Dialog Box If the existing timescale does not meet your needs, you can modify it to represent a custom The Timescale dialog unit of time and custom label. Or you might want to display a third time-scale. You will explore Timephased views are the Calendar, Gantt, or any view that shows information distributed these later in the book.
The ViewPoint Partners project will span several months. Emily wants to modify the timescale so that she can show Sidney tasks as they span the entire project, and then she wants to be able to show others working on the project tasks during specific weeks.
Double-click anywhere on the timescale to open the Timescale dialog box with the tab on the Ribbon, and Middle Tier tab selected, as shown in Figure Label specifies the button. Count specifies the frequency of unit labels for the given units on the timescale tier. The default is to display only two tim- escales, or tiers. The Middle Tier tab corresponds to the top scale currently dis- played in Gantt Chart view.
You can also add a third tier, the Top Tier, if desired, but most users find that two tiers meet their needs. Middle Tier tab is the active tab Label list box Units list box. Click the Count up arrow to change it to 7, click the Units arrow, click Days, click the Label arrow, and then click Wed Jan 28 if it is not already displayed. The changes are reflected in the Preview box at the bottom of the dialog box.
The change is shown in the Preview box. You see the timescale changes in the Gantt chart. Printing a View Almost every view of a project can be printed. The chart views of a project can be quite large, so printing involves several extra considerations, the most important of which is You will see the Gantt chart, or any view in the to make sure that you preview the printout on the screen before you print it in order to Backstage Preview pane, check the magnification and total number of pages.
When you view a Gantt chart in the computer is attached to a Preview pane, you will notice a few elements. The legend appears in the bottom por- black and white printer.
The status bar indicates the number of pages that will print with the Gantt chart at the current level of magnification. You can click the Page Navigation buttons to move through the pages of the printout. If the buttons are dimmed, then there is only one page.
You can click the Multiple Page button to see more than one page at a time. When the pointer is posi- tioned on top of the page on the screen, you see the pointer, which you can use to zoom out on the page.
You can also access the pointer to zoom in on the page. Consider zooming out on the timescale to reduce the size of the printout.
Emily knows that meetings take place out of the office and Sidney may want to show an overview of the project to contractors hired to work on the installation. Sidney does not travel with a laptop computer, therefore, in some meetings, it will be easier for Sidney to present printouts rather than to carry a copy of the file on a USB drive and ask to borrow a local computer.
You help Emily set up the project for printing. Click the File tab, and then click Print on the navigation bar. The project appears in the Preview pane, as shown in Figure Move the pointer on the Gantt chart, click the task 2 bar when the pointer is. The page zooms in so you can see more detail. Move the pointer into the area above the page in the Preview pane.
You use this pointer to zoom out. Click as many times as needed to see three pages. Click the One Page button on the status bar to return to one-page view, and then click the Multiple Page button on the status bar. You are in Multiple Pages view, and you now can see all pages of the Gantt chart on the screen at one time.
You want the project to print on one page. Click the View tab, and then, in the Zoom group, click the Timescale arrow. On the menu, click Weeks so you can see all the bars from June through August. The major timescale changes to show months, and the width of the Gantt chart decreases.
The printout of the entire project now fits on one page, as indicated by the status bar and as shown in Figure Figure Gantt chart zoomed to print on one page. Page Setup link page 1 of 1 page navigation buttons are dimmed. Header and footer informa- tion can be placed in a left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned position. You access the Page Setup dialog box through Backstage view. Sidney insists that all paperwork coming out of ViewPoint Partners carry identifying information, such as names and dates in the headers and footers.
On the Print tab in Backstage view, click the Page Setup link. The Page Setup — Gantt Chart dialog box opens. Click the Header tab in the Page Setup dialog box. You use the options on this tab to set the header. Click the Left tab below the Preview section, click in the text box on the Left tab, and then type your name.
The Preview section at the top of the Page Setup dialog box displays a preview of how the information that you specified for the left, cen- ter, or right portions of the header will appear on the page.
Click the Legend tab in the Page Setup dialog box, and then, under the Preview section, click the Left tab. The Legend tab allows you to set the information that will appear to the left of the legend.
If you change the filename, this code will automatically change the filename on the printout. You can also click one of the buttons below the box where the text appears to insert a code automatically. Double-click the word Project to select it, and then type Name of File. Your dia- log box should look like Figure Click the OK button to accept the changes and close the dialog box. Notice your name appears left-aligned in the Header and the label Name of File appears to the left of the filename in the legend.
