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Hide thumbs. Table Of Contents. Quick Links Download this protcetier. Table of Contents. Increasing Inm on the SM2. Previous Windowws. Next Page. System storage protectier deduplication appliance pages. Page 3: Table Of Contents Index For more information, see Table 1. Table 1. IBM websites for help, services, and information You must choose the software or hardware option when you wimdows for assistance.

Before english french dictionary download pc ушел call for support, be sure to have your Software Customer Number available. In the UK, these services are available Monday through Нажмите сюда, from a. Page 9: Chapter 2. Select the Version information option. Type the corresponding number and press Enter.

The Version information menu opens. About this task In this task, you prepare the SM2 server for the storage capacity upgrade. Procedure To prepare the SM2 server for the dpwnload to increase capacity: ibm protectier manager windows download. Page 12 ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rassmx 1 ProtecTIER Ibm protectier manager windows download If this situation occurs, stop what you are doing and contact IBM support for assistance.

Page 14 ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rassmx 1 ProtecTIER Configuration Page 16 When the capacity increase is ibbm, the following message windowx upgrade ended successfully End Processing Procedure Successfully Your SM2 server now has 12 TB of storage capacity.

Page Downloading Protectier Version 3. Page 19 1. Go to www. Page mnaager Yes. Page 23 Wait approximately 10 minutes while the system performs the required operations, extracts the package, and prepares the server for the code upgrade. Did the window for Choose the package for the code upgrade display?

Select the name of the code upgrade package and click OK, then go to the next step. Protetcier 24 Figure 2. Browsing to the code upgrade package on your hard drive You are ready to start the code upgrade.

Click Yes to continue or No to abort. If a ibm protectier manager windows download firmware upgrade is required, select the radio button for Perform storage upgrade.

Page windws Wait until the progress bar turns green and that you see a message that the code upgrade is complete. To confirm that you upgraded the ProtecTIER to the correct version, click managerr name of the system for which you performed the upgrade, then locate the words and link for Version.

Page 26 The capacity upgrade becomes effective after you restart your system. Page 28 1. Page 30 ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rassmx 1 ProtecTIER Configuration Page 32 When the capacity increase is complete, ibm protectier manager windows download following message displays: upgrade ended successfully End Processing Procedure Страница Your SM2 server now has 12 TB of storage capacity. When you send information to IBM, pprotectier grant IBM a nonexclusive right to dlwnload or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

At the command prompt, change to жмите Windows directory. At the command prompt, type: Install. Page 38 Figure 3. Display tab 4. Click Settings. Do ibm protectier manager windows download of the following: v To use the default, High Contrast Black largescheme: a.

Click Ok to close the Settings protectidr High Contrast dialog box. Figure 5. The Preferences dialog box opens with the Appearance tab selected, as shown in Figure 6: Figure 6. Page 42 Figure 8. Color selection, Swatches tab The color that is currently defined for your selection is shown in the Preview pane. Select a new color from the color palette.

Page 43 Figure 9. Default color versus custom color 9. Proceed as appropriate. The materials at those Web sites are not part of ibm protectier manager windows download materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol R or TMthese symbols indicate U.

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Physical planning specifications Site preparation Lighting considerations Upgrade considerations Ibm protectier manager windows download cables Calculating space requirements TSG dimensions and weights Operator and service clearances Height requirements Floor requirements Security considerations Electrical power ratings Acoustic declaration Safety issues Providing a fire-suppression system Chapter 3.

Sizing, configuration, and usage considerations Chapter 5. Customer installation responsibilities System responsibilities ProtecTIER Manager workstation requirements 58 Hardware, cabling, and infrastructure responsibilities Cache configuration Security, auditability, and control Chapter 6.

IBM service installation responsibilities Chapter 7. Planning data migration. Company information worksheet Appendix C. IP address worksheet Appendix D. Replication settings worksheet Appendix E. Further certification may be required by law prior to making any such connection. Contact an IBM representative or reseller if you ibm protectier manager windows download any questions.

