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So, I would like to know, what the boot-repair was supposed to do? And why it was giving me that error? I know in my setup it made the difference between booting and not booting Ubuntu.

Not sure if that clarified that …. That matters. I want to install ubuntu alongside already installed windows 8. I have already prepared separate partition for it.

My main concern is still the booting part. Will it work? Are you sure your computer has an older BIOS? You could of course also consider WUBI , where Ubuntu is installed from within Windows, without the need to repartition etc.

It uses the Windows Bootloader to select the boot OS. However, it does not appear to support hybernation. Thank you for your awesome tutorial! Thanks Beemo for the positive feedback! The method described only focusses on using UEFI … since Windos 8 and newer typically are installed that way.

As you have noticed, switching to Legacy Mode screws up your Windows, and switching back ruins your Linux Bootloader. What you could try: try to install Freya for those of us, including myself, not familiar with this OS see Elementary OS , it appears a distro based on Ubuntu as described above.

So in UEFI mode. Sometimes you need to enter the admin password to get to that option. I did see a post at SuperUser.

In essence you disable FastBoot, and optionally enable the boot menu my laptop uses F12 for that if I recall correctly. If you find out how that worked on your computer, could you post brand and model and the steps you took? Hans, thanks for the answer i will try what you just suggest at night. If i manage to set win8 and elementary to boot on uefi y will post it with all the steps y follow. Wish me luck! Again: keeping my fingers crossed!

Please consider donating in the future if you decide to keep using it …. Well hans, i did step by step what you said and the two systems are working just fine on uefi mode. I really apriciate your help! I am with a lot of things and i dont have the time to do a proper guide on how i manage to solve all my problems. Apart of this the pc i was working on, was my girlfrind pc and she need it a soon as possible. So i am just posting to say thanks for your help and when i have time y will post a proper guide with screenshots and all the steps.

Pd: if some one need any helps just ask i will try to help. I have elementary os on my computer for 2 years now and is fantastic. It a really simple nice os. Awesome — glad to hear things are working …. Thanks for the tip! I am only able to boot from CSM — legacy mode and get Ubuntu options.

Have no idea how to proceed. I see the windows partition is till there. Hi, I have ubuntu I want to repair windows 8. Can anybody let me known how can I do that without loosing my data and affecting ubuntu? Your Windows will not work in case you switched to Legacy. I deleted Ubuntu It worked well til I screwed something up in installing backtrack. So it pissed me off so I went and followed a tut on how to delete it.

I went and deleted the partition, followed all those steps, have only a usb with my Windows 8. Since then. I am stuck and no matter what I do, any command, etc will not work. I boot it up, holding F12 and even just rebooting without pressing anything, and I get. Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.

I researched and tried many different things people suggest and nothing works. Like I said I have windows on my usb the way they told me to create the recovery and I have no clue what to do to access the usb to redo my computer… Is there a simple code to type into grub? I can not for the life of me get past this damn screen lol. Please help! I have not run into this issue and I do not have an Asus laptop either, so I did some searching, in the hopes that they are helpful to you.

Next thing you could try is to do a regular factory restore so the boot manager gets wiped, and after that restore your Windows from USB — this might be your best option. Hopefully this is the case for yours as well, and you might be able to boot from USB. Here you can also find some other methods. I got lucky.. Found out that Ubuntu made its way to be the first thing on the Boot list. But I got lucky, changed the boot sequence and deleted the Ubuntu options.

I see why nothing worked now. Everything is good now and computer is back to normal, and I re-partitioned my HD so all is good. Except for my Nvidia Geforce graphics card. I love that card. But thank you for your help! Take care! I was wondering if this process mentioned here will work in my laptop for setting up a dual boot system with Windows 8. Can I still make it to dual boot? I have not tried this, but I would assume that the regular dual boot install for Ubuntu would work just fine.

See the official Ubuntu Dual-boot guide. The Windows partition might not be visible in regular Ubuntu, but if you made space available, then during setup the disk manager app should see the Windows partition just fine. I can totally relate to being nervous … I would be nervous too. Finally it is all done. I went forward with Something Else and created the partitions for Ubuntu and the rest of the installation process was smooth. The problem appeared when I rebooted.

It booted directly into Ubuntu. After some searching I stumbled upon the following post and it just fixed it :. Ubuntu Then after rebooting I was presented with the grub menu where I could choose to boot either Ubuntu or Windows. Great to hear it worked well for you too, even with Linux Mint! Thank you for taking the time to post feedback! Thanks for the great article. It was very helpful. After doing everything it was still booting straight to Windows without showing any option during the boot.