Save your file. Submit the finished project to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. Next, you need to review how to print a page in Calendar and Network Diagram views. You have to set up the header, margins, footer, and legends for each view that you print. Click the View tab, click the Calendar button in the Task Views group, click the File tab, and then click Print on the navigation bar.
The Calendar view of the project appears in the Preview pane of Backstage view. Click the Page Setup link, click the Header tab in the Page Setup dialog box, under the Preview section click the Left tab, click in the text box on the Left tab, type your name, and then click the OK button. In the Page Navigation buttons group under the preview, click the Page Down button four times.
To get these tasks to print properly, you need to adjust the row height in Calendar view by dragging the bottom border of the affected week down until the task appears in the block. You can see the page breaks identified by the dashed lines. You will learn how to arrange the Network diagram boxes for optimal printing later in this book.
Click the File tab, and then click Print in the navigation bar. You see there are several pages currently ready for printing. You can insert other codes into the header, footer, and legend by using the ampersand with specific words, or you can click the buttons in the Page Setup dialog box to insert the codes. Refer to Figure for an explanation of each code. Insert Picture no code Inserts a picture for example, clip art, scanned photo, or logo. The key aspects of successful printing zooming to an acceptable magnification level, previewing your work, and using the Page Setup dialog box to make changes remain the same regardless of the view you are printing.
Often you share files with other people. What you may not know is that files created in Microsoft Office programs carry information about the people who created the file and work on the file in a Properties dialog box.
Sometimes you do not want this information to travel with a shared file. To access and change these properties in Microsoft Project, open Backstage view, click Info on the navigation pane, and then click the Project Information arrow in the right pane.
On the Project Information menu, click Advanced Properties. Review the information on the General and Summary tabs. You can make changes to the Summary tab as needed.
Exiting Microsoft Office Project After exploring many of the features and capabilities of this powerful program, you are now ready to exit, or quit, Project When you exit Project , it is no longer running on your computer.
To work on another Project file, you must start the program again. Click the File tab, and then click Save on the navigation bar. The changes to the project are saved. You should always save your work before exiting the program. Click the File tab, and then click Exit.
The project and the program close. The next time you open this file, it will display the most recent view, in this case, the Network Diagram view. In order to get the most benefit from the Help system, your computer must be connected to the Internet.
To open the Help window, click the Help button. Project Help includes a Table of Contents that you can use to identify specific content. You can also type a keyword in the Search box and then click the Search button to find articles as well as videos. You can use Help to learn more about Project features and about how to perform specific tasks.
Updates and documents are accessed by Project through the Microsoft Web site to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information as you request it.
When working with a project team, you will find your colleagues often need information about how to use the program. You can always refer them to the Help system for immediate action. Now that you have learned the vocabulary of project management, as well as how to view, navigate, and enter a task in Project , you are ready to build the project for ViewPoint Partners. You will do this in the next tutorial. You report your progress to Emily. She is pleased that you have learned so much about Project in such a short time.
What categories of task views are available in Project ? Name three types of tables listing tasks that are available in Project What is the purpose of Form views? What is one way to open the Task Information dialog box? What is the purpose of the Task Information dialog box?
How does zooming out change the timescale on a Gantt chart? How does zooming in change the bars on the Gantt chart? How do you open the Timescale dialog box in Gantt Chart view? ViewPoint Partners involves training the users. It will be your job to coordinate this effort. In this assignment, you will open a partially completed project file that documents train- ing tasks. You will explore the project, add tasks, and print several views. Drag the split bar so that you can see the Finish column in the Entry table.
Open the Project Information dialog box. In row 8, add the task Schedule classes, and set the duration as 1 day. In row 9, add the task Conduct training, and set the duration to 3 days. Change the duration for the task 1, Identify existing skills, from 3 days to 2 days.
Add a note to task 4, Develop contract, that reads Call legal team to confirm requirements. Change the left section of the legend to display your name instead of the word Project in the first line.
Note: Your name will be followed by the file- name when the project is printed. Verify that the Gantt chart fits on one page. Submit the finished Gantt chart to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. Switch to Network Diagram view. Zoom out until you can see all of the tasks on the screen. There are nine total tasks. Open the Print tab to preview the Network Diagram view of this project, view it in Multiple Page view, and then open the Page Setup dialog box and change the left section of the header to display your name.