Copyright IBM Corp. You can use this understanding to plan for product installation. Use this document to: v Gain an understanding of the basic features and capabilities of the TSG v Plan for the installation of the TSG at your site Technical changes in this edition are identified with a vertical bar in the left margin of the page.

Some terms and definitions in this publication are specific to this product. TSG terminology TSG or Gateway These are terms for IBM’s virtualization solution from the TS family that does not include a disk storage repository, allowing the customer to choose from a variety of storage options. The following are the currently supported servers: DD6 This is a high performance server available since March The enclosure, or chassis, has space for two controller nodes in the rear, which accommodates a two-node ibm protectier manager windows download configuration in a 2u platform and eliminates the external cluster connection kit.

The remaining 22 slots ibm protectier manager windows download unused by ProtecTIER, do not have ibm protectier manager windows download function, and ibm protectier manager windows download filled with dummy carriers.

Use this machine type and model for service purposes. This document uses the terms system console and TSSC interchangeably. Ibm protectier manager windows download expansion unit The customer must choose the disk expansion unit for use with the TSG.

More information is located at the Tivoli AOS website. Replication terminology replication A process that transfers logical objects like cartridges from one ProtecTIER repository to another.

The ProtecTIER server that is a part of the replication grid has one or two dedicated replication ports that are used for replication.

Replication ports are connected to the customer’s WAN and are configured on two subnets as default. The ProtecTIER Replication Manager should be able источник статьи recognize all of the members of the entire network that it handles on both replication subnets. An agent on every node in each ProtecTIER server interacts with the server and maintains a table of its grid members.

Note: Customers must license the Replication features on all ProtecTIER systems participating in the replication grid whether the system is sending or receiving data or both. Your existing backup ibm protectier manager windows download can access virtual robots to move virtual download vb5.exe between virtual slots and drives.

The backup application perceives that the data is being stored on cartridges while ProtecTIER actually stores data on a deduplicated disk repository. To move the cartridge back to the source library, the cartridge must be ejected to the shelf from the destination library. This publication is intended for storage administrators, system programmers, and performance capacity analysts. Getting information, help, and service If you need help, service, technical assistance, or want more information about IBM products, there is a wide variety of sources available from IBM to assist you.

Available services, telephone numbers, and web links download game warfare pc subject to change without notice. For more information, see Table 1. Ibm protectier manager windows download 1. Select Tape systems from the Product family list. You must choose the software or ibm protectier manager windows download option when you call for assistance.

Note: This product is equipped with a Software Ibm protectier manager windows download Home feature. Not all countries currently support this feature, contact your next level of support for more information.

Choose the software option if you are uncertain whether the problem involves software or hardware for the TSG. Choose the hardware option only if you are certain the problem solely ibm protectier manager windows download the hardware. When you contact IBM for service for the TSG, follow these guidelines for the software and hardware options: Software option Identify the TSG as your product and supply your customer number as proof of purchase.

The customer number is a 7-digit numeric assigned by IBM when the PID is purchased and is usually on the customer information worksheet or on the invoice from the software mission evolved pc download. Hardware option Provide the serial number and appropriate 4-digit machine type for the hardware component that displays a problem. If the problem is known to be in the IBM attached storage component, select the hardware option and enter the appropriate machine type and serial number for the component.

If the attached storage is not IBM branded, contact the appropriate service provider for the component. Getting help online Several web addresses provide help online and describe options available to help desks and support engineers to further diagnose and correct issues. Support engineers and their customers can run it on various platforms. It currently has a native version for the 32 bit Windows environment and generic Linux compatible operating systems.

Assist On-site provides a launch-in-context feature such that support engineers can нажмите чтобы увидеть больше Assist On-site from within the session of the third-party support tool. More information is located at the website: Tivoli AOS website. Before you call for service Before you make a service call, check available resources for solutions that you can implement yourself.

Some problems can be solved without outside assistance: v by using any online help v by consulting online or printed documentation that comes with the TSG v by consulting the support web page v by consulting the information in any readme files and release notes that come with the TSG Getting help by telephone If other problem resolution methods fail, you can get help by telephone.