After some searching I found out that HP has this additional thing in their machines during the boot process. A small annoyance but I can live with that. Thanks Asif for posting the HP tip!

Thanks for the wonderful article. I tried installing ubuntu on my Acer laptop and made some mistakes, and unfortunately lost the entire OS. I would like to give it a shot again, but want to find out if it is possible to install the ubuntu on D since my PC has two drives. I presume the windows is installed on C, while D is almost empty! Is it possible to install on D instead? Can I be certain to see the same option to partition the D drive as you explained? Yes, of course you can install Ubuntu on your second harddrive.

Great tutorial, I am able to install successfully without any issue with Win 7. Just one thing, I got dual boot menu even without trying windows step. Still I tired to run commond on Win 7 command prompt and got error following error, but thats not issue as I already got dual boot option on startup.

Glad to hear your setup is working and thanks for posting your findings as well. Excellent article. One of the most detailed I have seen in implementation and explanation. I have done the dual boot on separate drives One worked well with Ubuntu and one was a disaster with Red Hat.

My question is the following. Is the Windows 8. If it is how would I see it in the Disk Manager? And would I go through the same procedure as you have outlined to install Ubuntu. I have had limited to no luck finding the answers to these questions. The best answer I got so from Asus is there would be a C and D partition.

One last question would be if this is correct regarding C; and D: partitions why could I not install both operating systems on the SDD? Thanks for the compliment! I do not see why that would not work. The procedure would be the same, although I do not have experience with this particular computer. The 2nd drive should have no influence on that. Just make sure you choose the right drive in the procedure. Also: before doing the procedure: make sure to have the recovery media nearby — just in case.

Thanks again Hans for the quick reply. Couple more questions. And thank you again for your help and assistance. I actually enjoy helping out — wish I could make it my daytime job! In you case, I would just take about Gb or if you need lees; less than Gb for Ubuntu. This way Windows has space left — since it fills up pretty quick. On your D-drive the 1Tb disk you could store data and if needed install your applications once your SSD gets too full. If click OK then operation aborted. This is one of the best guides to installing for dual boot.

Touches on actions often left out of other guides. The only thing I would add is that with GPT, you can ignore your memory of primary and extended partitions which is great.

I very much appreciate the GPT tip and the compliment of course …. The data are very important please help me. These tools might work for you, unless the space the partition once used has been overwritten by another partition. I had a dual boot of pre-installed windows 8. After that pc boots directly to windows. I want to dual boot again. After every installation attempt at the first restart grub is there,but if i choose windows from grub menu no more linux after that.

I tried boot repair from live cd with no result ,every boot repair returns an error url. Except that time i did it from linux but again at the next restart,when i went to windows no grub just windows as alawys. My system has uefi bios, secure boot is disabled, fast boot is enabled since at the first and sucessful installation everything was fine. All this make me think that a clean install of windows to remove every partition and OEM partition if possible is a solution. So to the point now,do you think that it worths a try to use your instructions or will i get the same results?

Sorry for writing so much but i want to give the whole problem,because i need a solution before total format. See if you can achieve something by working with the boot order. I finally restored dual boot thanks to your instructions! I did the same till the point where you type the efi ubuntu boot in windows cmd.

The only difference at what i did is at the boot repair point. From the live cd i typed the following commands. I did that,because the last of your commands said boot-repair is not a package ,anyway something like that.

Glad to hear it worked out for you, and thanks for posting how you did it — others might benefit from that as well …. Ok you said you did all the suggested steps. Can you boot to Windows directly or from bios? Also write if possible the steps you did.

Are you sure your boot is uefi and secure boot is disabled? Also check in your windows installation fastboot to be disabled. Hi, i am new to the Linux world and have been using numerous sites to install Ubuntu 14x alongside windows 8. Sorry I would really appreciate your help, thanks,.

I found it at StackOverflow , so to help out, I copied it here, other solutions are discussed there as well, so the StackOverflow post might be a helpful read.

Before you make any changes to it, it may be a good idea to back it up by creating a copy:. This change will make it easier to change the default item later. The configuration change we made allows the grub-set-default and grub-reboot commands to be used at any time.

These allow you to change the default boot item permanently or only for the next boot, respectively. Run grub-set-default or grub-reboot with sudo with the number of the menu item to boot the first item is 0. This command will change the default to the second item:. Thank you soooooo much for your reply, but i am a bit lost…. GRUB isnt working again, i turned on my computer on this morning and it defaulted straight to Windows. Just to make sure it even boots right, and to make sure things like Safe Boot are not still enabled.