Submit the finished network diagram to your instructor, either in printed or elec- tronic form, as requested. Switch to Calendar view. Open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project, and then open the Page Setup dialog box and change the left section of the footer to display your name. Submit the finished Calendar view to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. Write a brief paragraph describing why you would use a Start date and why you would use a Finish date to schedule a project.
Note: Check with your instructor regarding the format you should use for creating and submitting written responses. Close the Help window, and then save your changes to the project. You work for a general contractor, River Dell home.
Development, Inc. The manager, Karen Reynolds, has asked you to use Project to enter and update some of the general tasks involved in building a new home. She wants to use this project file as a basis for future projects. Note: Throughout this assignment you will be asked to make notes and write short responses. Check with your instructor regarding the format you should use for creating and submitting written responses.
Complete the following: 1. Resize the Entry table pane so that you can see the Finish column. Open the Project Information dialog box, and then write down the date that is dis- played in the Finish date box. Close the Project Information dialog box without mak- ing any changes.
Enter the following tasks and corresponding durations in rows 12, 13, and Paint interior, 3 days; Lay carpet, 3 days; Install wood trim, 16 days. Notice that all tasks start on the project Start date. You will learn in later tutorials how to change this. Open the task form below the Gantt chart. Close the Details view. Change the duration for the first two tasks—Secure financing and Purchase lot—to 4 days each.
Display the Timescale dialog box. Change the Units, Label, and Count for the Middle tier to options of your choice. Close the dialog box. Open the Print tab to preview the Gantt Chart view of this project, and then use the Page Setup dialog box to enter your name in the left portion of the header.
Use the Page Setup dialog box to change the Fit to settings so that the printout fits on one page, and then submit the finished Gantt chart to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. Switch to Calendar view of this project. Do you notice anything different about this view from previous work in the Tutorial?
Write down an explanation as to why you think this is useful. Open the Timescale dialog box for Calendar view and notice the check mark next to the Display month pane check box. Open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project, and then use the Page Setup dialog box to enter your name in the left portion of the header. Submit the finished calendar to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested.
Switch to the Network Diagram view, open the Print tab, and then use the Page Setup dialog box to print your name in the left portion of the header. Submit the finished network diagram to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. Write down at least two reasons why the critical path is so important to proj- ect managers. Return to Gantt Chart view, save the project NewHome-1, and then close the project file.
APPLY search. Data File needed for this Case Problem: Jobs You are assigned to help people who have technical degrees. You decide to use Project to help these recent graduates organize their job search efforts. Check with your instructor regarding the format you should use for creating and submit- ting written responses. Save the file as MyJobs-1 in the same folder. Enter the following new tasks and corresponding durations in rows 9 and Write cover letter, 1 day; Buy interview suit, 2 days.
Display the Finish date column in the Gantt chart Entry table. Change the duration of the second task, Edit resume, from 1 day to 3 days.
Make sure the Count is at 1 for both tiers. View the Gantt chart after you make these changes. Open the Print tab to preview the Gantt Chart view of this project. Add your name under the current date in the legend, and then submit the finished Gantt chart to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested.
Switch to Calendar view, and then zoom in so that you see only two weeks on the screen and all tasks are visible on the calendar. Open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project, and then add the text Filename: and the filename code in the left section of the header. Enter your name on the right side of the header, and then submit the first page of the Calendar view to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested.
Switch to Network Diagram view, and then open the Print tab to preview the Network Diagram view of this project. Add the text Filename: and the filename code in the left side of the header, enter your name on the right side of the header, and then submit the first page of the net- work diagram to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested.
Return to Gantt Chart view, with the Duration column as the last visible column, and then save your changes to the project. Submit the finished project file to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. The college weekend. In , the reunion takes place on March 7, 8, and 9. Save the file as WReunion-1 to the same folder. Set the project so the schedule is created based on the Finish date, and then change the Finish date to March 7, Enter the following new tasks and corresponding durations in rows 9 and Create gift baskets, 5 days; Make college visit, 2 days.
Open the Task Information dialog box for task 1, click the Advanced tab, and then write down the option for the Constraint type. Close the Task Information dialog box without making any changes. Switch to Network Diagram view, and then zoom out to see all the tasks. Open the Print tab to preview the Network Diagram view of this project, and then add your name as the first line of the left section of the header and the current date as the second line of the left section of the header.