Ibm protectier manager windows download software identifier comes with the original purchase of the TSG. The software identifier can be either the product name TSG or your proof of purchase.

When you call, have the following information available: v Description of the problem v Exact wording of any error messages v Hardware and software configuration information If possible, have access to your computer when you call.

In the US and Canada, these services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the U. About this document xv. The following documents provide information about the components and related hardware for the TSG.

The TSG is a data deduplication and replication solution that compresses увидеть больше stores backup data on disk storage arrays. System throughput продолжить scalable; it can be set at a level suitable for the needs of your organization.

Restriction: Changing system throughput is not a dynamic operation. Raising or lowering throughput requires the system to be offline and forces the recreation of repositories.

To facilitate backup applications that are designed for use with tape storage, the TSG emulates traditional tape library units. The TSG ibm protectier manager windows download available either in a stand-alone configuration or in a clustered configuration; the cluster facilitates increased throughput and higher availability.

This emulation capability is designed to help customers achieve the following operational and throughput efficiencies: v Backup window reduction v Restoration time reduction v Data sharing and resource virtualization optimization v Operational efficiency v Improved sharing of virtual tape libraries across applications and servers When configured as a File System Interface FSI system, the TSG presents ProtecTIER as a network-attached storage NAS backup target, capable of using the HyperFactor algorithm.

Implementation of FSI читать статью v A way, many-to-many replication topology group v Ibm protectier manager windows download non-clustered ProtecTIER configurations v Creation of backup images that are produced by backup applications not intended for primary storage deduplication v File system access security by using a Microsoft workgroup domain default or Active Directory domain For the TSG, the больше на странице storage array is supplied by the customer.

It attaches to the TSG through Fibre Channel connections and holds the repository of factored backup data. The amount of cache available depends on your disk subsystem and configuration. Important: As of 3 Aprilsystems for which IBM has the responsibility for installation must be made available to IBM for installation within six months of shipment or else a fee will be charged.

Red Hat Linux version 5. For ibm protectier manager windows download information, see TSG feature codes on page The TSSC is often installed in the same rack as the gateway server. However, an existing TSSC can be used, provided it is within feet of the gateway server. Attention: A TSSC, either purchased ibm protectier manager windows download the TSG or preexisting at the installation site, must be installed, connected, and configured in accordance with IBM installation documentation before you attempt configuration of the DD5 server or servers.

Server configuration fails if a TSSC is not correctly installed and configured first. These components include frames, disk controllers, and disk expansion modules. The following lists outline the additional ibm protectier manager windows download purchases that are commonly installed ibm protectier manager windows download each deployment ibm protectier manager windows download of the TSG: Stand-alone Gateway v One customer-supplied server frame v One customer-supplied disk storage frame Clustered Gateway v One customer-supplied server frame v One or more customer-supplied disk storage frames Replication Gateway v Two customer-supplied server frames v One or more customer-supplied disk storage frames per server frame Each customer-supplied frame must contain from two to four V ibm protectier manager windows download distribution units, and provide sufficient rack space to accommodate the following scenarios.

You can optionally provide 4u of rack space if you plan to use a KVM tray. If you choose to use a KVM tray the tray and its associated Ethernet switch must be provided by the customer. Figure 1 on page 4 identifies the server components present in a fully configured TSG DD6 in a stand-alone configuration. Chapter 1.

Introduction 3. TSG DD6 stand-alone server frame components v In a DD5 stand-alone configuration, the server frame must provide either 8u or 10u of rack space. TSG DD5 stand-alone server frame components v In a DD6 single cluster configuration, the server frame must provide 2u of rack space.

Note: Ibm protectier manager windows download clustered configuration for the DD6 includes two controllers in the same 2U enclosure as shown in Figure 1 on page 4 with the lower server in the frame as Server A and the upper server in the frame as Server B.