It is new laptop, so did not bother with Step 2 — that of […]. I have Dell Inspiron with Win 8. My E drive, which is a Primary partition, has GB and is empty. How do I install Ubuntu on this partition? Thank you so much for this detailed step by step procedure. I was able to boot into Ubuntu thanks to it!!!! The guide is absolutely awesome!!!!! After this error nithing happen. Still i cant boot to ubuntu.

Please help me. I rebooted too early as well, and then this tool will not work, so I had to boot from the USB stick again as well. Hi, egen ever I try to boot into Windows, it try to repair it self, but it fail to do so. What can I do, what have I done wrong? Hey even my computer has 3 recovery partitions and 1 partition for the C: drive. I never payed attention to a limitation of partitions, but it seems that older MBR setups indeed have a limitation of 4 primary partitions.

Newer GUID can handle up to primary partitions. I also read in that same article that both Windows and Linux can boot just fine from logical partitions as well. This means GRUB is not starting. Did you try the last comment, way at the bottom of the article, in the blue box? Hans, firstly thanks, great tutorial. Only windows or uBuntu to select from. In your situation you could try using the boot menu at start up. If you are not able to find the drive with the help of GRUB, you have to use the Linux kernel as explained in following sections.

The method described above constitutes the biggest security risk in Linux. Placing passwords or locking menu items in the GRUB configuration files does not prevent a user from booting manually using commands entered at the GRUB command-line. Once a foreign OS is booted, it can be used to access any part of an unencrypted hard drive.

I was able to do it, finally. What I did, so others can do as well, if faced with the same situation, and will like to try another OS.

I reloaded the Kali Linux with Rufus 2. Before I was not, but selecting Rufus, recommended burn. Thanks Node for posting your solution!

Hans a quick question. I decide that I will like to load Kali-rolling Linux My HardDrive is partition as follows:. As far as I know, Grub should not have a problem with this. Sure can do will some help here. But when I try and install the three, is where I am having issues. It will not move after this. Do not matter where I tell the bootloader to be installed. I have no issues getting back into Windows.

Only when grub starts to run update I get stuck. Any help would be appreciated. Not sure if this is still valid though. When you try to install the 2nd Linux distro, can you avoid setting up Grub? Oops missed a link: Install Ubuntu without Grub. Massive thank you; success!! I spent so many hours searching, trying this and that, and the answer was a few command away. That is it. And thank you so much for posting the fix!

I know others will benefit from this as well …. Thanks for the compliment and thank you for taking the time to post! Thanks Man! This helped me very much. And i was able to dual boot completely without using step 7 in my HP cctx. Thanks Muftau for posting that it worked for you as well! Much appreciated! But i select windows boot manager from grup windows not showing up, neither any message.

Unless one of the other users has a helpful tip! Thank You for taking the time to write this. I followed your method but I have gotten stuck at the Installation step and I was wondering if you could tell me what I have done wrong;. Maybe sda1 is the empty one 74Gb?

Another issue could be that the partitions reside on an extended partition? Does the list show anything like size or sectors common: if size in sectors, then multiply those numbers by to get bytes? I have attached links to screenshots taken in both the above mentioned cases. Hope the data on it gives you some idea. I think I see what your problem is: Your partitions disks are dynamic.

Interesting that even Microsoft says source :. The downside is that you will have to delete all the dynamic partitions and effectively lose your data. Not a fun! So if you are sure it will rectify the error I am willing to lose the data as will if there is no other gi.

I can imagine that some of these tools may have a backup feature build in. Theoretically you should be done now. I got Ubuntu installed on my laptop but there is no dual boot functionality available. It just boots straight into Ubuntu.

But the other volumes and the data from my drives are still there. You may want to repeat Step 7. Hey hans, Do you recommend any way to switch my laptop from legacy to uefi? I currently have windows, ubuntu dual booting in legacy mode Bios with MBR hdd so I saw an easy with no data loss way to convert the hard drive to GPT hence I can make my system uefi?

Is that right? I personally have never converted legacy to UEFI or vise versa. I did find this article which seems to do a good job at explaining how to do this. Great to hear it worked out well! I recently tried your tutorial to dual boot ubuntu and windows 8.

The vast majority of the tutorial went smoothly, but I got an error when attempting to do the boot repair and I was hoping you could guide me before I inevitably destroy my partitions. Locked-ESP detected. This can be performed via tools such as gParted.

I have no experience with this particular error message. From what I have found it can be caused by;. Potentially your hard disk is corrupted. A workaround can be found in this thread. I did see more posts of folks with this error message and most point to a damaged or corrupted EFI partition it seems.