Submit the finished network dia- gram to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested. View the Gantt chart, open the Task Form, view the Predecessors and Successors, and starting with the first task, click the Next button to view all the tasks.
Close the Task Form. Add a note to the Set budget task that says, Meet with college president. Switch to Calendar view, open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project, and then add your name as the first line of the left section of the header and the current date as the second line of the left section of the header. Submit the Calendar view to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form, as requested.
Return to Calendar view, and then right-click any bar to view the menu. Click Bar Styles and explore to see how this dialog box can work to change the appearance of the calendar. Use the Pattern arrow and Color arrow to change the bars on the calen- dar so they are filled with dark blue vertical stripes. Make all tasks visible in Calendar view. Hint: Experiment with zooming and drag- ging the edges of the lines that separate the weeks.
Open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project again. Open the Page Setup dialog box, and then click the View tab.
Click the Week height as on screen option button, and then click OK. Preview the calendar. Compare the results to the view you saw in Step What are the differences?
Return to Gantt Chart view, with the Finish column as the last visible column, save your changes, and then close the project file. They can also help in securing grants for the project. You are the project a park. NatureSpace products and services are in high demand, and it is critical that they complete projects on time.
Also, most towns do not have extra funds available and cannot afford any cost overruns. All of the equipment must be ready by September 6, , before the end of the fiscal year. You need to create the project shown in Figure Figure Tasks and durations for the NatureSpace project. Set the project so the schedule is created based on the Finish date, and change the Finish date to September 6, Make sure that the tasks are set to be Automatically Scheduled.
Add the text File Name: followed by the filename code to the left portion of the header, and then add the text Name: followed by your name in the right portion of the header. Print the project in Gantt Chart view. Switch to Calendar view, and then resize the rows of the calendar if necessary so that all of the tasks are visible for the weeks of August 25 and September 1. Open the Print tab to preview the Calendar view of this project. Submit the Calendar view to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form as directed.
Switch to the Network Diagram view of this project, then open the Print tab. Add the text File Name: followed by the filename code to the left portion of the header. Enter the text Name: followed by your name in the right portion of the header. On the Legend tab in the Page Setup dialog box for the Network Diagram view, specify that the legend is to print on every page instead of the legend page, and then submit the first page of the Network Diagram view to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form as directed.
Return to Gantt Chart view, with the Finish column as the last visible column. Save your changes, and then close the project file.
Project1 Tutorial Review Case1. Case2 Case3 Case4. Any changes will be based on the Standard Project Calendar. The Standard Project Calendar is the default calendar used to schedule tasks within a project that specifies Monday through Friday as working days with eight hours of work completed each day, and Saturday and Sunday as nonworking days. You set exceptions using this tab.
You change hours for work weeks using this tab. You click this button to create a task calendar for any task that does not follow the times specified by the project calendar. This area shows working and nonworking times for any selected day as well as the calendar on which times are based. You use the scroll bar to view other months. You can filter data, hide columns or subtasks, you can sort the tasks or resources to highlight specific info. Then, go to menu File – Print – Print in order to print the active view of the current project.
Select a printer and the desired settings and click Print. I want to export my plan, but it keeps showing me an alert box saying “There is no email, you need to configure an email account to use this feature” after I choose any option in export to pdf, image, mpp. To export a project to PDF without using the Export functionality from Project Plan , choose to print your file to PDF format instead to send it directly to the printer.
To take a full screenshot of the Gantt Chart view, you can export the entire view on one page. Where progress data is being entered, Actual should be selected. Actual Start Date and time for the Task.
Actual Completion date and time for the Task, if completed. This box can set up a specific constraint on the start or end date for the task. There are a fixed number of choices which are shown in a list for selection. The priority relates to which tasks can be delayed. If nothing is entered, ID number is shown.
This will be looked at in more depth later. It also includes boxes for Rollup and Hide Gantt Bar. Predecessors Shows any predecessors set and allows you to add others, change the relationship and introduce Lag or Lead time. Resources You can add or modify resources plus change the task from being resource driven to fixed duration. Notes This allows you to add a note. This could be a fuller description of the task, allowing you to use a cryptic title. Custom Fields This allows you to add custom fields to the task.
We have already seen the use of the general and predecessors tabs in detail. In this section we will have a look at the advanced tab. Flexible Constraints Are constraints that are flexible and does not tie a task to a single date. The default for most projects would be ASAP. Work with task dependencies to make a task occur as soon or as late as the task dependency will allow. For example, a task with an As Soon As Possible ASAP constraint and a finish-to-start dependency will be scheduled as soon as the predecessor task finishes.