Introduction 5. TSG DD5 single cluster frame components v In a Посмотреть еще dual cluster configuration, the server frame must provide 4u of rack space. You can optionally provide 6u of rack space if you plan to use a KVM tray. Figure 5 on page 8 identifies the server components present in a fully configured TSG DD6 in a dual cluster configuration. TSG DD6 dual cluster frame components v In a DD5 dual cluster configuration, the server frame must provide 28u or 30u of rack space.

Introduction 7. TSG DD5 dual cluster frame components When configured for replication, the server frames that are required depend on the planned hardware configuration of the source and destination servers. If the configuration is from stand-alone server to stand-alone server, duplicate the stand-alone ibm protectier manager windows download for the second frame. If the source and destination frames are clustered, duplicate the clustered configuration for the second site.

No new hardware is required for DD5 or DD4. Possible new gateway installation scenarios: v New TSG installation, that is either clustered or stand-alone, with replication VTL. For the disk storage frames, the amount of rack space and the number of frames that are required varies, depending on the type of disk storage that is being used.


ProtecTIER Manager – Download


For complaints, use another form. Study lib. Upload document Create flashcards. Flashcards Collections. Documents Last activity. Add to Add to collection s Add to saved. The TS Appliance Express comes pre bundled with internal disk storage included in a customer-installable, ready-to-run configuration. Figure 1 shows a solution that pc download version 2015 free full games train for simulator Tivoli Storage Manager to back up to and restore data from the windwos disk storage in the TS Deduplication Appliance Express.

Figure 1. Using NFS to support managrr virtual server environment over IP networks provides advantages over using Fibre Channel in terms of cost and complexity. FSI support provides a file-based interface. Business value ProtecTIER deduplication can be used to perform faster, more frequent backups and quickly restore backed up data to maintain business continuity. Using data deduplication, you can reduce the amount of space that is required to store data on disk.

With deduplication, repeated instances of identical data are protectiet and dosnload in a single instance. This process saves storage capacity and bandwidth. Data deduplication can provide greater data reduction than previous technologies, such as Lempel-Ziv LZ compression and differencing, which is used for differential backups. Data deduplication maanager performed while the data is being backed up to the ProtecTIER server in-line deduplicationin contrast to after the data is written to the server post processing.

The advantage of in-line data deduplication is that the data is processed only once; no additional processing is needed after the backup window. In-line data deduplication requires less disk storage because the ibm protectier manager windows download data is not stored before data deduplication. The effect and aindows of HyperFactor processing ibm protectier manager windows download a factoring ratio.

For example, a ratio means that 10 times more nominal data is being managed than the physical space required to store it. The effectiveness of data deduplication depends on many variables, including the rate of data change, the number of backups, and the data retention period. Figure 2. Files on ibm protectier manager windows download computer beta download pc be viewed or edited from a remote computer.

The CIFS protocol allows join sharing of multiple devices, such as printers, files, and serial ports, between multiple users and administrators. These Windows CIFS clients are able to perform normal Windows file system operations on the emulated file system content. Figure 3. The TS Appliance system is a stand-alone configuration with one nodeand up to two expansion units. It uses one server to transfer data from the backup server to the TS internal storage.

There are no physical cartridges. Figure 4 shows the solution environment. Figure 4. One system is used as a download lord of the rings conquest for free site and the potectier system is used as a disaster recovery site. Table 1. The software PTC must be ordered separately. The software enables a user to back up, restore, archive, and retrieve data from a hierarchy of data storage areas.

The storage areas, known as pools, can be windos hierarchy of disk, optical, and tape-based media. No additional hardware is required.

For additional capacity upgrades, up to two EXP ibm protectier manager windows download units can be added. On the next page, narrow your search results by geography janager language. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information ibm protectier manager windows download the products and services currently available in your area.

Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. Some states do not allow disclaimer mannager express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include dowload inaccuracies or typographical errors.

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Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources.

IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This ibm protectier manager windows download contains examples of data and reports used in daily protecfier operations.

To illustrate them completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products.

All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly.

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You may copy, modify, and distribute these eownload programs in any form without payment ibk IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions.

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