I have a Question.. After dual booting with Ubuntu is it still possible to set default boot to windows 8. I use Linux occasionally. You could try enabling FastBoot again in Windows. I could be wrong though …. There you go, another ultra-detailed, awesome and fool-proof tutorial from Dedoimedo forges, unlike any you will find elsewhere on the Web. Support us by doing your shopping at Amazon. Content may not be reproduced without explicit permission of the author s.

You can contact us through the ” Contact Us ” form. Linking to our page s however is very much appreciated. Tweaking 4 All. Dualboot Windows 8. Search for:. Moderate – The average user should be able to do this, but pay attention to the details! Related Articles – Jump straight to an overview of related articles if any Twitter – Share this page Ad Blocking Detected Please consider disabling your ad blocker for our website.

Before we begin … This guide is intended for a computer that is already running Windows 8. Total Destruction at your own risk! Universal USB installer. No need to backup those. Recovery Wizard — Finished. Instead, we recommend using basic disks … Unfortunately, their guide is destructive delete all your data.

Ubuntu — Running from USB. Ubuntu Setup — Select Language. Ubuntu Setup — Download Updates? Ubuntu Setup — Partition table. How much memory does my computer have? Ubuntu Setup — Root Partition. Ubuntu Setup — Space left for Swap. Ubuntu Setup — Swap Partition. Ubuntu Setup — Location. Ubuntu Setup — Keyboard. Ubuntu Setup — Create User Account.

Ubuntu Setup — Installing …. Boot Repair — Scanning your drives. Boot Repair — Main Window. Boo Repair — Repair in progress. After doing that Grub booted just fine. Related Articles. Dec 27, – AM – rushabh nirmal Comment Link. Hi Rushabh! The image used to create a bootable USB device was not written properly to the device, or the method used in the image is not supported by your PC. You could get lucky by flashing it again. Disable this feature see above , although I doubt this is causing the problem.

This is probably not the case. Hope this helps you on your way …. Dec 17, – PM – maikel Comment Link. What should i do? I honestly have no idea how to do this with legacy mode.

Dude, you are a rockstar!!!! Jan 23, – AM – paul Comment Link. Hi Paul! Thanks; it workend! Feb 24, – AM – avishek Comment Link.

Feb 24, – PM – avishek Comment Link. Feb 26, – AM – lolero Comment Link. Thank you for this excellent tutorial!

If not available on your live CD then try: sudo apt-get install gparted After reboot it will be gone again though, but who cares if everything got done, right? Anyhow, your laptop should do just fine with that … if I found the spec correctly , it has an Intel i5, which supports 64 bit. Intel uses those as well.

Doe your computer run Ubuntu properly from the USB stick? Mar 9, – AM – lolero Comment Link. Your tutorial was really helpful. Thank you! Thanks Lolero! No problem Noni! This then results in such output on the screen and the start of Windows is aborted.

This can be deactivated with the boot flags “vm. Windows should then start up normally again. Jens has been running the blog since He appears as Sir Apfelot for his readers and helps them with problems of a technical nature. In his free time he drives electric unicycles, takes photos preferably with his iPhone, of course , climbs around in the Hessian mountains or hikes with the family.

His articles deal with Apple products, news from the world of drones or solutions for current bugs. Your e-mail address will not be published. Save my name, e-mail address, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of new comments by email. Yes, I would like the weekly Sir Apfelot newsletter! Categories The omniscient garbage dump. – UEFI – Dual boot Windows 8.x and Ubuntu x


Longitude measures distance east or west of the prime meridian. Lines of longitude , also called meridians, are imaginary lines that divide the Earth. They run north to south from pole to pole, but they measure the distance east or west. Longitude is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Although latitude lines are always equally spaced It is a free coordinates converter and calculator that uses the WGS84 geodetic datum ellipsoid model.

The UTM coordinates are entered and displayed in meters. Lengths are given in nautical miles, statute miles, feet, and meters. The values were computed in meters , using the World Geodetic System ellipsoid of , and converted to other units. Convert Geographic Units. To navigate, press the arrow keys. Click for larger version in new window.. Edition: setoolkit github paper 1 chemistry edexcel. In the News roll up doors direct model wither skeleton texture pack trail master m5 high profile handguard rarbg jackett volvo xc90 catalytic converter scrap price types of bows for wreaths bi amp active crossover mitsubishi jeep caulifla x gohan fanfic hosa winners Longitude to meters calculator Longitude.

The longitude is the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object. It is usually expressed in degrees and minutes. To find the latitude and longitute for your location, use this Latitude and Longitute Finder. Latitude Longitude Data – Distance Calculator Distance Calculator Enter the latitude and longitude of two locations and select calculate.