By default, all tasks in a project that is scheduled from the start date have the ASAP constraint applied. If you change a task scheduling mode from manually scheduled to automatically scheduled, the task constraint will be set to As Late as Possible ALAP. Semi Flexible Constraints Constraints with moderate scheduling flexibility will restrict a task from starting or finishing before or after a date you choose.
For example, a task with a Start No Earlier Than SNET constraint for June 15 and a finish-to-start dependency to another task can begin June 15 if its predecessor is finished by June 15 or later if its predecessor finishes after June 15 , but it can’t be scheduled before June With a SNET constraint applied, the successor task cannot begin before the constraint date, even if as shown here the predecessor task is completed before the constraint date.
Inflexible Constraints Inflexible constraints are constraints that are inflexible because it ties a task to a date. They override any task dependencies by default and restrict a task to a date you choose. For example, a task with a Must Start On MSO constraint for September 30 and a finish-to-start dependency to another task will always be scheduled for September 30 no matter whether its predecessor finishes early or late. If a task that is constrained to a date has a predecessor that finishes too late for the successor to begin on the date specified in the constraint, negative slack can occur.
If the deadline date passes and the task is not completed, Project will display a task indicator next to the task in the table. The deadline can also be displayed on the Gantt.
The Indicators field is located to the right of the ID field and appears in a number of tables. Deadlines don’t usually affect task scheduling. They are used to indicate a target date you don’t want to miss, without requiring you to set a task constraint that could affect scheduling if predecessor tasks change.
A task with a deadline is scheduled just like any other task, but when a task finishes after its deadline, Project displays a task indicator notifying you that the task has missed its deadline. Deadline dates can affect the total slack on tasks. If you enter a deadline date before the end of the task’s total slack, total slack will be recalculated by using the deadline date rather than the task’s late finish date. The task becomes critical if the total slack reaches zero.
You can set deadlines for summary tasks as well as individual tasks. If the summary task’s deadline conflicts with any of the subtasks, the deadline indicator signifies a missed deadline among the subtasks. The task is scheduled to finish on the deadline date, though the task could still finish after its deadline if its predecessors slipped.
Click the Advanced tab. This is called inactivating the task. The task remains in the project plan, but does not affect resource availability, the project schedule, or how other tasks are scheduled. Why would you want to inactivate a task? For one thing, it can help you model the effects of schedule or resource constraints on the project without deleting tasks permanently.
Also, inactive tasks remain in the project plan, providing a record of cancelled tasks and enabling you to reactivate them if circumstances change. Instead, mark the tasks as completed.
In the table portion of the view, select the task or tasks you want to inactivate. The inactive task stays in the task list, but the text is dimmed and has a line through it. This method will work for any view containing a Gantt chart and a task list. Tick the checkbox if you prefer not to see this warning in the future.
For example, a two-day task that cannot have contiguous work might be split so that the first day of work is scheduled for Monday, and the second day is scheduled for Thursday. As you move the mouse cursor over the task on the Gantt the mouse cursor will have changed click on the task where you wish to split it and drag the cursor to the right to move the second part of the split task into the future.
Drag the mouse cursor to the right until you connect to the second part of the task and let go of the mouse The task will join and have the same duration as the original task.
What most project workers do not realise that could save themselves a lot of problems is the fact that these views can be treated as any other object and saved you could have several views of the Gantt chart for instance each showing your project with different aspects ready to be used and printed at the touch of a button The views, like tables can also be transferred to other projects and used in those to save time recreating them. Split Views The first thing to look at with views is the split view which allows you to see related information in the bottom half of the main window while the normal project data is shown at the top the easiest way to use this is from the view ribbon.
Views consist of more than just formatting and table columns they contain filters, sorting, groupings and split views if applied. In this section you will be shown how to create your own new view while subsequent sections show you how to further manipulate that view. Save An Edited View Rarely are the views perfect for what you want and many times we need to edit the component parts of a view to get exactly what we want.
You are advised that any time you wish to edit a view say the Gantt chart view you may at some time wish to revert to its default appearance so although this section is about editing an existing view create a new view first and edit that and the original views will be left untouched for future use.
All of the formatting choices shown so far are considered editing a view, bar styles, filters, groups, tables, text styles, resizing etc. When you have applied all these things to a Gantt for instance you may wish to keep that just as it is and revert at times to the original Gantt chart.