The calculator uses Haversine formula to calculate the distance between the two locations entered. This is useful when finding distances using the Haversine formula. A sequence number or any ID. Deg or DMS. Deg negative W or DMS. Sample File. Upload data to be converted Results are ready for download after a “Done” message appears.

Click here to discover NCAT web services. Address to Lat Long has the option convert address to lat long. The Geocoded address will show up on the map coordinates along with the address. Don Cross. If a point is North of the equator, make its latitude positive. If South, it is negative. If a point is East of the prime meridian Greenwich, England , its longitude is positive.

For anywhere in the United States, the longitude is a negative number because we are west of England!. Northing: These coordinates are known to correspond to: Latitude: Longitude : Longitude Altitude reading for the postcode is Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using SE National grid reference number. This tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. Perspective memorial of jesus death Latitude Longitude Converter.

The distance between two points on a 2D coordinate plane can be found using the following distance formula. The order of the points does not matter for the formula as long as the points chosen are consistent. In case of datum transformation, select the desired datum in the target column s 4.

Press the convert button. Add to prowler pro for sale , http mobile hotspot , ddr5 release date. Most Read read left behind series online free. The input of the latitude is a decimal number between If the degree of latitude is given in S as south, the number should be preceded by a minus sign. The input of the longitude is a decimal number between These coordinates are known to correspond to : Latitude: To check the accuracy of GeogTool’s State Plane conversion, we use the “StatePlane to LatLon” function: This function requires that the State Plane coordinates be in units of meters following the official policy of the.

Sign up. Lengths for both are calculated in nautical miles, statute miles, feet, and meters. Enter the specific latitude. Click on Calculate. This is applicable for both a marine or aviation application, and the default is for “mid-latitude”. If you were able to travel by plane from these locations, flight times vary, but it could take approximately see how we calculate the length of time.

Distance Unit Conversions Straight line and driving distances from Volga, South Dakota to North Beach, California are conveniently converted for you into miles, feet, kilometers, meters and.

Get the coordinates for a place. On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the place or area on the map. This will open a pop-up window. You can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top. To copy the coordinates automatically, left click on the latitude and longitude.. Latitude is the easiest. Calculate a position in a variety of formats. Complex terrain causes it to be different for various land locations. Then select Map Datum to conversion. Click on Convert to UTM button.

We can calculate the distance between two longitude and latitude co-ordinates using a trigonometric calculation. It’s a complex formula so in this post, we’ll find out how exactly this works, including a verification of the result. We’ll see how to perform this distance calculation in both kilometers and miles. There are 60 minutes in a degree, so 1 degree of latitude is about 60 nmi 2 For distances more than a few degrees, you have to use spherical trignometry..

Positive longitude values 1 to are locations in the eastern hemisphere east of prime meridian , whereas negative values -1 to are locations in the. However, for high-precision surveying work – be aware that the two systems deviates more than half a meter. Distance between 3D Points – Distance between two points in a three dimension x, y and z coordinate system – online calculator.

Latitude and Longitude Converter – Convert between Degrees,. This post was updated to read the model origin coordinates and object coordinates from a table ObjectLocations. Also, there is a design tim You can structure your point coordinates into 4 columns Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2 in decimal degrees and the distance will be calculated in meters. You can give it a try. Just open this spreadsheet, make a copy it and play with Also, find GPS coordinates for the given address, it will be calculated and display as below.

You can also find lat and long coordinates by moving mouse on below map. NAD27 coordinates are presently. Additionally, this tool will convert your decimal coordinates to degrees minutes seconds DMS. It can not be exact, because the earth isn’t a perfect sphere. North-south distance ignores the longitude , the east-west distance is calculated in the middle of the two latitudes.

The values were computed in meters , using the World Geodetic System ellipsoid of , and converted to other units.. Note: Positive latitude values 1 to 90 represent locations in the northern hemisphere north of the equator , whereas negative latitude values 1- to are locations in the southern hemisphere south of the equator.

Here’s the basic equation: Decimal. The Washington Post newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content.


Parallels desktop 14 efi boot free

There are other ways of doing this, so be my guest to pick your preferred method and tool. Hopefully this is the case for yours as well, and you might be able to boot from USB. From the live cd i typed the following commands. Also: before doing the procedure: make sure to have the recovery media nearby — just in case. So we need to repair a few things. So if you have stuff laying around elsewhere, you will need to manually back those up as well. On your D-drive the 1Tb disk you could store data and if needed install your applications once your SSD gets too full.

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