Click on COPY Click OK to create the new view. Now edit the view formatting in the ways you want. Save the changes to the project.
Transfer A View Transferring a view is much the same as transferring a table, filter, group, macro etc. To have those editions reflect in the view within the global. Click the cross in the top right corner to close the dialog.
Microsoft Project is a software package designed help managers manage a variety. It provides a list of quick tips and shortcuts for familiar features. This guide does NOT replace training. Learn how to create a project, break.
Mastering Microsoft Project B; 3 days, Instructor-led Course Description This three-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills plan and manage projects using Microsoft. For the most part, teams manage projects. Project Management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to complete a specific goal.
Microsoft Project is software that helps you. Start your project Open Project and. Mastering Microsoft Project Duration: 2 days Course Description This two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to plan and manage projects using Microsoft Project. Project Management: Intermediate Microsoft Project This document includes instructions for managing resources, updating project plans, and designing visual reports. Managing Resources in a Project. Project management deliverables e.
Click File then New. Select any of the featured. Creating a New Project Microsoft Project is a project management software program designed to assist project managers in developing plans, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing budgets,. Introduction to Microsoft Project This document provides an introduction in using Microsoft Project Microsoft Project is a project management application that contains a set of tools to help.
Examples would be File and Analysis. Click View and Resource Sheet 2. Microsoft Access handout Access is a relational database program you can use to create and manage large quantities of data. You can use Access to manage anything from a home inventory to a giant. You will: Create a resource calendar.
Assign resources to tasks. Assign additional. What project management software is, basic concepts, the tasks. Enter task names. Estimate and record how long each task should last. Create a milestone. You must have Microsoft Project or higher installed to complete these procedures. If necessary,. A well planned project will give results exactly as planned. Project Management Courses Professional Development Training has a specialised division of Project Management experts that will tailor the delivery.
Tutorials The lesson schedules for these tutorials were installed when you installed Milestones Professional If you have any questions, comments,. You will use the. Experience learning made easy and quickly teach yourself how to manage the complete project life cycle with Project With Step by Step, you set the pace building and. Project planning with MindGenius This workshop looks at using MindGenius for planning and monitoring smaller projects.
MindGenius is available free of charge on all University of Brighton staff and student. MS Project Quick Guide 1. One of our mottos is “a quality process creates a quality product. The Assignment Equation The following equation controls the relationship between the Work, Duration, and Assignment Units for a task assignment: Or Or Work: The number of hours of real work effort spent.
All rights reserved. It provides the flexibility to help manage your project, provides assistance in every phase. With FastTrack Schedule 10, the new version of the award-winning project. Project Management Quick Reference Guide for MS Project Project offers flexibility and choice by providing tailored work management solutions for individuals, teams, and the enterprise. Project Management Quick Reference Guide for Microsoft Project Before beginning a new project, an organization must determine whether the project fits its strategic goals.
Executives should classify. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used. Slides Steps to Enter Duration: 1. In the Duration column of a task, enter a value, and press Enter on your keyboard Important Points: The default time unit is days, so when you enter 5, this becomes 5. Aras Corporation Aras Corporation. All rights reserved Notice of Rights All rights reserved.
Aras Corporation Aras owns this document. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in. Explain a Gantt Chart. Describe the main steps involved in creating a Gantt Chart using Excel. We can do this by re-organizing. It allows the user to view and manipulate. You may have several smaller projects that are part of a larger effort like.
It s just a macro enabled excel file that opens if you have Excel , , and on your Windows. The Synchro Workspace Initial Setup Screen Layout User Interface Set Up
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Mar 04, · With Microsoft Office Project, efficiently organize and track tasks and resources to keep your projects on time and within budget. Extensive help resources and printing assistance make Project /5(6). Microsoft Project Tutorials – Page 6 3. In the ID column, type the ID number of the predecessor task (this is the number in the column to the left of the Task Name column). The Type box should show the default Finish-to-Start (FS) relationship. 4. Click in the Type box and then click the drop-down arrow to see the four types of dependency relationships that can be . New Perspective Microsoft Office Project Cengage Pdf Free Download [EPUB] New Perspective Microsoft Office Project Cengage PDF Book is the book you are looking for, by download PDF There is a lot of books, user manual, or guidebook that related to New Perspective Microsoft Office Project Cengage PDF in the link below.